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Guaranteed Ironman Slot Lottery: Ironman Chattanooga 2015

As you may know, Endurance Nation was award 50 guaranteed entries to Ironman events, as being crowned WTC Tri Club Program World Champions for 2013. 

Please go here to read more about this

Our guaranteed slot lottery for Ironman Lake Placid was very successful. Nearly 50 EN athletes put their hats in the ring for a chance to claim one of 17 guaranteed slots that we had allocated to IMLP. 

The intent of this post is to give you a heads up that our guaranteed slot lottery for Ironman Chattanooga up next. We have allocated 16 guaranteed slots to IM Chattanooga 2015. TeamEN will have nearly 60 athletes racing the event this year and IMChatt is one of our Key Races for 2015. Please go here to read more about the Key Race Program for 2015

How the IMChatt Lottery will Work / Dates to Remember

  1. Next Monday, August 18th, we'll send a special announcement out to the Team, with instructions for how to submit your name for a chance to win of one 16 guaranteed slots to Ironman Chattanooga 2015. That email will also be posted to this thread.
  2. You'll have until CoB, Friday, August 22nd to submit your information. We'll send everyone a couple reminders, as well as posting a reminder in the Dashboard. 
  3. Winners will be chosen and announced early the following week.
  4. Your information will be forwarded to Ironman and they will be in touch with further instructions. 

Again, please go here to learn more about the lottery process, etc. 



  • Team,

    Per the Ironman Chattanooga Guaranteed Slot Allocation Program that we announced last week above, registration for this opportunity is now open

    Go here to enter a chance to win one of 16 guaranteed Ironman Chattanooga Registration Slots

    Registration, and the link to this form, will be turned off at
    9pm on Friday, August 22nd


    What is "guaranteed?"

    If you win, we give your deets to WTC and they contact you with double top secret, back door, skip the registration craziness instructions. The slot is not free!!

    Racing Ironman Chattanooga this year and thinking of racing it again next year?

    Please do not submit your name to this lottery process. Remember that you’ll have an opportunity to register via the registered participants onsite opportunity on Saturday. 

    Already have firm plans to go to the race, volunteer or spectate, and claim a slot on Monday via onsite registration?

    Thanks for volunteering and cheering on your Endurance Nation teammates! However, please don’t submit your name to this lottery process. In our more than significant experience with Ironman race weekends, if you are in “a” line Monday morning, WTC WILL take your money and you WILL be registered for 2015!

    Kinda sorta interested in racing IMChatt so, what the hell, I’ll enter my deets and see what happens?

    Please understand that if you win a registration opportunity, and don’t take advantage of it, that guaranteed registration is lost to the team! So if you win and decide to not claim your slot, email us at support@endurancenation.zendesk.com right away so we can give your slot to someone else. 

    Thanks and we’ll be back again in a few days with a friendly, last call reminder!

  • And the winners are....

    1 Kim DuBord
    2 John Henault
    3 Steve Ross
    4 Scott Dinhofer
    5 Simon Shurey
    6 Scott Giljum
    7 Trent, Prough
    8 trevor MacLean
    9 Chad Scott
    10 Terry, Knotts
    11 Dave ware
    12 Mike Crosby
    13 Mike Schubert
    14 Jonathan Brown
    15 Tom Box
    16 Eric DePoto

    Brenda will be submitting your names and email addys to WTC, and they will be touch shortly with registration instructions.

    Remember: if you are unable to take advantage of this early reg opportunity, let us know ASAP so we can give your slot to someone else. 

    Thanks and I'll see you all next year in Chattanooga!

  • never mind, found the link
  • I am super excited for the drawing... image
  • At my gate at ATL, flying home from Chat camp. I will likely get this done this evening or tomorrow, have seen Joanne ~48hrs in the last 12 days.
  • @Rich, how is the course? is there another race you would compare it to?

  • Posted By Jonathan Brown on 25 Aug 2014 11:43 AM

    @Rich, how is the course? is there another race you would compare it to?



    Please keep this thread focused on the lottery. Thanks.

  • And the winners are announced! See the 3rd post in this thread!

  • Congrats everyone. Your name and email addresses have been sent. I will keep you updated on the next steps in this thread.
  • Congrats to all!

    Coach Rich - In the event that someone does not take up the spot (suppose unlikely), but if so....do you keep the names of those who entered and pick the next person down on the list? Just wondering as I am interested...but didn't get a spot. ;-)


  • Posted By James Barrett on 26 Aug 2014 05:16 PM

    No names?

    See the third post, names of winners listed there.

  • Posted By Dawn Cass on 26 Aug 2014 05:32 PM

    Congrats to all!

    Coach Rich - In the event that someone does not take up the spot (suppose unlikely), but if so....do you keep the names of those who entered and pick the next person down on the list? Just wondering as I am interested...but didn't get a spot. ;-)


    Yes, I used the same list, but there is no "next on the list." 

    The number you put into the hat, so to speak, is the number of the row on the spreadsheet that's generate as people submit their names and are added to the spreadsheet. 

    I draw those numbers out of the hat, so to speak, by clicking "Get Number" on this page: http://www.randomnumbergenerator.com/, until I've got 16 names. 

    So if someone doesn't claim their spot, I'll do this virtual number out of a hat thing again.

  • Wow... Guess I'm coming out of IM retirement. Momma not too happy but after battling the cancer thing twice since my last IM in 2010 at LP and being cleared by the doc to go at it again this year I'm excited to get back in the game one more time. I trained for short course stuff this year and did a local sprint 2 weeks ago and won the whole thing so I'm stoked to put the long onto the fast.


    Will need some special tips from the peeps and coaches on training the least amount of long stuff in the right amount of time leading up to the race as the body will only handle so much hard stuff with all the treatments I've been through.  Short stuff this year has been fine but as I increased the distance and time I had to watch not over doing the body.  Not to worry about that for now though.

    Drillbit is back!!! 

  • Holy smoke, this is great!! Trent, I don't know you, but I am excited to we'll be training together. You will be the ultimate motivation, "He's getting his ass up and doing it, I better too. I cannot let my team mate down!" Really jacked for the race, and putting my new training plan to work!!! Congrats to all the others, and I look forward to training with all of you.
  • Trent ... Good to see you back. You'll handle this with ease, I think. image
  • Woo hoo. thank you!
  • Love your work. Thanks this one of the many reasons I choose to belong to this club.
  • I'm volunteering this year and will be onboard for the race in 2015! Looking forward to racing with you all!!!

  • Posted By Trent Prough on 26 Aug 2014 06:55 PM

    Drillbit is back!!! 

    YES!!!!!!!  Happy Dance!!!

  • looks like a fun group!
  • Congrats to all the winners!

    And Trent it is great to see you give it another go.

    The guaranteed slot program is pulling in alums like Trent and Matt Samojeden who have added so much to EN. It's awesome!

    The OS next winter is going to be fun
  • Drillbit! YES!!!

    Guess my vacation didn't allow me to enter the lottery. I might have to chance it and take an online registration for 2015. Maybe...hmmm...
  • Anyone have an idea when we should expect the email from WTC? Want to make sure it doesn't go to junk and miss it or something!
  • I haven't heard anything either Kim. Hope I don't miss the email.
  • I looked back at the IMLP guaranteed entry thread at http://members.endurancenation.us/Forums/tabid/57/aft/15817/afpg/2/Default.aspx and early entry for them was the week of July 21st leading up to the race. I would bet that we'll get the email for entry around September 22nd leading up to this year's Choo.

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