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2014 EN Holiday Run Challenge



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    Great long run this morning in the sun - 11 miles, 1h28, 2 bonus points for Z4... missed the temp points image - Total 14!

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         Sunday run done. 9 mi. 1 point for 1 hr. +, and 2 points for Zn 4 miles.
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    Any bonus points for running in 80 degree + weather?? Definitely kidding, but getting adjusted to this FL heat is not to be underestimated image
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    Headed out for a 10 miler and commented to husband about how freezing it was going to be at 27 degrees. He said, " But you get another point!" Yes, I do! 17 point run today- bam!
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         Did Core & Swim Prep WKO, then an easy 2 mile Zn 1-2 run on TM. Got to save a little, tomorrow's bike is a monster!
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    Working as best I can in Mississippi visting relatives with little access to internet! Will post when I can!!!
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    6.7 miles this afternoon for 60 minutes. 2x Z4 miles. Total of 9.7 Close, but no cigar on the temp bonus. Wish there was a wind bonus, as it took one mile off of my run.

    Yesterday completed a 10.6 mile steady run.
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    over achieved on Sunday so just did a recovery run yesterday....got the bonus for temp yea!

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        Did my run as a brick. Legs pretty fried from tough bike!
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    Recovery day for me today & its FREEZING outside +10 for a high and WINDY. Ran outside anyway just to get another point.
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    Recovery run for me as well. 32 for a high; 23 when the wind chill is factored in.
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    Missed the temperature points (3°C) but 10k race + mile w/u = 13 pts!
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       This morning run done as a brick. 3 miles + a bonus point(30 deg.)
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    Got 5 miles in this morning, legs felt better than anticipated after drinking last night. Missed one day in the holiday challenge due to fatigue.

    Good job everyone for all the work and keeping up with it during the holidays. Wishing everyone a great 2015
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    What a great challenge and even with more miles than I have run consecutively in many, many years. It took me a while to understand how to calculate the numbers (OK, I'm an old guy) but I rounded down the miles for all the runs and no extra for all the 1.? hour runs. Today's run was NOT pretty and I was really tired and it was cold but, I got a great start to 2015. 8 days, two cities, 68.1 miles, 10 hours 52 minutes and add in two spinning classes for a great challenge(no points for the spinning classes). Win Loose or draw...I gave everything I could. I hope to see you all on an IM race course this year. Thanks EN, you are the best...
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    Happy New Year!

    my '14-15 HRC is complete. less mileage than last year, but glad to run every day and score the 5 point bonus while hitting some high intensity NOS workouts

    this year, I had the pleasure of running many of the miles with my 8-month old dog and 10-year old son -- quite a treat!

    looking forward to the '15-16 edition!
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    Wed Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/235078257  7 miles with 1X1@ Z4 and 1 hr = 9 pts.

    Thurs Run: http://www.strava.com/activities/235472579  3X1.5(.5), 1X(.5) @ Z4 = 14 pts  (8 miles, 5@ Z4, 1 hr)

    Solid run today Jim H.!

    Happy New Year All!!

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    Nice work everyone with the challenge! A lot of awesome running done over the last 8 days!
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    6.2 miles tonight for over an hour in sub 30 degree temps. Slow going after yesterday's 5k Time Trial and a late night last night. 20 points more than last year, though I was in the middle of the NOS which made running 8 consecutive days a bear.
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    Alas, Number 2 I remain for this challenge as a younger En'r finds Z4 for a full 7 miles. Ugh! I thought I had it! Congratulations Shaughn Simmons from Team Texas for a great effort. 
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    I just entered my miles, I think I made it to the top 10....a good result overall!
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    Hmmmmm...Jim Hogan, Unless I misread, I have 81 points and you have 80. Great job, Shaughn!!

    My main goal was to run every day - I have never done that many days in a row in my whole life!  And the bonus points for threshold miles sure made me run faster!  Great challenge!!

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    @ Leslie, consistent and strong!  Well Done and thanks to both you and Jim for pushing me and making it hurt!!
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    Leslie, Missed you all the way at the top of the list. Congratulations to you and Shaughn. Since points calculator was broken I rounded everything down but will accept making it to the podium on this one.

    A great challenge for the holiday.
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    Great job everyone!  Some of you had to endure rough running conditions, so kudos to you!  This made for a nice change in my training routine.  Happy New Year to all!

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    What a great competition! Although Team Texas took 2nd, we sure did put up a great fight! Last year that Ottawa Sleeper Cell put in like 529 miles, which is beyond reach for us mere triathletes! This year we were in 2nd by about 13 points and made it a lot closer.

    Thanks for the Team effort!
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