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Turby's IMMD Race Report. Kona bound in 2015!

This was my first year in the 60-64 AG so I figured it was a good time to really focus and try to place well in my new AG.

Carol had qualified in 2012 and I had the pleasure of spectating and taking in this amazing spectacle, and I wanted REALLY BADLY to do the same for her but it seemed like a really tall order. There are some amazing athletes in this age group!

My training had gone really well all year, partly mental focus on my goal and largely having trained hard with EN for 3-4 years. I just kept feeling stronger and recovering fast after big workouts. I'm a big believer that this training builds up over time and takes several years to reach your potential. The same was true in my old marathon days. We chose Maryland because it's an easy drive from here and we have done Eagleman several times, love the course but especially the people down there. The volunteers were amazing and were as good or better than any race I've ever done.

Swim: 1:23

I'm a lousy swimmer so this was a good swim for me. There was the usual contact but conditions were nice, plenty of buoys and I enjoyed myself. My goal over the winter is to get some help and really work on technique.

T1:  3:44  In my other Ironman races I had some of the slowest transitions in Ironman history so this was a focus point this time. The volunteers did everything but put my shoes on for me!

Bike:  5:11:50 IF .704, VI 1.02 1st half- IF .687, VI 1.02, Time 2:33 HR 111  2nd half- IF .72, VI 1.02, Time 2:37, HR 112

I had done an aquabike in June and the two race rehearsals at an IF of .73, .73 and .74 and felt really good but thought that would be risky in the race. It was the right decision.The wind picked up on the second loop but nothing like it can be on this course. I felt strong the whole ride. My nutrition (Perform and Clif blocks totaling 410 per hour) was fine as usual. I tried to leave no stone unturned in terms of aerodynamics etc. right down to latex tubes (yes John Withrow I even shaved my legs!)

T2:  2:57  Thanks to Al T. and Matt Aaronson for the tip on the big ziplock bag! Awesome!! Everything but shoes and socks went in there.

Run:  3:48:08, 8:42 pace,  1st half- 1:52, HR 121, 8:33 pace  2nd half-  1:56, HR 125, 8:52 pace

It took me a few miles to get my running legs and I was trying to keep my HR between 115 and 120. The temp was creeping up into the 80s and so was my HR but I was fine dumping ice down my shirt at every aid station. I seem to do ok in the heat. Felt pretty strong until mile 16 where I switched to Coke to settle my stomach a little. Then things really started to hurt! This is the point in a race where I stop looking at the watch and just go as hard as I can to the finish. Someone asked me how I keep running a pretty good pace when my legs (and everything else) hurt so much. I've been running for almost 40 years and whenever I race I have a terrible fear of losing time. It's like a giant clock with legs is chasing me trying to take back time I've earned. I also have to know that when I have finished a race there was nothing left, or I wouldn't sleep well.

Total time:  10:31

The highlights of the day for me were my girl Carol gutting out a 1 1/2 hour PR (including a 4 min penalty on the bike and 5-6 potty stops on the run) after missing about 1/3 of her training due to family issues. She is one tough customer! My good friend Kenny Cestari putting up a huge PR after crashing then finishing at IMLP last year, and best of all our good friend Pam Allen finishing her first Ironman after some setbacks and a medical DNF last year!

I had two goals during my running only days. Qualify for the Boston Marathon and break three hours in the marathon (2:59 at 46 and 2:57 at 47) but at this age this one seems sweeter. I'll feel very humbled to be on the line next Oct. with so many outstanding athletes.

Thanks for listening and for the knowledge and wisdom that comes with being part of this great group of teammates and friends.


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