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RR #2 MH.70.3

Time to get off side lines and  post a RR, excited about my first 70.3.

Race Rehearsal # 2:

Memorial Hermann 70.3 Galveston, Tx.

Race date: 4/25/10

AG: 57   WT. 219


RR: 4/10/2010

Morning Fuel: about 550K

-  5 AM

- coffee to wake up

- 1/2 c oatmeal

- vanilla boost

- banana

- Water

- coffee to go

Weather: 57 – 65 degrees, scattered rain throughout morning

Start Time: 7:30 AM

 Finish Time: 10:45 AM (3:15’)


-  Jersey

- Desoto Tri Shorts

- Helmet/shoes

- Forgot sunscreen but weather helped

Bike Setup:

-  rear profile hydration cages - 2 bottles water for RR only. Will not use in race. will get water on course and fill Aero drink.

- PD Aero Drink on bars

- seat bag: tube, 2 co2, patches, multi tool, lever with duct tape wrap

- Bento box - C02 holder, S-caps in M&M mini tube, mints, gum.

- In Jersey: Phone, ID, CC, cash, first aid stuff

Bike Course:

- One out/back 56mi, flat country roads.

Bike Fuel/Hydration:

- One 21 oz Infinit bottle downtube – 950K 3.5hrs (275/hr), bottle marked in 1/3

- 3 S-Caps, one per hour (more if needed) approx 600mg/hr Na with infinit

- 61 oz of water. 2 bottles in rear cages and full aero drink.

Bike Plan:

- Current FTP: 218

- Goal IF: 80%    Actual .81

- Goal TSS: 178  Actual TSS:  218

- Race Gears

- 1st – 166w – first 30 min and downhill

- 2nd – 174w – target watts

- 3rd – 183w - long hills (>3’)

- 4th – 192w – short hills (<3’)<br />


Forgot how to post data:


Time: 3:15

TSS : 218

IF. .81

HR: no data, I configured Garmin 305 to Saris HR strap, now PT won’t pick up HR

Speed; 17.2 avg mph

Cadence: 85 avg


Truck: load bike, run gear ready and waiting:

- Race Shoes/orthotics

- Garmin Forerunner 305 – on wrist during bike- turned on mile 50

- Hat

- sweat band

- fuel belt/3 bottles water

- I-pod optional – I took it, I was wet and a little crabby

Run Course: one hour out/back.

Run Fuel/Hydration:

- fuel belt with 3 bottles water (21oz)

- 1 gu at 30’ mark

- 1 S-Cap

Run Plan:

- Current vDOT: 37

- LRP 10:50 + 30 = 11:20

- MP 9:20

- 3 miles @ 11:20

- 3 miles @ MP: 9:20

Summary: It rained off and on.. No GI problems with nutrition/hydration. No stops, one pee break on bike, no place to stop, wasn’t easy to relax, no one following,  some deep breathing, Zen thoughts, Mission Accomplished. I was wet anyway…no worries. I miscalculated bike gears after going over chart again. Goal 178, actual TSS 218.  Goal IF .80. This is my first year with power, wired PT, (February) and learning. With 3:15 bike split would a .75IF and 181 TSS be a better choice?


Run went well, side walks wet and small pools, was concerned about hydroplaning . First 3 miles on target, 2nd 3 miles avg 10:30 pace. HR avg 135. Felt pretty good overall after run. Had energy for some honey do’s in afternoon and Sunday. Overcast and cool temps helped, anticipate it will be warmer on race day.





  • Options
    Nicely done. I would aim to be about a .78 on the IF if you are going to be 3:15 on the day (but you should be faster in full race kit on the day with mega mojo)...the closer you are to 3 hours, the closer you can be to .8!
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