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4 Weeks!

WOW-Longest run of the training plan coming up this week-this is it folks!  We are almost there!  I got in 3500 yards in the pool this morning and a 5 mile shake out run after my 16 miler yesterday...hamstrings are ready for a taper.  Here we go folks-update the team EN IMWI info page soon-and I'll have team dinner details by the end of the week!




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    Lauren, I am ready for taper to begin too! Slept 10 hours last night! I average 7. Legs sore, constantly thinking, "I could really go for a nap about now!" Swim has to wait for tomorrow (AFTER bike test), family travel going on. Had a short mountain bike at very low effort today. Think it helped work the lactic acid out and I feel like going for a run but will resist the urge to put the effort into my downstream activities as the plan calls for.
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    Finished of my "camp weekend" of Sat-Sun-Mon with a run just short of 18 mi today after the RR on Sat and Sprint Race and moderately long bike on Sunday.

    The pace was nothing exciting - about 8:15 - but I was pretty psyched that it didn't get that hard. Other than for terrain, after the first 10-15 minutes of warmup of tired legs, the pace was pretty even. Any time you run for 2.5 hours or whatever there are a few down moments, but it just wasn't THAT bad. :-) Last mile was at something like 7:35 pace just for a little fun. If I can get to mile 18 on race day feeling like I did at the end of the run today, I will have executed well. Another 8 would have been tough and I'm sure I'd have complained, but I could have done it.

    The main lesson I learned through this weekend is that I do a lot better when I drink a WHOLE LOT of fluids...like 3 bottles an hour on the bike and as much as I can get running (maybe 8 oz/mile if it's warm). I am going to have to think about how to physically get that much fluid on the course.
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    Finished my modified stay at home camp today. Got in 2 rides for 175 on the bike, 15 on the run and two swims totaling 8,800 yds. Overall I am feeling pretty good about meeting my objectives - definitely stronger than in the past. Also testing out the new Fenix 2 Garmin watch - works really well so far. My 310xt sprung a leak after 5 years... Looking forward to two more hard weeks and then gliding in to the race!
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    Yes 4 weeks out!

    My legs (my whole body) is feeling it! Very excited about the long run Thursday. Not really looking forward to the bike test mañana!

    Nice swim and run Lauren!
    I'm with you on the sleep Steven! I usually average 7 too but lately I can't get enough just like food!

    Very nice run William! Solid. I'm the same as you with the fluids on the bike I'm trying to figure out how to get enough especially if it is a warm race day.

    Great job on getting the volume on your camp Mark!

    Time is flying! Race week is coming fast!
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    Bike test yesterday, ugh I hate those things - I really need to improve my attitude about that stuff. :-) That said my FTP increased by 5% to 245, which I kind of suspected but I am not really sure what to be doing with that information. Is this going to be our 'number' for IMWI race intensity? That scares me a little... (Of course just about everything scares me these days)

    Eric, I am also looking forward to the long run tomorrow - I even rescheduled a meeting so I could get it done in the am. :-)

    William, 3 bottles an hour on the bike - Woah! I feel like I would need to pull a trailer to have enough fluids to maintain that level. I too need to watch my fluid intake as I don't seem to get enough, in my training rides I am really working on that.
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    Mike - the fluid thing doesn't seem to matter so much to me until you start getting really long. The trick is that small dehydration adds up over the course of a long day. What doesn't show up in a 3 hour ride can really get to you on a six hour one followed by a run....

    On race day, I will only have places for two bottles. One torpedo and one that I haven't decided for sure...either right behind saddle or on the down tube. As long as I can get two bottles at every bike pickup (roughly 45 min apart) and more or less consume them, I'm fine. I just have to be diligent about that.
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    Mike - my personal opinion from training with the team over the last few years, is that at this stage of the game, I'm not going to deviate much from the numbers I've been using in my RR or long rides and I wouldn't significantly increase my race pace just because I can hit a higher FTP number in a test....

    In your case, 5% is quite a significant increase 3 1/2 weeks out, so perhaps one of the WSM's or coaches could give you a more precise answer based on your specific scenario.

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    Andy - Those are my thoughts too, I am pretty comfortable with my RR and Long Ride numbers - If I try to bump it up I am afraid of bringing the suck to the run that much quicker. Even from a training stand point, I am thinking to keep things more-or-less where they are and using this increase as a mental whip (er tool) to tell myself that I am capable of holding my numbers, kind of like a little extra gas in the tank - if that makes any sense what so ever.
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    With respect to a 5% increase of FTP on the bike... I am pretty sure we have one more RR scheduled at the end of week 18. That's your opportunity to show that it's really doable. We're talking about roughly 10 W increase for you at these numbers (70-75% of a roughly 12 W increase). Nail, nail, nail it on RR #2 and it's good. But this is Madison and it's a tough bike course, and I've never had a terrific run on it. FWIW I am not re-testing and am sticking with a conservative bike FTP and power target this time around. That said, I have an unusually un-great training history this season, so I really ought to do it that way. :-)
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    Like William said, I also did not retest. I am happy where my numbers are right now and want to ride that until Wisconsin. But congrats with the new FTP-that's great this late in the game...I always struggle testing this late in the plan because of the cumulative fatigue.
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    14 Aug 2014 05:00 AM

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    Hello fellow IMooers I got a lesson in just how fast the wheels can start to feel like they are falling off with a couple miss steps in the late going.

    Background to my "fall from grace"to EN" is I have generally felt pretty good and on schedule up till this past weekends long stuff - had to switch the Sat and Sunday due to bike breakdown- might have been the start. Because although I got through the Mon swim it whipped me good- not a water guy. Although I felt guilty I bagged Tues. Wed went for the bike test but my damn power tap puked out so rode "blind". Really feeling "off track" for todays long 3 hr. RR (which I was originally looking forward to) turned into a run from hell, tripped and did a header in the dark midway through- (freaky as I remembered posting the same thing happening 1 yr ago mid August) again nothing broken but pride, just scratched up, but heaps of sciatica down the right leg after. Worst was not near enough water- usual loop water point was OFF. Must say at the end of the 18m I was a mess, shaking like a leaf- majorly dehydrated I guess. Doing lots of electrolytes now and coming back to life. Anyway good to learn from and put behind me before IMoo I hope. Did learn a lot about don't does. In full disclosure I did dump the +30 for the first hr. and went straight out at Z1. Was begging to have it back at the end- hopefully I have learned my lesson now. Major mental kick in the head though! All the doubt stuff, along with-got to get on track again, etc.

    Was going to go for the 4,400 ows tomorrow but a little bird is telling me to be careful and reach out to see what sage advice CP might have for Fri- and this weekend? The got to get it all in side of my brain is fighting with the rational/realist side right now

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    Joe-Sounds like you have had an exhausting week. Good work getting the 18 in-and just like you said, you got the bad juju out of the way and will come out that much stronger on race day. Sounds like you need to get some rest, eat, electrolytes, etc. and regroup. This is a very difficult time for everyone right now, getting so close to the taper, so keep your head up high and know there is light at the end of the tunnel!
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    Joe, way to get through it - I try to tell myself during the hard times that I am developing my resiliency. I too am really starting to feel the fatigue. Have got most everything in this week - we got hit with some out of the ordinary lightning storms on Tue, so ended up on the trainer, but could only suffer through about 40 minutes - guess I shouldn't have done that extra run at lunch.

    Hit most of goal paces this morning on the 18-miler, but it sure felt like I was working alot harder then I usually do; even had some GI issues around mile 4.5 (one of those shorts down, now! moments - thankful for quiet road and large wet leaves:o). Thought about bagging it, but pushed through the rest without it coming back - resiliency improved 2 points!!

    Going to spectate my brother's first take at triathlon on Saturday morning, and then looking to get all the required bike time in this weekend - this is were I spend all those point, as I need them to stay motivated throughout the monotony. Someday I may actually become a cyclist.

    Like the rest of the team - getting exhausted, need mo' sleep - just think how badass we are going to be all tapered and s*(t:o)
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    Good job getting it done Joe, I am pretty sure after the header and the water off I would have taken it as a sign from the gods that the run was not to be. As for the swim, and I am no expert, but we do it a few times and if you miss one but felt good about your others, a day of rest may not be a bad idea if you are still feeling wrecked after some good sleep tonight. That one swim is not likely to make or break your day but putting yourself in the grave energy-wise might. Just my two cents.

    I feel a bit odd though in that I am tired, sure, but overall feel pretty good. I am starting to worry about being fully prepared because I remember being a lot more fatigued at this point last year. Maybe I just am absorbing it better or diet is better, but whatever it is, I don't feel totally wrecked. Though I say that and will likely sing a different tune tomorrow! Good work everyone!
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    Thanks for the mojo all. Still feel like I got hit by a truck so YES I'm going to rest tomorrow in order to get back in the saddle for the weekend.

    Scott, ditto I too have been feeling really good about where I am fitness wise this time. Beware though to stay in the "box" as that is what lead me to go against reason this morning and think I can just tough it out. Didn't pay and should have known better. But as Laura said better to get that checked off now rather than during Moo.

    Humbled me which I needed. Know that I will now trust my numbers. Will post my race plan here prior so all can help hold me accountable after its over. If I don't stick to them I now know for damn sure will put me in the category of the other 90%.


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    Whew, legs felt heavy on the long run today - they loosened up in the final 30 min or so, but man was I slow. I wanted 18 miles, only got 17 in my allotted 3 hours and my legs have been shot the rest of the day. Ugh! Otherwise I feel pretty good, oh - except I ate like crap today, tomorrow better food for sure. G'night all Zzzzz
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    Great work on the bike test Mike! Lots of good advice on how to use your gain or not. I'm conservative myself. I didn't have a gain on the test except for the vo2 portion but if I did I would still be racing at the watts I have been training and rehearsing at. It all comes down to the run. Awesome job on your run too and hitting the zones while fatigued!

    Great job Joe working through the adversity! On the long run!

    Great job on the run! You didn't listen to the little voice that said stop. Awesome mental toughness!

    My long run went great. I got 17 miles in 2:22. I had an appointment I couldn't miss or I would have made 18. I hit my zones but in the last 7 miles I felt like Mike (I had to really work at it). Overall I am tired but ready.

    Keep up the good work team!
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    Another 18 miles last night...so did it on Monday and Thursday. Very similar to Monday's run. I don't think I'd want to keep doing these every three days, but the fact that the Thursday one went well is good. Got it done in 2:24. Could have done another 3 mile loop to get closer to that 3:00 max mark, but I had to get back home; my older son is off to college this morning, and it was important I be there for dinner etc last night.
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    Glad you guys are having a good week of training and getting those long runs in. I only got 12 miles in last night. I knew I was in trouble when after only 6 miles in, I was starting to feel fatigued. How I got 12 miles in is beyond me, my legs just would not go any further - I could barely walk afterwards. Really weird that happened - not sure why. Planned on hitting the shores of lake Michigan for an OWS this morning, but couldn't muster the energy to get out of bed. I have a funny feeling my rides this weekend are going to be tough. My plan is to do 70 tomorrow and 100 Sunday with a 6 mile run afterward. Depending on how I feel, tomorrows ride may be cut short. Let's hope for the best!

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    WOW, I'm tired. Ran the 3 hours yesterday, finished just before dark & everything felt ok. Hit the pool this AM & swam for an hour & a half strait. Now I'm at work & can hardly function. Not liiking forward to tomorrows bike.
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    2 long runs in one week great job William!

    Great job mustering through Chris!

    Mark awesome job on the run and getting the swim this morning. There was no way I was getting up early to get into the pool this AM. I'll hit the pool after work. Last week of back to back long rides is upon us. The miles won't ride themselves. image

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    I was supposed to go to the pool for the last LCM swim this morning, but I got up at 6:00 and it looked like it was going to rain pretty hard pretty soon, plus my oldest was driving off to college at 8:00. So I laid in bed, unfortunately awake.... until 7:00 am to see him off. And the rain held off until 8:00. It was still better that I got to say goodbye, but I was pissed about the rain. :-) Off to the SCY pool now.
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    Great job all on getting in these workouts-I am completely exhausted and my body is craving the taper-but alas, the alarm is set for 5am tomorrow morning for a 200K bike ride out of Coal City, Illinois. My long run this week did not go well. The first 7 miles were great-legs felt great (despite the cumulative fatigue), temps were great, but at around mile 7 I got some terrible stomach pains which caused me to job/walk/crawl the next 3 miles. At mile 10 I finally called it and called the hubby to come rescue me. Tried the run again today-but I think my body was telling me to stop, only lasted 2 hours (roughly 13 miles). While I was disappointed to not get that 3 hour (or 18 mile) straight run in, I'm happy with the running mileage for the week and ready for a solid ride tomorrow.

    Keep holding on folks-we are almost at taper time!
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    @ Lauren - my legs feel the exact same way. My run went as well as yours and my rides get to be pretty painful by mile 50-70, which didn't happen a month ago. Need to get some mojo, but my alarm is set for 5am too, haha. No Coal City though, monee reservoir then off to do the Elwood loop. That will get me about 75 so I'll have to do an out and back for the last 25.

    Cheers all,
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    Ran (not too well) on Friday, rather than Sat. I'm still kinda gun-shy on the roads, and really like this 60 mile loop near us that has huge areas of it on legit bike path. That meant today's ride was 120 mi. I completely de-aero-ed (not even my helmet, which i usually wear for sun) to slow it down a bit and ended up taking 6.5 hours to do the 121 miles. Not exactly what was on the workout list, but I still needed a couple long rides I thought...and this setup let me get in the run yesterday and still not spend ALL DAY ou there again today. Ride went fine. Nothing special. (as if obvious by the time it took)
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    Glad to hear I'm not the only one who is dragging butt… watched younger brother complete his first tri this morning, a sprint. I told him the swim was going to hurt him - and it did - but he was a friggin rockstar in being patient, backstroking when need be, and just getting it done - I don't know if I would have shown the same resiliency. Didn't start the bike until close to noon, but due to his inspiration and Eric's "the miles won't ride themselves" quote, I pushed through and got it done. Another windy day on the Army range roads. Stung by a bee at 95 miles and then rear shifting cable popped at 101 (in the 11 cog of course). Ended up getting 105 in 5:56. (edit…oof - just realized the plan said 5 hours - smack - I should've had a V8!!)

    Does anyone else dread the 5-6 hours rides? I'm really trying to get into the spirit of being a cyclist, but the tune usually changes about 4 hours or so into a ride.

    Took a shot at peeing on the bike today - successful, but imagine there must be some tips from the gentlemen? Position, speed, timing? Anyone, getting the smell out of your shoes?

    I see a light at the end of the tunnel - I'm scared of how fast I might be on a taper:o)

    Looking forward to meeting you all in a 3 weeks!!
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    Yes, I'm not a big fan on being on my bike for 5-6 hours. This weekend, I was on it for about 8 hours - that includes small breaks and an espresso stop ??

    Not a bad weekend. Saturday I bike 55 miles and every miles after 25 just sucked - why are my Saturday rides so damn hard. Rode 88 this morning and ran 7 - felt great, or as good as one can be. This seems to be the norm with me. Saturdays are just difficult while Sundays are just fine. Anyone else experience this?
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    Guys, it sure sounds like we are all in the same boat! And I guess that means we have done the training right-we should be hurting now, right?? image

    @ Chris-I'm backwards image Saturdays I typically feel great but not Sundays. This week was all mixed up for me though because I only rode once this weekend, due to attempting my long run again Saturday.

    I was able to get in 124 miles at the Bike Psychos 200K ride today. First 50 or so I felt great, but pushed a little too hard (watts were in the Z3 range-so turning around into the wind for a good 60 miles HURT like you know what. But So happy it is done. Another big weekend in the books, and I am really happy we have a shorter long run this week. Also stoked that we are 21 short days away from the big dance. Watching the IMMT feed today has been inspiring, to say the least!
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    I had a decent weekend of training, my original plan was to do my long ride on Saturday but my buddy had a flat and we ended up burning precious training time fixing it. Interesting story there, he just finished Steelhead and was riding the same setup as the race - long story short because of his equipment he was within 5 miles of DNF'ing Steelhead due to bike tire problems. I know we're all on top of our equipment, so this should not be a problem here... :-)

    I rode the Psycho's 100 miler yesterday and it turned in to a good IMWI training ride. I experimented with my cadence - I have typically been a low cadence rider in the 75 - 85 range, knowing the wicked smart guidance is to be in the 90's I worked at keeping my cadence high - that seemed to work pretty well, not only for my legs but also seemed to smooth out my power while keeping my IF where I wanted it to be. I have not looked at my ride data, I hope it reflects how the ride felt.

    Looking forward to this week of training and posting my RR#2 plan here soon.
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    Chris, I have experienced the same. Saturday's 3.5 hours (I did have to do the RR Swim in the AM Saturday, but felt good coming out of it) seemed a lot harder than Sunday's 5 hours and 7x25" (with a 7.4 mile run preceding it including a 7:10 mile!) I switched out Saturday and Sunday due to family commitments and thought Sunday would end up being a "just hang in there and get the time in" ride. Told my wife that if I was home before 6 it would be because everything fell apart and I ended up feeling strong all the way through and did the whole 5! It is a good confidence builder that my body rises to the challenge of the long rides! Work works! Espresso helps!

    William, 120 without aero! I didn't even hit 100 this weekend, I was tempted to go the extra five just to get there, but decided next week's RR at 6 hours should accomplish that - maybe even go ahead and do 112 (and still be 8 shy of what you did this weekend and I will be going mostly aero (no aero wheels yet.) I'm starting to understand the value of aero and spending 95+% in the bars and seeing slight improvements (maybe stronger engine too?) Also switched to torpedo mount after Rich's recommendation at IMWI Camp and found a way to get it mounted sturdily and think it may make an aero difference. Looking at low-cost aero helmets on Amazon and also trying to find a way to mount 310XT with the X-Labs 100 torpedo mount.

    Mark, I've been listening to podcasts while I ride which helps the time go by. I've gone through all the EN podcasts twice plus a lot of techy ones. For getting shoes clean, I saw a post on another site about putting them upside down on the dishwasher rack and running through a cycle then setting outside to dry. Others recommend Febreeze. Haven't been too successful in making myself go though. Not sure if I will stop at aid stations and avail myself of the facilities or or just pedal and pee!

    Mike, I've been pushing cadence and found a sweet spot around 87 works for me. At 90-92, I feel like I'm not getting as much power and speed drops back a tenth or so. A couple times on the long rides, I'll spin up to 100+ because I read that is a good way to work out lactic acid and I am thinking ahead to the long run off the bike. It seems to help, not sure if the science supports it.
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