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IM LOU Week 18

Hey Team!!!!

How is everyone? Only 2 weeks away until the big PARTY!!! Wahooo!!!

I took a mental break over the weekend and headed to the NC mountains to get the cycling done and enjoy the amazing scenery. Also hiked Chimney Rock with my dog yesterday. Oh, and ate some amazing food!!! Was also very disconnected from any social media, internet, news, etc. Headed home last night feeling refreshed and ready to tackle these last 2 weeks.

Hope everyone is doing fantastic and feeling great.

Please share your thoughts if you wish since that is what we are all here for. Yes, I am aware of the IMLOU 14 Facebook, page, I am on it, but have decided to stop following or looking at it this close to race time. I would rather focus on us as a team and not what everyone else has planned for their taper. As Patrick pointed out to me, as I was feeling a nervous about the upcoming ride, this plan has been proven for the past 9 years!! :-)

Also, the Friday night pasta dinners usually stress me out, so I will not plan to be there either. I am more than willing to meet up with people, but for me the energy of the pasta dinner zaps my mojo:-)

Keep the rubber side down-

Mandy Midgett

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