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? inre "social media" and EN

Sorry to complain, sound like an old fart or just being reactionary, BUT

I just want to go on record as saying that this guy ( I realize I may be the only one) is not on FaceBook, twitter, or instagram and I have no interest in joining them anytime soon.  I hope that won't limit my access to EN content in the future.  I liked being able to listen to coach chats that were past my bedtime or when I was unable to participate live, the following day while driving.  You guys know the numbers so I'm sure you'll do whats best for the largest number of members.  I hope when "new" media is introduced you can give us the reasoning behind that decision and why that is "better". 



  • Posted By Robert Sabo on 04 Nov 2014 07:36 AM

    Sorry to complain, sound like an old fart or just being reactionary, BUT

    I just want to go on record as saying that this guy ( I realize I may be the only one) is not on FaceBook, twitter, or instagram and I have no interest in joining them anytime soon.  I hope that won't limit my access to EN content in the future.  I liked being able to listen to coach chats that were past my bedtime or when I was unable to participate live, the following day while driving.  You guys know the numbers so I'm sure you'll do whats best for the largest number of members.  I hope when "new" media is introduced you can give us the reasoning behind that decision and why that is "better". 


    Hey Robert,

    Thanks for the note and sorry about the confusion. To be clear:

    1. We are still doing the weekly video coach chats, every week. These are members only, in the chat room, recorded for you, ie, nothing has changed about these from what we've been doing for the past couple years. 
    2. The twitter chats are every other week on Mondays. While it would be awesome if members attended and participated in these, these are not for/meant to be a means of support for the members, but rather we're experimenting with this format to push the EN vibe out to the world.

    The short answer is that, for the members, nothing has changed. We are still doing the video chats and you can find all of them on our YouTube channel here, and we point the members to them every week in the Team Update.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Robert, I'm glad you brought this up.... I too am not on FB , Twitter , Instagram , etc.... I feel the activity level of the EN board has decreased over the last year and often wonder if that is because of the other social media taking place ... I get that it might be in the best interest of EN to have more eyeball's etc but feel it maybe taking away from the original content of EN.... BTW I believe STRAVA is doing the same (which I am part of).......
  • I see both points.  As on OF (old-fart....although I still try to keep one foot in the young fart camp), I too find twitter/instagram (facebook I can manage the basics) "beyond my technical capabilities at this time".  But, having 1 kid in high school, 2 in middle school, and 2 in grade school, I can tell you that without a doubt "this is what the kids are doing" today.  If I can't figure out how to do something, one my older kids can do it with their eyes closed and then gloat about how dumb I am.  

    I have noticed less "traffic" on the dashboard, but see more posts in the forums instead.  I find scanning the "not read" and "my topics" sections of the forums keeps me in the loop for things of interest for me, but allows me to skip stuff which is less interesting to me or for which I have no potential to contribute anything of value (e.g....marathon advice/plans....never done one....no current desire to do one...nothing to add...).  I like that change, personally.  

    So, I turned on (that's probably not even correct!) Twitter yesterday during the chat.  Couldn't figure out what was happening, but looking at it now, looks like it was targeted more towards people who might be interested in joining....interaction with Coach R...etc.  Doesn't hurt me any...looks like another way to get eyes on EN, potentially gain somemore teamates, and grow EN.  

    I also like the Strava integration.....it's very motivating to see others working hard and consistently doing workouts (often the same one I'm supposed to do), encourage each other, etc.  

    It's all good....


  • We. Are. 100%. Committed. To. Our. Members.

    Just wanted to eliminate any confusion.  I spend 30+ hours a week on the phone alone with our members, not to mention doing PMs, texts, emails and other elements of support. Then there's creating content, improving our plans, etc. Rich and I are both all in. Pinky Promise.

    Back in the day, EN was the coolest thing there was on the interwebs...now technology has evolved beyond "just Facebook" there are countless places for people to co-habitate on the web. For example, EN + Facebook is old skool, but EN + Instagram is new...or EN + Twitter is growing.

    We as business owners are working to create a presence and "brand" on these other channels, which in our parlance is actually showing up -- not just spamming. We have hired Mariah Bridges (see Staff), to help us navigate these uncertain waters and keep our business and community healthy and thriving.  Just like many other businesses are doing these days. 

    While we don't see these activities as replacing what we do inside the Team, I can understand your concern. If there's something else we can do to improve your EN experience, I'd love to hear it. You can reply here or PM me or text me or call me or email our support channel or hit me on Facebook and Twitter and....you get the idea... 

  • I couldn't help but read this and think of Robert as he gets older and shouts, "You damn kids get off my lawn!"

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