Andrew Lull - Micro Forum
I may have misunderstood as I'm new to EN, but I thought we had an "appointment" for a 12:00noon introductory phone call today for you to go over the website, etc. I went ahead and watched the Trial Member Webinar which I'm guessing probably cover a lot of the same material?
I did send a Macro question to Rich regarding adapting the Training Plan and I'd like to get your two cents of input as well. I typically have more available time that most age group triathletes and wonder if it's possible to adjust the volume to add in additional time when I have the opportunity to do so. I understand that Rich would handle the building of the training plan and you'd handle any specific in-week questions.
We can discuss more on the phone, but in general the outs season. Training is one where we reduce the volume intentionally. If you want to add more time, I would challenge you to find a way to add it in such a manner as to add more value to your fitness now and to your season later. Especially since the title of this thread is dealing with recovering from hip surgery. :-)