Polo's Micro
Coach P, I've been using the HR zones calculated from my 5k TT for my NovOS. But I notice my Z1 (9:27) and Z2 (8:06) are far apart compared to the 20 seconds or less between all my other zones. Typical?
Does my Z3 (7:48) mean that is the pace at which I should run my upcoming first half marathon?
The only thing you need to be careful of is if your test was done indoors and your race I s outside. Generally your heart rate will be higher outside then indoors. Let me know.
(1) First OS - been member only since Oct.
(2) Been RELIGIOUS about OS - missed one bike w/o while traveling, and a brick run - also, not overdoing zones as I saw other members' warnings
(3) Run vDot - looking good; improved nearly 2 points
(4) Bike watts - lost 4w (Oct. 27 Bike TT - FTP 215w; Dec. 17 Bike TT - FTP 211w)
(5) Recent 4 x 5 min VO2 Bike w/o - was toast after first minute of first interval
(6) Notes: I don't have real power - I use PowerCal. From first TT to second TT, I switched from 177.5mm crank to 170mm crank (feel like I've lost power w/ shorter crank with no cadence benefit)
On the intervals, I don't have a lot of recent data before the test because I was using a disc wheel. But I have post test info: 2x15' (227w & 208w); 3x14' (201, 197 & 201w); 4x5' (210,221,209,217w); 3x12' on trainer (182,187 & 183 -although the trainer is always lower watts); 40 min ride @ 175w
I only ask as your numbers are kind of all over the place...see how you can hold watts in the 2x15 at an effort higher than you could hold the 4x5s. The only way it would make sense to me was if A and B were outside...and C and D were indoors as your 187 FTP and 215 VO2 would sync up...
FTP Examples
[A] 2x15' (227w & 208w)
[B] 3x14' (201, 197 & 201w)
[C] 3x12' on trainer (182,187 & 183 -although the trainer is always lower watts)
VO2 Examples
[D] 4x5' (210,221,209,217w)
40 min ride @ 175w
Do you also think the shorter crank caused some short term power loss? I had not had many miles with them prior to the test.
It feels like my legs fatigue but my heart has plenty left.
It's not really the crank link that will cause a loss of power, my experience is that it is the change in relative cadence. What used to be your 85 rpm's for example, is now 92. And that's not your happy place, from a work or heart rate perspective.
T-Pace is essentially your target race pace; we get different training stimulus by having you go above (slower) or below (faster) than that effort in specific swim sets. So if your T-Pace is 1:40 / 100yds and the workout says 3" below...then you are aiming for 1:37s....make sense?
With another race around the corner we have to make sure your nutrition plan is bullet proof.
Please respond with another post about what your plan was on race day and then what you actually DID for the bike and run. And did you pee on the bike?
I started with a swim that following Tuesday and easy spin Wednesday. Basically got a couple bike and short run workouts that week. Very tight hamstrings and heavy legs. This past week has been much better - almost back to normal but my paces still seem a bit slower. Swimming is fine.
Nutrition plan had gel 15' before swim, half powerbar early on bike with half bottle Gatorade first 30' working up to bottle next 30 min. Gel at end of each hour with two bottles Gatorade each hour. Had salt supplement in the first two Gatorade bottles I brought.
What happened was gel before swim, half powerbar first 30 min with one bottle of Gatorade by mile 15, gel at first hour, had to pee at mile 16 (couldn't pee on bike), another bottle Gatorade by mile 30 (line for portapotty at least five deep so didn't stop to wait 10 minutes - can't help but think having to pee slowed my drinking as I should have had almost two bottles by then), gel after next hour, finally stopped to pee at mile 40 (next available portapotty), two bottles of Gatorade last hour with gel and a little bit of water toward end of 3rd hour (probably trying to catch up but was cramping before mile 40). Stomach would take nothing on run but a few sips of Gatorade - no gels, no salt
Did you have powergels (more sodium) on the bike?
I suggest a salt pill every hour (like salt stick plus).
Finally we can't overlook how you paced the bike...could be that a little light on fluids and a little "hot" in the pacing department did you in.
Let's work on those first three things between now and race day!
Coach, I need some long ride advice: My FTP is 187 (Upper Z1=128; Z2=137; Z3=155). For 2.5 to 3 hr rides, I'm able to ride steady 128-132 watts, after the 145 to 155 watt intervals, without leaving my legs completely shot. For 4 hr+ rides, I'm closer to 108-118 watts. I still have 60 days until IMFL, but based on my long rides at this point, I'm thinking 112 to 116 watts is what I'm going to try for my race rehearsal, which I am expecting is less than prescribed in the Training Plan. After tough exertion, whether late in a swim workout, or late on a long bike, I have problems with cramping in my legs (historically had cramping issues). IMFL will be my first IM. So, I'm thinking "conservative" would be best. Thoughts?
The cramping is usually nutrition related...what is your nutrition plan? Are you getting in our recommended 1,000 mgs of salt per hour?
Ok, that is what I'll do then. I have another RR to practice or adjust, right?
Based on my sweat test (and logistics), I am drinking two 24 ounce bottles of gatorade, one saltstick and a GU gel per hour. My sweat test actually prescribes 60 to 64 ounces. So, increasing the fluid a tick may solve the problem over the course of the ride. Sometimes I substitute a bottle of Perform for a bottle of Gatorade to get more sodium (so, 1 bottle Gatorade, 1 Perform per hour). I plan on using two bottles of Perform at the beginning of the bike and then switch to Gatorade Endurance on the course based on the CORE recommendation to get multiple sources of carbs. I'll also have two bottles of Perform in Special Needs to switch things up again half way through. If I do feel cramping coming on, I'll take a saltstick at the 45 min mark rather than each hour (it seems to keep the cramping at bay, but the "threat" is right under the surface at that point). Baton Rouge has been pretty darn hot on the long rides, in the 90s every ride.
IF you can, make sure that gu is one of their saltier ones...and instead of more fluid all the time, just make sure the first hour is great...like maybe 2.5 to 3 bottles...then dial it back to 2 and you should be fine. That's also a great strategy for hotter race situations as well...
Congrats on Kona!
I've been swimming and biking well and doing my RRs. I even ran the hour after the bike RR and did the back to back bike days (100 and 85 miles). I have been running the shorter, faster runs with some pain, but I can get through them. I have a Run RR this Thursday - don't think that is possible/wise. I'm going to run 1.5 hours and see how I feel. Obviously, I'm very worried about the marathon. My first question is how should I modify my run training up until IMFL (Nov. 7)? Second, any tips on making it through the IMFL marathon portion (shorter steps help? Go harder on bike given I may have to walk the second half of the marathon if the ITBS flares)? I'm wide open for suggestions. But, not competing in IMFL is not an option.
1. Definitely get to ART for massage..you need serious manipulation.
2. Get hip exercises from the PT so you can start to strengthen the hips.
3. Run short runs off the bike (After warmed up) and focus on cadence of 90 rpms and on not crossing over your center line when running (run on while line and keep right foot on the right of it, left foot on the left). Stretch afterwards too...
4. Might be worth doing some run efforts on the elliptical to see if it's an impact issue...bonus that elliptical gets you some aerobic time similar to running.
5. On race day, there's no secret. I use tylenol (when hydrated and eating well) to manage back discomfort on the bike...I could see you doing this for the ITB as well...maybe a tylenol about 45' before you exit the bike...then depending on the dosage...a bit more at miles 8 and 16?
Usually I tell people to just take a chunk of time off. Anywhere from 3 to 5 days. Then reengage the program but in a way that still allows enough recovery to be good. But I can work with you however is best!
On the plateau side, my swim has gotten better over the last couple years (2:00/100yds to 1:45). I have also improved bike speed although not necessarily through increased FTP (I'm still under 200 and have lost a few points) but through longer sustained power/bike position/efficiency (18.5 mph to 20.5 mph on my "go to" route and in races) but I'm stuck here. My run has gone from over 8min/mile to 7 min with best at 6:45 for hard intervals, although it's moving back up a bit.
So while I've had some improvements over the last couple years, this year has seen flat results or small losses. I can't seem to keep my power where it needs to be on bike intervals as my legs fatigue and HR goes to 170. Latter part of summer was impacted by hamstring some.
Let me know if that doesn't work!
~ Coach P
**Bike Focused**
Monday (off);
Tuesday - Bike 75' to 90', hills.
Wed- Run 75'
Thurs - Bike 75' to 90', high cadence drills.
Fri - Run 45' w/ strides;
Sat - Bike 180"
Sun. - Run 60" & Bike 90"
**Run Focused:**
Monday (off);
Tuesday - Run 45' to 60'.
Wed- Run 30' then Bike 75' to 90', hills.
Thurs - Run 45' to 60'.
Fri - Swim Day
Sat - Run 30', Bike 180"
Sun. - Run 60" & Bike 90"
As for "What Now" that's really dictated by your doctor and what they say. I think your return will be faster in some aspects, slower in others. The less you have in terms of expectations, the better you can focus on actions.
So, I think for now a basic week would have:
- 2 x Recumbent Bike of 30 to 45 minutes. Just get your sweat on.
- 2 x Longer walk. Just get out there, could be a nice excuse to do some exploring on the weekend, or to take a slightly longer lunch break. Staying loose overall is a priority.
- Your extra time can be dedicated to picking your next challenge, prioritizing your recovery, and dealing with any other administrative stuff that seems to be dogging you post race / post crash.
I'll be standing by!~ Coach P
Second, I saw the "Roll Call for IMTX 2018- Who's in" forum and my spirit yelled "revenge!" So my next IM challenge may actually be that race. I'll be eyeing the opening of that registration if that works. I may look at some other 2017 IMs as well, but I feel I have unfinished business in Texas. And I don't like having unfinished business!
But, I'll stay in touch and let you know how it's going.
~ Coach P
Ps keep me posted!