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Week 9 of 12 IMAZ - Execution - not fitness

Start drilling this into your thoughts:

  1. Pre-Race / Taper: The closer you get to your race, the more you'll be hit with the magnitude of the event that's coming. The best way to get ready to handle that (self-imposed) pressure is to do all your training to the best of your ability. Dealing with anxiety in the final lead up to your race is a great deal easier if you have done the best you can given your life, time-commitment, and abilities.
  2. Race Week: The theme here is doing what you need to do, then getting out of Dodge. The more time you spend around folks who are freaking out, the more likely you are to freak out -- it's that simple! Know what you need to do and get it done; connect with a few key people and then return to a quiet place where you can focus.
  3. Race Day: There will be countless times during your day when other athletes will attempt to convince you that Fitness is more important than strategy. They will race you to the top of a hill in the middle of no-where, they will cut you off in the swim, they will regale you with stories of epic training on the run. Each of these instances is an opportunity for you to put the Four Keys system to work!

So easy to read over and over and yet so hard to implement.

Wishing you all lots of luck this week!  We are close! 




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    Thanks @Shaughn for the notes and for keeping all of us motivated. I was losing the mental game big-time especially being in bed sick and not knowing what to expect for my first IM. Did RR1 (which I still need to post) low and slow bike and run and was really amazed at how easy it was to keep going at the lower power and pace. I'll be the tortoise but should be fast enough to finish. Maybe I'll pass a few hares on the run image
    Had an fantastic 2.8 mile OWS swim yesterday (swam straight (!!), wetsuit didn't feel like a straightjacket) followed by a 10 mile run (making up some of the miles I missed this week). Of course it was an absolutely beautiful day in San Diego! Water is still crazy warm so maybe not quite prepared for the cold AZ lake. Probably wishful thinking that it is warmer than usual there image @ Betsy any water temp reports?
    Going to do my bike test outdoors this week since my numbers inside versus outside seem very different. (Or I'm just much stronger now that I'm healthy?)
    Congrats to the Kona folks - you are amazing!
    Congrats to the IMAZ folks putting up all these training hours (at all hours) - you are amazing too!
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    @Vicki and the rest-water temp yesterday was 77 so wetsuit legal-most wore something, a lot of sleeveless suits. The water temps will be going down. The last two years the water temp on the weekend of race day was 65 degrees-very tolerable for me with full wetsuit and neoprene cap under my regular cap (2012 we had a splash and dash that weekend). 2012 the race was a week later (sunday before thanksgiving) and the thursday before race day a cold front moved in and water temp was 61 race day-my swim was fine but my hands were numb for a while out of the water. I'm counting on 65 degrees. And beautiful weather all day! Do you know that after it was hot and cloudless yesterday for the HIM it thundered and rained in the evening!

    @Vicki-good job this weekend!

    @Shaughn-thanks for the thought focuses!!!

    I'm off work this week for a trip to hometown KC (I will be arriving at airport 2 hours before the start of first world series game tomorrow night-the town is gaga after a 29 year dry spell) for a family/business trip. Already did a short run today with dogs (just because I could) and now off to swim and swim lessons! Will probably be doing long run wed am as thurs is the busy day for me on the trip and swims thurs and friday.
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    So, super busy weekend. I was able to get in a 2 1/2 hard ride on Saturday and 4 1/2 hrs on Sunday. On Sunday, my legs were just trashed from standing most of the day on Saturday. Sunday afternoon I had 4 hrs of soccer tryouts that I had to watch. Really trying to hang on with my training until the end, but the fatigue (and my schedule) is really getting to me.
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    Advice to the OCD among us: the conditions are this race are almost always ideal, meaning little (<10 mph) wind, moderate temps (high 60s-low 70s), and smooth, cool water. I've been at the race every year save one since it moved to Nov, and while once I did hear of a 10-15 minute rain 'storm", otherwise, one can simply forget about the environment and just race.</p>

    Here is the lake temp site. but be aware that the water temps usually fall precipitously during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of Nov as the days get shorter and the sun gets lower in the sky. So no point in looking at it now, it will be much different in 4 weeks.


    Now I'm off to the trainer to watch the final four episodes of The Strain (or maybe The Knick) while I knock out 7 x 25' @ 0.75.

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    @betsy and @al thanks for the info! My RR1 was in crazy cross wind. Decided to do 4 mile loops around an island in the bay - easy to ride continuously in aero. There is always wind but that day it was so bad that we there were whitecaps on the bay. By the time the wind surfers showed up, I was averaging ~11mph. Had to stop early to get to movie night at the school. I was wondering about the winds at AZ. Planning to do RR2 at the same place but getting started early to get some miles in before the wind picks up. Guess if I can ride in that wind, AZ will be a "breeze!" :-)
    Water temps here are ~68 but are usually ~55 (brrr).
    @Peter - I feel your difficulties. My daughter starting transitional-K was the tipping point for me. Can't even keep up with all the bday parties etc. My oldest teaches TK and I cannot believe how busy these kids are compared to when she was in school! I feel like my 4 year old needs a full-time manager. Guess I'm showing my age.
    @al - also thanks for the run advice in the other thread. I was going to run 18, but will stick with 15 at 3 hrs. Planning to be very conservative race-day.
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    All...I've been off the AZ forums for a couple of weeks while I was in Kona and then on a 3 day business trip to Boston.  I'm feeling pretty good (better than I expected) after Kona and ready to get back to it tomorrow.  I took it ez (not off) for 10 days and work starts again. 

    Good work everyone.  Keep it up and you'll be ready.  Be sure to those long swims, rides and runs done.  That's what counts at this point. 

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    ok team (docs pay attention) have a low grade bug of some kind for over a week, it seems to come and go. Last Sunday, Monday, felt like shizz.. slept in on Monday afternoon.
    what did i feel? tired, achy, all the signs of something with a fever without the fever. That passed and it became a full on unusual, for me, cold. Just sneezing constantly, only clear mucus.

    felt mixed the rest of the week, know i wasn't feeling great when i ran the 19 on Thursday, etc. Felt perfect when i biked / ran on Saturday, felt tired and slept in the afternoon this Sunday, did a short run yesterday afternoon, never made it to the pool in the evening, feeling the same original symptom, tired, drained, achy.. Not from working out, as if there is something else affecting me... You just know when you have something...

    is this bacterial? or virul? and i assume rest is on the menu?
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    Busy weekend.  Got in another outdoor ride for 3.5 hours in 48 degrees with a 20 mile/hr wind.  Sunday I completed the intervals because I missed them during the week with travel.

    Traveling again this week to Houston, in the 80's here.  Got in the run intervals last night,  that last 1 mile was HARD with the heat.  Today I will get to swim in a 50M pool, we don't have one that I can use back home.  Traveling on Wednesday so no chance of a work out.  Thursday I will do Saturdays ride on the trainer, I'm a little afraid of those 7x25.  Friday morning swim, then off to Door County for our annual 50K relay on Sat.   I will run my 2 legs first then throw in some extra miles/time per Als suggestion.  Sunday I will get back home then have to leave again Sun night to go to Chicago.

    Feeling the cumulative effects of the training/travel and can't wait for the final RR to be done.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

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    @Scott - a strong 19 mile run like the one you laid down might have brought your immune system down a bit and let something in.  Rest is prob the best advice there.

    @Mary - welcome to TX and the heat that goes along with it.  Humidity is the biggest issue.  I am amazed at how you both work, travel and find ways to get the work done!

    I got in a slow, tired swim yesterday: http://www.strava.com/activities/209710809

    Had a 5/20 FTP test for breakfast this morning:  http://www.strava.com/activities/209982856

    Not a fun way to wake up but happy it is done for the day.


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    Bib numbers are up.
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    @Scott, I second @Shaughn regarding rest.
    @Mary, thanks for the heads-up!

    2704 - my new lucky number! 429 people in M45-49. Things are getting real.

    After almost 7 months with the power meter and 4 rounds of FTP testing, I finally feel like I nailed the execution of an FTP test. New FTP 221 and W/Kg 2.8. What's interesting is that the new zones align nicely with what I've been riding in my race rehearsal and long rides.

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    @Clark - that w/kg combined with your solid swim and run is going to set you up nicely for IMAZ - I'm forecasting a PR for you! Nice work on the test!

    I got a 2X1 session in early, in the dark. 


    Felt like work coming off of yesterday's FTP test.   Long Day of work meetings for me....

    Good luck with Hump Day all!


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    @scott thanks for sharing the FTP results. I've been struggling with what my numbers should be as well which has been taking a lot if my mental energy. Tested outside yesterday at the site of rr1. What a difference. The test was actually fun. By the time I got started there was a pretty solid wind of 10mph on the island where I was doing loops. I think this made me push harder. W/kg for my last indoor test was 2.1 (granted I was sick) and w/kg from yesterday was 2.8 which is a pretty significant jump. This number is much more consistent with my RPE and heartrate. My predicted time on best bike split is now 6.5 hrs which seems unrealistic since I consider myself a snail on the bike, but I guess I will see how the numbers play out on race day! I'm less worried about making the cutoff now :-) My last prediction was 7.5 hrs. Hoping to have a good weekend on the bike!
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    @Scott-without a fever unlikely bacterial infection. What we do is highly inflammatory and it could be fatigue and any number of things like low grade viral infection, adrenal burnout, Throid issues, Hormonal. As an MD I'm starting to study for my retirement career in functional medicine. If this persists, I would highly recommend a consult with a functional medicine trained physician (philosophy is to hunt for underlying causes instead of just putting band aids on symptoms).

    My FTP test was a bit of a bust-probably starting with the fact that i didn't want To do it!
    First test on my new P3 and I had put the aero jacket on rear wheel for Sundays race and left it on to test how I ride the beeline this weekend. Does that make a difference on the trainer ?
    I did the the first half hour in aero and was an overachiever in the VO2 test. I started sagging in the 20' test/sitting up and quit after 15 min (over it!). My last/highest FTP WAS 155 (3.1W/kg) and I could tell from my results I was back to 150(3W/kg). My .7 IF is a difference of 4W (109 vs 105) and if I could nail .7 at 105 this year I could be a little faster than last year, which was .68IF of FTP 150. I was 6:13 last year and my goal is 6 this year.

    Flew to KC yesterday for a family event thurs and caught up in World Series mania even though I'm not a spectator sports enthusiast.
    59 degrees and partly cloudy-off to do long run this am.
    If I'm devoted I will get my Wednesday swim/run in tomorrow afternoon after my event.

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    This weeks thread is very appropriately named. I too had disappointing FTP test results yesterday, but am trying to keep in mind that is very typical for this point. All our focus on long slow(ish) rides is going to cause your FTP to drop (or at least your ability to test well to drop!) Focus on your 70-75% efforts and your ABP riding. At this point your comfort riding @ 70-75% levels may actually go up, while your FTP # seems to come down. As long as your RR #1 went reasonably well, don't pay too much attention to FTP drops at this point. 

    Went to Santa Fe, NM for a family get together this past weekend so that shook up my training a bit. Did 90mi ride @ 4:15 on Thurs, Long swim on Friday, 19mi run @ 2:16 on Sat, Off on Sun (pool was closed), and trainer ride on Monday 35 @ 1:45. 

    This week is moving along: Trainer ride test yesterday was a fail, I also overdid the 5' vo2 and got through 15' of the FTP. Today got in a 3100 swim this am and the 2x1 mi at lunch with 5mi @ 40min and the miles @ 6:22, 6:18. 

    Next up: 18mi @ 0'dark30. 

    Stay the course!!! Work on execution and pacing!!! We are almost there.

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    I come back home after spending 8 out of the last 10 weeks away in awesome training locales - Colorado Mountains, and Kona Coast. The rain started here this week, so adjusting my workouts to live within that constraint is an ongoing challenge.

    Last week, after the race in Hawaii, I was able to run 23 miles, get two swims in (as well as a couple of snorkel sessions), and a set of FTP intervals on the trainer. This week, so far, I've gotten two 5 mile runs sessions including 2 x 1 mi set, two trainer sessions, and a 4200 yd swim.

    Today, I did the FTP test inside. I suspect that Trainer Road was not working properly, and simply set my CompuTrainer at 1.05 IF for the 20 minutes, instead of letting me set the effort level. If that's the case, I succeeded, as I hit 1.051 for the 20 minutes test, meaning my FTP remains the same as 6 months ago, the last time I tested on the trainer. This is a win in my book, considering the fatigue at this point in an IM build, and the inexorable decline I'm seeing in all three sports.

    The next four days' plan: two more swims (posted on Wed and Fri in the plan, done by me on Thurs and Sat as the pool is less crowded then), another 5 mile run, 2.5 hr run (18 mi?) on Friday (when a rain-free window might appear in the morning), another trainer session on Sat, and a drive over the mountains to drier climes for a 5+ hour ride preceded by a 5 mile run, using the bike course of one of my favorite local tris, which just happens to be 28 miles long, one way, so getting 112 is just 2x out an back. Sunday/Monday look to be the best chance for a dry ride, so that dictates the schedule.

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    I skipped the run this morning (lazy) and that seems to have made for a better than recent-normal swim! I'll take it.


    I have a few newb type questions that maybe someone can answer... This will be the first time I'm using the perform that they supply on the bike. Can anyone tell me what kind of bottles that will come in? Will they fit in a standard water bottle cage? Do they have a "sip top" like the water bottles or do they have a twist off cap? Are they 20oz bottles? Also, does anyone have more specific data on the aid station locations? I looked at the "map" so I have rough guesses but I'm looking for something a little more accurate?

    Thanks in advance if anyone can help with this!
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    Posted By Clark Mitchell on 22 Oct 2014 08:45 PM

    ...I have a few newb type questions that maybe someone can answer... This will be the first time I'm using the perform that they supply on the bike. Can anyone tell me what kind of bottles that will come in? Will they fit in a standard water bottle cage? Do they have a "sip top" like the water bottles or do they have a twist off cap? Are they 20oz bottles? Also, does anyone have more specific data on the aid station locations? I looked at the "map" so I have rough guesses but I'm looking for something a little more accurate? ...

    Perform bottles: 20 oz, 170 cal/bottle, clear plastic, a little smaller than standard bike bottles, fit easily into standard cages, but might tend to jiggle a little. Tops are twist open/close, about 1" in diameter. Volunteers *usually* hand them to you twisted open.

    Aid stations, there are four in each 37.6 mile "loop", so one less than every ten miles. You should never go dry. The first one comes 3-4 miles into the loop. I can;t remember if it is open the first time around; if it is, there's no reason to carry anything out of T1 if you are feeding off the course. Second one is half way "up" Beeline, 12-13 miles out. Third one is just after the turn around, about 19 miles out. Fourth one is at the turn off of Beeline heading back in, about 29-30 miles in. Even though these last two seem unevenly placed, distance wise, remember you are going upish to the turn around, and downish from there, so time-wise, they are evenly spaced. Rinse and repeat.

    IIRC, Special Needs is half way between stations #3 and 4.

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    Great run this AM. Cold to start @ 26f but warmed up to 50 by the time I finished. Man I LOVE these fall morning runs. 

    18mi in 2:12. ~7:18/mi Avg HR 155. Focused on keeping my HR in race range (mid 150s) and not so much on pace. Cant imagine this will be my race pace, but its encouraging nonetheless.


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    @Al, Thank You! That helps a lot.
    @Rian, Crap that's fast... Nothing else to say about that.

    I'm quite happy with my early AM long run. Pacing and nutrition were both well executed and I kept my heart rate on the low end of the race day range.


    The end is in sight folks. Can't wait to meet you all in person.
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    @ Rian - X2 what Clark said!

    @ Clark - I looked up the definition of "Long Run Execution" in the online Wikipedia this morning.  Nothing was written there, only found a Strava link to your workout this morning!  WTG!

    I hacked the plan, moved the Sunday bike to this morning and jacked up the intensity:  http://www.strava.com/activities/210709379

    My long run is Sun.

    During my lunch hour, I made up yesterday's missed swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/210821935

    Need a nap............


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    @Rian - Can I borrow about 30" per mile ;-)

    I was on a field trip all day on Tuesday, so I didn't get my testing done. But I'm right were I should be. Not too worried about going up/down. Last RR was right on as far as pace. So, not going to stress about it.

    Did 16 miles this morning. First part about 9:45, last 5 or7 at 9:10-9:15ish. Felt as good as 16 miles in the dark can feel ;-) Mentally it was REALLY tough to be out there. I basically ran 4 miles from home and did loops out there so that even if I decided to cut it short, I would still have to run the 4 miles back ;-) Nutrition went well with 1 gel every 30 min or so.

    My Saturday/sunday are going to be flipped again because of soccer games.

    Oracle @Al - I'm so glad you are doing this race also. You always know everything. The way I figure it, i'm going to save about 10+ min just because of the tips you provide.
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    @Shaughn - I need 3 naps ;-) My kids just don't understand quiet time anymore. Or the fact that Dad wants to go to sleep before them most nights.
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    So who is going to be on Beeline Sat or Sun? I will be there both days in EN shirt on a road bike that I am borrowing.
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    Dave knows I will be on the Beeline. Anyone else? Rian?

    @Rian-x3 on the lightening speed. And thanks for the support about FTP test-RR went well and this is first year I've even bothered trying to test this late.

    I did long run yesterday beautiful weather and fall color in KC. It's hilly Missouri terrain here and I picked the flattest course I could but still had rollers esp a large one at end getting back to where I'm staying. 18 mi in 3 hours, miles 7-18 20-30s faster than goal pace. Nutrition/hydration went well.

    Going into 24h fit as soon as I post to make up yesterday's swim. Will do yesterday's run tomorrow.
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    Posted By Peter Carroll on 23 Oct 2014 02:46 PM

    ...Oracle @Al - I'm so glad you are doing this race also. You always know everything. The way I figure it, i'm going to save about 10+ min just because of the tips you provide.

    Peter and others … here's a 10 min tip, for me at least. Last night, I reviewed my bike files from my last two IMAZ in 11 & '13. I'm looking to see if I can find 5 minutes or so improvement on the bike. I discovered that if I coast/ride easy on the first four miles downhill from the turnaround, it took me 2-4 minutes (per lap) longer than if I kept pedaling hard.

    Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3

    Distance 4.1 4.04 4.18

    Time 8:10 10:11 12:00

    IF 0.70 0.572 0.554

    MPH 30.32 23.57 20.92

    Cadence (Moving/Ped) 89/91 83/88 78/82

    This underscores one of the elements of race execution EN emphasizes: keep working on the downhills. The down portion in this race is NOT steep enough to warrant coasting or soft pedaling. Doing so on all three laps might cost me as much as 10-12 minutes; pedaling hard on the 2nd and 3rd laps last year would have gained me six minutes, a not insignificant time from my perspective. Other than these four miles, the three laps were done in the same time. Since I am looking to go about 10-12 minutes faster than last year overall, this alone, covering merely 8 miles of the bike course, would have gotten me half way there. I hope to find three minutes on the run, 1.5 in transitions, up to a minute in the swim, and the remainder by not stopping to pee while biking.

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    Posted By Rian Bogle on 23 Oct 2014 11:45 AM

    ...18mi in 2:12. ~7:18/mi Avg HR 155. Focused on keeping my HR in race range (mid 150s) and not so much on pace. Cant imagine this will be my race pace, but its encouraging nonetheless.

    I'm doing the long run tomorrow. Looking at yours (and also at Clark's, where he went from 132 @ mile 8 to 152 by mile 17), I'm thinking I will run it based on my HR, starting at 120, hitting 123 by mile 6, then slowly rising to 130 by mile 15, then ramping up to 136/7 for the last three. This will mimic what I intend to do on race day, with miles 6-15 tomorrow equating to miles 6-22.5 on race day. I will (for this workout) hide my pace and time, showing only distance, cadence and HR, on my Garmin, then review pace after the fact.

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    Good plan Al! I went back and looked at my HR for both 2012 and 2013 and it seems avg of low to mid 150s for me is typical. In 2012 I felt great the whole time, in 2013 I bonked myself with poor nutrition in the 1st half and my HR / pace dipped down to low 140s from miles 13-20, then managed to regroup and drive my HR and pace back up. Sticking to the HR range and throttling based on RPE seems to be a much better approach than sticking to a fixed pace, especially when I am never confident / 100% sure of the high/low alt effects on my Vdot. After 3 weeks of 18milers using HR I can see where Coach P feels HR can better optimize your run effort. 

    I too had the negative effects of coasting and pee break on lap 3 last year. No pee stops, No coasting in 2014!

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    out of the sick bed and back on program, 15 Miles done,

    1st 5 at roughly 9

    2nd 5 at roughly 8:30

    3rd 5 at roughly 7:30

    HR was a bit high on the last 5, the last 5 was upgrade for most of it and against a stiff wind from the Noreaster that blew through here in the last couple of days...

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    @Scott ... Solid, high quality long run. Given your 19 miler last week, and URI threat, this was probably a perfect effort level and distance for you. Get a similarly good long ride this weekend, OK?
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