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Race nutrition issues

Hi Ladies, I just finished Ironman Canada about 10 days ago.  It was my 7th IM, and it didn't go as well as I wanted it to be due to GI issues I had during the run.  I have been using Infinit + cabro pro combo (with a few gels), all fluid form for all of my past IM races, but the last 2 IMs, I had issues.  IM #6 (also IMC last year), I just didn't feel satisfied with the fluid solution only, and snacked some Stinger waffles that were at bike aid stations and caused some issues, IM#7 this year, I just couldn't stomach the fluid, and went to coke too early that caused the issue.  I know the direct cause of the GI issue was due to taking something that I wasn't trained for, but I am trying to figure out why this fluid solution doesn't work for me anymore... I am going to be big five O this December, menopausal, etc., I was wondering if this has anything to do with my hormone changes, etc.  There might be some other factors such as heat, but I had no issues with various conditions including IM Lousville (98 degree).  Has any ladies out there experienced anything like this?  Did you have to modify your race day nutrition based on aging/hormonal changes?  Any suggestions would be appreciated!


  • Yasko, hormones or lack of certainly can effect lots of things. Are you menopausal (no period for 12 months) or it comes when it want's to. Are you having any other symptoms? Did you train with what you raced with except the stingers? How did that go? When did you have your last physical with blood work? I do know that low estrogen can slow down digestion and stomach emptying. One way to fix this would be to increase the estrogen in your system. I have been peri-menopausal for the last 10 years but on HRT (hormone replacement) for the same amount of time and only been doing tris for the last 5 years, but I have no more menopausal symptoms. My suggestion would be to get the physical and blood work and go from there.
  • Thanks for your suggestion. I had my blood work due, so went to the lab and got it done this morning, so we will see... I have had regular period up until May, and then nothing for 2 months, going into 3 months now. Could be IM stress related, so I am waiting and see if it comes back. The direct cause of the issue was taking coke from mile 1 of the run at this year's IMC. Last year at IMC, the waffle caused some stomach pain, but Tums took care of it after mile 3, and I had a PR. I will wait for the blood test results, and I am also thinking about getting Core Diet consultation a try. Will let you know. Great to have connected with you on FB image Good luck at IM Mont Tremblant! I will be there in Sep for the 70.3 Championship to support my hubby and Patti Rosen.
  • Obviously I'm not a 50 year old woman but reading your nutritional intake you fail to mention water intake.

    "Infinit+carbo pro+gels"

    "Stinger waffles"

    Infinit is generally mixed in the proper osmolality and adding any calories, carbs, electrolytes to the mix increases the osmolality.  In order to get it back into the proper osmolality range you'd need to dilute it with water.  Did you drink water or were you just using the sports drink solution?  A lot of people don't realize that a gel packet needs about 10 ounces of water in order for it to be properly mixed so that it plays nice with your tummy.  Same goes with eating a stinger waffle.

    "I know the direct cause of the GI issue was due to taking something that I wasn't trained for"

    Those quotes generally make me shake my head.  We as humans are generally billy goats and can eat most anything within reason.  Some people are certainly intolerant to certain things but on average we're not.  You can sit on the couch and eat a few slices of pizza and feel fine.  If you tried to eat a few slices of pizza while cycling or running you'd probably have issues.  What's different?  You're adding the exertion component to it which obviously slows digestion and absorption.

    Sort of my long winded way of saying that "most" (but certainly not all) tummy issues during triathlons has to do with not putting the right mixture in your gut and often combined with going harder than you should.

    Most people like to place blame on what they ate or drank but it really comes down to how they ate or drank it and the circumstances there body was in at the time.

  • Bob, my nutrition bottles were mixed with 2 scoops of Infinit + 2 scoops of carbopro with 24 oz of water. A couple of gels were taken with some water (maybe it wasn't quite 10 oz each time). It is how I trained/successfully completed the last 4 IMs. My effort during the bike was a little higher than last year (time was 17 min. slower), but not by much. I believe it was due to warmer temp than last year. (in 70's)
  • What's the calorie and carb total for that 24 oz mixture?
  • 475 cal and 115g carb per bottle. I must add I also drank 3 extra bottles of water while consuming 3 of these nutritional bottles. Although I didn't sip water as I was diluting concentrated nutrition bottles.
  • Yasko,
    Congrats on your finish. I am sorry to hear about your GI issues. I had issues at IMLP though it was my first Ironman.
    I walked through my nutrition and think my problem was that I was ingesting protein during the run.

    I don't attribute hormones to the results but think it has more to do with nutrition, hydration, and salt intake.
    Could you, should you consider taking in more fluids?
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