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Post Race Week!

Sorry for the hijacked thread title... but what the heck?

How is everybody doing?

I have to admit I am pretty amazed at how how decent I'm feeling.  There's no way in heck I want to run or anything but I don't have that "Run over by a  truck" thing going on either.  I'm actually managing to walk down stairs facing the right way.  :-)  The most irritating thing right now is that the combination of my sleeve thingy and my singlet didn't work as well as my sleeve thingy and my usual cycling jerseys and I've got a couple pretty raw spots from rubbing and a mild burn where the skin was exposed.  (I don't even count toenails any more...) My guess is that I'm feeling less jacked than usual because the race (especially the run) went pretty well.  Does anyone else have enough experience to comment on that?


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    I feel pretty well too with the exception of my right calf. It started to cramp during the swim and when I went to get out of the water, I fell down as my calf completely locked-up - I couldn't even move my foot. One of the volunteers asked me if I needed help getting up and my response was - I can't. So he dragged me a few feet to get me out of the way of everyone and helped me stretch it out.

    Didn't bother me to much after that, but now I can barely walk. Every time I get up, I need to take a minute and stretch it out and I still limp. I'm sure it will take 2-weeks to completely feel normal again.

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    I feel sore, more so today which is to be expected. I am honestly more worried about the mental part of this all to be honest. I had a bad case of post IM depression last year and can feel some of the same stuff coming on. Once the high of the whole day/event goes away, I am worried about the what next side of things. I guess knowledge is power. For now I will enjoy the moment and deal with tomorrow tomorrow. All in all though, I feel better than I thought I would, but still not ready for much.
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    I feel sore, not nearly as bad as I do post marathon - just kind of knocked out. I didn't really sleep much on Monday, too much adrenaline to sleep and not enough energy to do anything else kind of made me zombie like yesterday. I slept well last night, laid around all day today, and I am about ready to crash for the night. 

    My biggest pain is in a toe on my left foot that my daughter stepped on right before the swim start. Definitely swollen and quite sore. Ouch! A trip to the medic to stop the bleeding just minutes before the swim had me in a little panic, but I was able to tape it up and soldier on...

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    I'm feeling great mentally. My body is responding a lot better today. I actually was able to jog up the stairs this morning. I have a sun burnt tramp stamp that stings. My left calf cramped taking off my wet suit. It is still tight but much better. I have a massage Friday which will be great.
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    Post-race blahs as Scott mentioned, need to find "the next thing" Great to have EN teammates and a couple friends that did it, get it, and are interested in discussions surrounding transition times, etc. Those discussions with anybody else result in glazed eyes, yawns, "Hey, proud of you! Uh, yeah, well I guess that's important. Uh, I got to go empty the cat litter." Physically, sore legs but not as bad as some marathons. I'm not hungry most of the time, actually, thought of food usually makes my stomach turn a little. Wetsuit hickies (lost my Glide somewhere between setting up bike on race morning and sitting down to put on wetsuit) and very sunburned back of neck, must've missed that spot. Felt like I needed a run yesterday on the drive home, then got out of the car and rethought that!
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    Finally getting to the point where it doesn't hurt getting up and down from a chair or otherwise.  Yesterday was probably the worst.  I'm likely going to start feeling those post IM blues really bad starting next week.  Going to look ahead to doing the Seattle Marathon in November, but due to May deployment to the Middle East, I probably won't be able to race again until 2016 at the earliestimage  Bummer - may even need to take a break from EN as well as it wouldn't make much financial sense to stick around if I'm not training/racing.  

    I truly felt blessed and was inspired to be around such a great group of fellow EN'ers and crews.


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    I'm going to try to get to the pool today. Just to be a little active, but take it easy.
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    I hit the pool yesterday and did some drill work like the transition plan says. It didn't feel all that great. I also went for a walk this morning. I was tempted to cut it loose as I am pretty much past all the soreness (now things are just tight). I did not, which is a good thing since I know it would be a bad idea. I am looking forward to a group ride on Sunday. It has been a while since I have done that, plus I will get to bust out the road bike. I haven't used that in a while. Should be fun.
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    I may or may not have just been inspired enough by you crazy folk to pull the trigger and register for IMMOO 2015. ;-)
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    Go for it girl!  I'm sure you'll kill it!


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    On Thursday, I did get in a nice little swim. It was short and sweet...felt good, but I was ready to get out. A few more crazy days at work (even the weekend) will make it easy for me to stretch out to about 10 days of very little athletic activity. I'm starting to think it would be fun to get on my bike again, but probably my road bike.

    On the recovery...I never took a single ibuprofen/aspirin/whatever, and my leg soreness is pretty much over already...though I am sure fatigue is not. I'm looking forward to really relaxing but therefore recovering quicker over the long run.
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    My recovery is going well, if it were not for my toe I would have no pain. I did take an ibuprofen last night to take the edge off the pain, hoping it subsides soon. In the mean time I'm keeping it clean and trying to keep off my feet as to not agrivate it...

    I am trying so hard to stick to my next season plan, I had only planned to do a 1/2 distance tri while attending to building my fitness and speed while working on some things around the house and other personal goals but I keep seeing that IMMOO is still open and it is oh so tempting to jump in again. Argh!
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    1:20 run this morning. Beautiful 55deg. sunny day. Group ride with some friends tomorrow.

    This is the first day post Ironman that it hasn't been raining. Now I have to cut my lawn.

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    Just saw this:

    "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."


    Yeah. I understand that intimately after IMWI! Sorry to be absent from discussions the last several days. I've been busy earning some SAU's (see pic) and tearing out the flooring on the first floor of the house. Race report will be published in the next couple of days.
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    Is that a photo of your floor or an microscope image of the muscle fibers in our quads? :-)
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    You know it's bad when I saw a running workout on the transition plan this week and got excited. I mean like kid on Christmas morning excited. I am sure I will think differently when the alarm goes off at 0 dark thirty, and after logging a few miles my legs bark back, but for now, I am ready to go again. The soreness passed fairly quickly and I feel like I do at the start of a race in that I need to consciously dial myself back so as not to do something dumb. I hope everything is going well for you all!
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    I ran for just 4 miles this morning. Like Scott, I was kind of enthusiastic about the general idea of just getting out there again. Like always when coming back from a long race, your head is ahead of your legs...but I knew that would happen, so no big deal.

    It was fine running for 4 miles...and 5 or 6 would have been ok, too, but no sense in slowing down recovery by pushing. The first mile was pretty slow, and then it cracked right back up to my normal "easy pace". Funnily enough, it felt almost exactly like some of the middle miles of the IM itself...that is to say that I *could* go faster, and the legs were heavy...but it was all pretty doable at an easy pace.

    Onward and upward!
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