2014 IMMT Week 18
Here we go. Week 18. What say you ENrs? Today was a swim/rest day for me and my body is thanking me for it. The accumulated work is clearly taking it's toll and from last weeks posts it does not look like I am the only one. With 2 weeks to go I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I hope it's not an oncoming train this time.
BTW I am envious of all of you that have hills to train on. There is nothing but pancake flat land in eastern NC.
With ya Bruce on the no workout day yesterday - except TRX. It was heavenly.
Was able to cross a few to-do's off my list around the house - except that I got my klutz on ... went to try and dig a hole in rock hard soil to plant some flowers that have been sitting in pots for a month. Jumped on the shovel in my flip flops (stupid is ...) and the shovel didn't go in but flung me backwards onto the driveway and I hit my *ss end and tailbone. First though was "let me be okay 'cause MT is almost here!" Spent the rest of the evening with lots of ibuprofen on board and ice bags on my *ss. Hubby commented that I looked like a SNL skit! Feel better today but definitely sore and taking more ibuprofen. Please don't let me do anything else stupid for the next three weeks. Will try some light running tonight.
@ TIRED - that's me for sure....can't wait for taper....so far behind on domestic chores/sleep/etc.
Keep up the great work - almost there....
Looking forward to tapering and meeting everyone Thurs for dinner!
We are so close!
swim & run on monday
run tuesday
swim & bike yesterday
hacked a longer run today as I just don't have enough in with time taken off in early july for kilimanjaro.
Ran 18 at an average of 8:28, feel pretty good after which is not usually the case for me after long runs and I know i felt good pushing some of the later miles (miles 15, 16 & 17 are uphill on my route)
on track for a good RR weekend!4000 m swim today. swim is the only thing still affected by the chest injury but is improving.
biking and running is coming together well.
perhaps think about your swim starts and visualizations. start each swim workout like you would the race with a hard few hundred meters. visualize the panic you might feel. inhale some water to simulate what happens when you inhale water shortly after the race start. think about being swum over. think about what you will do mentally, in the race moment, to overcome these issues.
Good work everyone!! I hope people are seeing the light at the end of the training tunnel.
I swam 4300 meters this am. wanted to do a little more than the race distance to build confidence.
I'm going with a 3 week taper so I did my RR last weekend. Went well. I rode 123 miles in 5:58 at avg 20.5 mpg, 197 NP. Skipped the run since my heel was tender from last Thurs long run.
This weekend I rode 83 miles yesterday 212 NP and ran 6 @ 8:25 avg pace. Today I rode 45 in 2:15, 219 NP as I pushed hard for about 25 miles in the middle. Then ran 5 in 41:00, avg 8:12 pace. Took a nap, ran some errands & finished the day with a 4000 meter swim. Time for a beer and a taper.
RR#2 Disaster. Grand Cayman Heat + Nutrition failure + Crash. At least I'm in paradise.
I did my long run on Wednesday to accommodate a dinner with friends who were moving to Vancouver.
Plan for the rest of the week was a trip to Tremblant to get some final training hours done out on the course. Recon swim on Friday went well, swam the 3800 metres in an average time for me - so should be good for race day, and bagged the Friday run as I was having some discomfort in my right hamstring, coupled with a fantastic black bruise across the back of my leg. Saturday morning got up at 5am and started my RR bike at 6am. Did two loops of the bike course and then a 60 min run at Z1 plus 30 seconds. It went well! If I can execute the bike the same way on race day, I will be a happy girl. It set me up well for the run, and we all know that everything we do is meant to set us up for mile 18.
Now it's time to apply the bubble wrap and get tapered up!