Matt Aaronson - recommended biking workouts during marathon training build
Coach P, congrats again on rocking IMMT!!
Quick question. I'm just starting a final 7-week push to the Chicago marathon. See my post in the Marathon forum for my approach (based largely on what seems to work well for me last year). Later in that thread I lay out the logic for biking 2x/week. Essentially, I do not want to let my FTP slide too badly. Do you have recommmended workouts for the time I spend on the bike? Ideally something that complements the run training and adds to marathon fitness! I was thinking a weekday ride of 60' with 5x2'(2')@z5 and a Sunday ride of 75' with 60' ABP. But maybe you'd recommend some "easy" FTP sets like 4x8'(2')@z4?? Let me know your thoughts. Cheers, Matt.