How to switch days off in OS
Hey Coach, Question. I am currently half-way through OS with days off Monday/Friday. My weekday workouts are done in the wee hours of the morning before the kiddo wakes up. I'm finding that my Wednesday run, and sometimes my Tuesday ride, are tough to sustain the effort needed as compared to when I can do my workouts in the afternoon, because of my early morning schedule. My Wed run pace - takes me 2 1x mile sets in order to reach the pace I normally hit for all 3 1x miles on Saturday. I might be able to try to shift my Tuesday/Wednesday workouts to the evening, after bedtime - but I'm often spent after that and barely have time to clean up, unwind and head to bed.
I'm able to do the am runs at Zone 4 - they are just a slower pace then when I can work out during the day. Could I shift my days off to Monday/Thursday? How would that look? Or do I just keep putting in the early morning work Tues/Wed and know that the hard effort (even if at a slower pace) is just as good?
Side Note - I'm interested in the FL training camp - but it will take a LOT of requesting (begging) to my husband, and a flight for my MIL to come watch the kiddo, so I'm wondering if you're close to the minimum 10 athletes? The link on the front EN page goes to the Ice Cream Social - so I wasn't able to see further info
Thanks! Leslie
And Thanks Brenda - I'll go check it out right now!
Then Tuesday itself would be off to recover from those three back-to-back days and your Wednesday and Thursday workouts would happen as planned. Friday will be off per the schedule. I think this is the best option as it requires only a small change. Let me know what you think.
btw I told my husband that you raced Kona - he just looked up your time and said "That shit is legit!" - I thought that would make you smile.