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1st Endurance Optygen

Has anyone used/trained with this product? I was reading about it and it sounds too good to be true.



  • I use it. it had a lot of the stuff I was looking for all in 1 pill (well actually 4 pills). As a matter of fact, I just bought more to replenish my supply on Amazon just this morning. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WU65TI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    I have no idea if it does anything or not, but I'm pretty sure it's not negatively effecting my training or racing. I've been taking it for a couple of yrs now and every 4 months or so I stop taking it wor 1-2 weeks then start over again. I take 4 pills with breakfast. (the same time I also take Omega 3, Coconut oil, Vitamin D3, L-glutamine, and Vital Nutrients "Adrenal Support")
  • I've been using it for years. Several years ago I worked with a nutritionist for 6 months and he went through all my vitamins and supplements and I recall he said the science and reports on it were good. Other stuff he had me pitch. But like any sup there are skeptics. The problem is that I cannot do a controlled test with and without this supplement and there are too many other variables in my training to say how much it contributes (or not). Like John, I cycle off the sups every once in awhile, and at year end, I'll go off everything for about 2 months.
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