Bec's Macro
Yes, already. Hope I'm not the quickest to have a question as a newb. 

My week 6 has me at a 120 min bike w/o. I currently have been about 30 minutes of easy spinning (so obviously no soreness or anything). 120 seems like a quantum leap-- should I just see how long I last? Or, back up a few weeks in the plan? Or...?

My week 6 has me at a 120 min bike w/o. I currently have been about 30 minutes of easy spinning (so obviously no soreness or anything). 120 seems like a quantum leap-- should I just see how long I last? Or, back up a few weeks in the plan? Or...?
Are you indoors on the bike? And you have a few weeks before you're in wk6, correct? The short answer is that you'd be 100% going from 30' to 2hrs today if you wanted
. But if you're inside, there's no reason for you to ride longer than ~90'. So follow the schedule but cap your bike at 90' vs the prescribe volume in those Saturday rides. Do that by maintaining the integrity of the Main Set(s) but cutting everything else short, if needed.
This all cascaded from my figuring out the March race hasn't been around for a couple of years (facepalm) so I adjusted for a February race and came up with week 6. I'm creating my own confusion, there. I will back up, reset to week 1 for now, and confirm what my spring races are.
I'm very timid as to what my bike capabilities are. It is relatively new to me, and a huge question mark. 75 minutes is going to be an adventure, but that's what I'm here for!
Thanks for the notes on how to abbreviate the workouts for indoors.
I would bet your paycheck that you could jump on a bike, right now, and ride two hours, no problem. A lot of it is just realigning your perspective on what time and work in the saddle means. No worries, you'll get there