DT's Micro Questions
Hey Patrick. Torn about whether or not to make this weekend a last Volume Pop before Kona.
-lots of available time
-would be nice to push the envelope and take a 'more is more' run at the race
-I've never had a Labour Day weekend where I haven't gone Epic
-Will there really be value added, after already completing one IM this season?
There's a line between training for a race and training in fear of one...these get blurry around Kona even for vets. That said volume is really your main tool for adaptation right now as your fatigue is pretty high.
I'd suggest two days of swim 1 hour, bike 4, run 30. Then long run on final day if that works. I see room to improve swim to bike experience as well as boost bike fitness / positional strength. Not worried about intensity for these rides, just good steady work. Use some lower cadence reps as a chance to build Kona specific readiness: like alternating 24' normal with 6' of 65-75 rpms, etc.
I did one last night at 80% for 2.5 and it was really really great work that I feel gave me huge specificity for the last hour or two along the Queen K. And it felt like new or different stimulus from the FTP that I've been carrying on since the race season began in May.
Note I would still retain 40' of ABP in the remaining long Saturday rides as prescribed.
Kona-specific. Oh, the pain and suffering that is to come!