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2 Weeks :)

Anyone else struggling to focus on work? Between these high temps here in Chicago in a classroom with no A/C, and Ironman a short 2 weeks away-who can concentrate??

I am actually LOOKING FORWARD to my swim today. Getting in the water should feel amazing today, considering I've been sweating since about 6:30 this morning when I got into my classroom 

Please be sure to update the IMWI Team Page and RSVP for the dinner/4Keys talk today.  In about a week I'll need final numbers for the dinner. 

The Friday of Ironman week, I will be planning a team swim that morning.  I'll put out a forum post about it and update it on the team page, but figure 8am or so to allow for time to change and get to the 4 Keys talk at 10am that morning.  

Ok, I think that's it for now. Stay cool and enjoy these last workouts before the big dance image



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    Also, team bios are due by Friday, August 29th image
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    Is there a way to verify whether EN has my team bio? I filled one out in connection with a 70.3 earlier in the summer but wasn't sure whether I need to do this separately for Wisconsin.
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    Because of indoor pool maintenance (they do this every year around labor day) and the spiking temps) I did the swim today in bath water, but it felt strong. Oddly when I ran this morning I think I was as wet then as I was when I was in the pool. This is the St. Louis summer I wasn't missing at all! Keep rolling all, we are almost there!

    I am in on that Friday and where do I post the bio?
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    I've moved to all lake swims to work on my OWS, prowess- severely needed as I'm definitely a land kind of guy. Did the run first then hit the lake right before day break with nothing but stars overhead going in and the sun coming up mid way through. Was surreal. 

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    Joe, sounds like a great way to start the day! I overslept (5:15) and couldn't swim because I had to meet my boss early in Madison so will be juggling things a little, hate to do that this late in the game. Getting the run in tonight, might swim on site early tomorrow.

    RR Bike was yesterday due to baseball games for my son on Saturday. Got a little bit of a late start as I was figuring out how to mount my Garmin which replaced the iPhone-dependent Wahoo units I've trained with before finding out that Ironman Incorporated bans possession of phones. still not sure if speed/distance is registering from GPS or the speed sensor. But I did get a good deal on a refurbished unit and no longer have to worry about battery life. 41 miles in, everything was going great, heart rate right where I wanted it, good pace despite some wind and 97 heat index, hydration and nutrition working. Then PHhhhsssssss.... I thought, OK, great race rehearsal, let's see how quick I can change this flat! Must've had a pinched tube because that one flatted too. No problem, that's why I carry two, right? That one went on well, took a little extra care, pressure was about 80, should've just ridden that, but I put on a new cartridge to bring it up a bit more and, when I pushed the button, the inflator exploded! Sounded like a .45 going off! Blew parts of the inflator down to the rim, my hand recoiled back, and it blew the brass parts off the valve, resulting in Ppppssssss... No tubes, no inflator. 3 mile walk in socks back to the road (I was on a bike path of the rails to trails type) to wait for my wife to drive 45 minutes up to meet me. 20 minutes to LBS, it was closed so had to drive another half hour to another shop. Got the wheel repaired and then it was sunset. Got the run in anyway and now own a better (I hope) CO2 inflator! New wheels, new tubes. Better to have it happen in RR than IM!image
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    Steven-That's crazy! But like you said, better the RR than the race!!!

    I had a crazy great swim going today-Did my 4200 yards in 1:09, felt really great about that. Then I go to do a 100 easy cool down and my calf majorly cramped up-almost sending me to the bottom of the pool. Made it out fine, but my calf is so sore right now. Decided I'm just going to do some foam rolling tonight and try and hit that run with Wednesday's swim.

    Team bios can be submitted via the link on the 2014 Super Duper Admin page. Check it out!

    And Todd- I think you have to do a separate bio for each race. Not 100% sure on that though.
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    Lauren - never good when that happens. That's one of the many reasons, I don't do flip turns.

    Training has been going pretty well for me. Swam 2.3 miles in Lake Michigan on Friday, bike 103 miles with Mike on Saturday, albeit with a rain delay, and ran 10 miles Sunday. Cruising into taper weeks and feel very good. Can't wait to race day!
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    Holy sh*%t what a bummer. As you said lets hope its' now out of the system for race day.

    In the spirit of misery loves company my shakedown started two weeks ago on the 300min ride. About 200min in I hit a small pothole in the trail and when I went to come back into the saddle there was no seat! The bolt snapped off right the top of the down tube and I'm left ridding astraddle with the seat hanging in-between my thighs- turned into a very long day and a lot of SAR points cashed in to get home. Next ride out- my power tap quit reading, tried everything, batteries, new cradle, etc.- long story short, I hope to get it back from Saris this Thurs. took total rebuild and is setting me back another $340.00! Damn this sport!

    On the upside it has probably been good to have to ride on HR only for a week+ as based on many of the race reports the Power taps can be fickle on race day, especially if it ends up being wet. Hopefully we are all getting the shake down before the big day so all systems can run SMOOTH for the big bash eh!  

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    I'm not gonna lie, based on some of the stuff happening to folks, I might start skipping this thread! I was able to run this morning, but when I got back I had a rub on my back wheel of the bike. By the time I got it sorted out it was too late to take on the bike set for today. My legs felt a bit wonky anyway, so maybe it was for the best. Either way I will attempt to tackle it again tomorrow along with the swim. The heat is still way on here, so I suspect it will be more swimming in the bath water. Looks like we are all just rollin' with the punches at this point.
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    Ouch! Lauren can you confirm whether the swim start will be in waves or mass start again? Last yr. after some issues I heard they were going to go to wave start like other IM's but lately I've been hearing conflicting reports. Thanks
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    Joe - its a mass start
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    Yes it is still a mass start!
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    Joe, losing a seat has got to be a shock! Yep, everything getting dialed in!
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    Wow craziness in the house!

    CO2 explosions, seats falling off, cramping! Glad it pre-race and not race day!

    Making lists upon lists of stuff to get done before next week. Crazy! Trying to keep my mind off the race. For me the swim and the bike are set barring no catastrophic instances and I can complete those legs upright. The run is what I'm concerned about. Not the first 15-18 miles but the last 8. I want more than anything to push through that suck and have a good run. It gets so hard at mile 18 mentally and physically. I want to find the place inside me that is uncompromising, that will not quit due to pain. Every Ironman has made me stronger and mentally tougher. My main goal this race is to embrace the suck and kick it's ass. I want to cross the finish line knowing I left everything I has on the run course.

    I'm looking forward to the pool tonight. Keep on getting it done team we are almost there!
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    Eric-that's a perfect mindset. I look at the Ironman run as Mile 1-18=Legs, 18-26.2=Heart. Keep that in mind (or write it on your arm, as I have done in the past) and you will have a great run!

    I had an amazing brick last night. Probably because I missed Monday's run, but I got in my bike intervals (kept the ride at an hour) then a 30 minute brick run with the first 15 minutes at my zone 4 pace, and the second half at my zone 2 pace. I had a hard time dialing back for the second half because I felt so great-glad I had that confidence boosting workout this late in the game. Made me feel like the taper is "doing it's thang" and I'll be ready to go in 11 short days image

    Unfortunately last night I was in the Veterinarian ER for my cat...until about 1:30am, with a 5:30am wakeup call for work-so I may be skipping my swim tonight to just take it easy. Don't want to wear myself out-Daily I am taking in those Vitamin C emergency packets because being back to school I am terrified of picking up an illness from one of my little ones. So being around them+no sleep has me thinking I'd best spend my time resting at this point.

    How are we feeling folks? Taper driving you crazy yet? image
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    Nice job on your brick last night Lauren!

    I might just right the Legs/Heart on my arms as you suggest. Thank you
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    I did the swim over lunch, and due to having to get a shot from the doctor in my shoulder it was less than comfortable, but it is done. Since I had bike issues yesterday I did that workout this morning and felt really good on it for the first time in a while (pretty much all my weekday rides are on a trainer in the house=boring, mentally painful, at least for me).

    As for taper, I think I am about to become a list monster/the most packed person alive just to do something with myself. I am way too unfocused to do great things at work, and I am on orders basically to not train as much. I remember this from years past where I start to feel like I should be doing more if only because I have been for a while now. I do feel better than I did last year I think, which is good as we get closer. Last year I was very ready for taper as I was more worn down and tired. This year I am carrying fatigue, but not suitcases full. We will see what it means come race day!

    Keep up the good work all!
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    Trying to get my nutrition plan down. Does anybody know what size bottles of Perform they hand out on the bike? 20 or 24 oz.
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    Last year it was 20oz. Not sure for this year but I have a hard time thinking it has changed (the ain't broke don't fix it thinking).
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    My 11 year old brought a cold home from school - not good! Hoping no else get it, but figure those odds with my twin 9 year olds, my wife and me all in the house too. Loading up on the zinc's and vitamin C and wishing for the best
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    Pretty sure it's 20 oz again.

    Oh man Chris kid with a cold in the house. Sounds like you got the cold fighting regime down. Good luck!

    Swim went great last night. Feels like slacking with the reduced taper work load.

    Nerves settled out last night some. I slept great. 10 days Teams!
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    Chris - Any chance of you shipping the kids to boarding school for the next week? :-) Vitamin C & Zinc are the tickets, I like Airborne, but there a lots of choices out there.

    My nerves are still a little rattled, but I am in list making / planning mode which is helping quite a bit!
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    Chris-I woke up this morning feeling a little sinus headache coming on as well. I'm doing 2 Emergen-C packets a day. I knew this was inevitable teaching 28 kids everyday. I too am hoping for the best!
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    Lauren - hopefully its nothing, but on the positive side, if you do have a cold, you should be just fine come race day. Be well
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    Question for everyone/anyone. At this point it looks like it is supposed to storm like crazy most of Saturday but possibly be clear on Sunday. I am thinking of swapping Saturday and Sunday since I HATE to ride on the trainer, esp for 2.5 hours. I think I should still be good recovery wise but wanted to get some feedback. Thanks!

    And cold eeze and airborne are a great combo for those starting to get a sniffle.
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    A nice feeling of "Boom!" after today's 80 min run in heat/humidity. And speaking of running, I'm curious about people's strategy for going up Observatory hill. I'm a likely 13:30-14:30 finisher and in my two previous IMWI's I walked to save my legs. However, this is my first year with EN and I have really enjoyed the different approach to training. I'm just unsure whether to trust the new approach to the point of being more aggressive (i.e., not walking) up Observatory.

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    Todd - if my memory is correct, its a pretty short hill. I'll be power walking it, if that helps. I'm not a very good runner though. my 2-cents

    Scott - I can't imagine 1 day would make that much of a difference. If it rains by me, then I'll be swapping too
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    Todd, I asked that question of course Rich. He said that we run it, I was specifically asking about mile 18 hitting just before that. I've run it several times this summer and I'll say that has the summer went on it got easier to get up it. Early on, I want to steepest part, maybe a total of 50 yards. Shorter strides, keep the tempo up and get the job done!
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    I'm no expert but last yr. (my 1st IM was this one) my time was same as your goal 13:30:34. I was determined to run all so did just that although it was likely laughable on the second loop to watch- as walkers were motoring up faster for sure and I felt on the second loop it really shot my HR up.

    I decided to try fast walking it during the ENWI camp this year and overall I got to say I believe this strategy is the one I'm going with this time. Reason being is it definitely kept my HR lower which to me fits the whole EN strategy of "leveling" out the course and your output. I believe CR recommendation to run it is: being it is short anyway he wants to ensure we "keep running" when the going gets tough, and he is the coach after all.

    But I know he doesn't set up there so I'm doing the walking thing this go around.

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    Todd - I'm walking up Observatory hill, saving my heartbeats and energy for the rest of the course.If you do decide to run, use shorter steps (bites) and increase your cadence - try to use the same amount of effort.

    I am headed to the Dr tomorrow morning to have her (finish) pulling off my left big toe nail - EEK! It has been in the process of falling out for weeks, I noticed on my swim yesterday it was looser and seemed to be flapping a little bit. I am too much of a baby to do it myself.

    The funny thing is until I really looked at it today it did not bother me much at all, now that I've looked at it and called the Dr it is bothering me - what a WUS I am!

    The things we do for sport...
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