Infinit question
Hi there... catching up on some of the nutrition forums talking about Infinit I noticed a lot of folks talking about the proper proportions/mix for it. I also saw someone mention using the "EN Formula" or whatever was specially mixed for you. I didn't see any other reference or explanation for that and am curious what's up and where I can find that.
I've never used Infinit - and will likely stick to Hammer gels, Heed, and water for my HIM in June. But I've got another HIM in August and IMFL in November so I want to give Infinit a try and start training like I'll race...
Any thoughts on Heed v. Infinit? There's been lots of talk about protein, carbs, calories, etc. I don't know the difference. I've never tried Perpetuum which I'm guessing is a closer comparison because Heed has worked for me - probably because I drink more water than anything... and do the gels about every hour on a run and about every 15 miles on the bike. Only having done one HIM that worked for me... but maybe it was beginner's luck.
Oh, and this is a really stupid question - but it seems like the gels are considered liquids for our purposes.... and from what I see the EN system is to not eat solid stuff, right?
Sorry if these are dumb questions- I admit that I haven't downloaded the nutrition webinar (need a new computer - downloads take forever).
Thanks for your help.
I've used both Perpetuum and Infinit. I find Infitit much more palatable at the longer distances and easier on my stomach (because I dial the protein way down to almost nil). But you are right, we use it in a similar way (mix a high calorie bottle and use that as your nutrition for the entire race).
And yes, I think most of us consider jel a liquid!
Another thing - you can have the same mix but two flavors. A lot of people seem to like one flavor on the bike and another on the run to avoid flavor fatigue.
First: no question is considered "stupid" here.
Personally, I consider "gels" to be "gels." They are not liquid because you have to take down water to reduce the concentration in your stomach or you end up with GI distress. I think a concentrated bottle falls in the same category. I don't like and don't typically recommend gels because when you are out there for IM length thinking can get fuzzy and you can forget to take in the water to dilute them. I'm also a fan of keeping it simple with one, maybe two, things for fuel.
I wouldn't say EN is "no solids" but most people find that their GI systems don't play well with solids during a race. However, I think it is Scott Alexander who likes a HUGE chocolate chip cookie in his run special needs bag. You have to find what works for YOU.
@Penny, I did take the questionnaire (actually 3 times - one for "training" HIM and IM distances - just to see the differences - and I clicked the link to do a phone consult.
This is almost a bit overwhelming - so many options... and so much info/science. But, you're right - it's all about what works for me. So I'll talk to the rep and see what I can
get in the way of samples/small quantities to start trying it out and compare it to my Heed/gel system now.
Actually, it was a Rice Krispy treat...yum yum.
I also would consider a gel to be a gel, not liquid. I used to have a flask of gels, which just meant one more thing to lose off the bike or forget in transition.
I use ONLY infinit on the bike. One bottle fruit punch, one bottle orange - to alleviate the flavor fatigue. Diluting it with water in the profile bottle between the aerobars, as most do around here I believe.
looking forward to my infinit call - we'll see what the rep has to say...
Seriously, I can eat almost anything solid on the bike. if I do it early enough, say an hour before the run, I'm usually fine. I usually opt for a Cliff bar or fig newtons. This is in addition to liquid nutrition (previously Perpetum, now Infinit). I like the feeling of a little bit of solid food in my body, it tricks me into thinking I'm not hungry.
Then I drink as much water as I want via an aero bottle, refilled from aid stations during the race.
@Becky, I would suggest that your first step (if not already done) is to determine your calorie per hour needs on the bike. Then you can determine the best way for you, personally, to ingest those calories. The Heed vs. Infinit comparison is not really valid because Heed is not designed to provide calories, and really is an alternative to Gatorade, rather than Infinit.
Forget how many scoops [maybe 5] but I make enough to get me through about 3 hours. One bottle is all I need for a half and for IM I just grabbed a second one [pre mixed] at Special Needs. No fuss no muss. For the run I like Gels but have been known to eat whatever they have at aid stations for no apparent reason at all.
I have a good tolerance and can really eat about anything while riding but infinit makes it a whole lot simpler and easier. No messing with gels/bars/cheeseburgers while riding. I also found that I need something different on the run as I am sick of whatever it was on the bike after enough of it.
I never understood the EN mix infinit thing as the whole point of infinit is to tailor it to fit your needs. Play with the sliders Call them and they will help out. If you plan to concentrate it I suggest dialing back the flavor a lot. That was it does not taste nearly as bad.
I was hesitant about this at first, but it seemed to work fine. Just be sure you are taking down enough water to dilute the mixture. Otherwise, you face GI distress issues.
So I have a question for you guys, specifically for Placid - how do you deal with that second bottle at BSN? When do you have to hand it in, the day before raceday or the morning of the race? If you do premix it, do you freeze it so it doesn't get nasty? If you don't premix and just have a 3x bottle of powder, do they have water at BSN at Placid?
Thanks so much guys - I don't post often but try to read as much as I can here when I can.
is there still an EN Discount code for Infinit?
I stick all mine into the one bottle - doesn't anyone else do this?
Not that hard to make a 5.5 hour bottle with 10 scoops - for mine that's around 1,400 calories. I put all the powder in a big glass/jug. Slowly add small bits of water and stir well each time with a fork - is still a liquid and not gel. The powder volume actually gets smaller as you add water. I can just fit mine into an aero bottle (20oz) even.
Just takes small sips every 15-20 mins with plenty on-course water. Maybe put a back-up in BSN if you are worried about dropping the bottle but means you don't have to stop (unless you are a butter fingers
@ Scott, I believe the discount code for Infinit is either EN2009 or EN2010. Both probably work.
I've done the 5.5 hour bottle before and it makes it easy since you don't have to worry about the second bottle being at special needs. My flavor is super diluted so even a 5.5 hour bottle has almost no taste. I jus ttake a sip every 15 minutes and follow with on course water.