Lauren McDonald 2015 Race Plan
Hey Rick-
I am trying to structure fitting 3 IMs into next season. I'm racing IMLP July 26, IMWI Sept 13, and IMKY Oct 11th. I plan to do a 12 week IM build into IMLP with this being my AAA race, then participating at WI, and hoping to have a decent showing in Kentucky, if all goes well and injury free. My question is how to structure those weeks between IMLP and IMWI, and IMWI and IMKY. Currently I was thinking:
IMLP, then 2 weeks transition plan, 2 weeks training (thinking squeezing in maybe a 90 minute run or 2, and an 80 miler and century ride, before getting into a 2 week taper for Madison
.Then completing IMWI, 2 week transition (thinking only swimming towards the end of week 1, swim/riding week 2, maybe week 3 trying to get in a few runs (nothing longer than 10 miles) and a moderately long ride (70?) before tapering back down for a week and a half/2 weeks.
Thoughts on this? Thank you
Wassup LAURA!
You know you're asking about stuff that's a year and then some away?
The short answer is: