Rachey B's Awesome Micro Thread
Hey Coach Patrick,
Couple of questions re: This week's training as I think I'll need to make a couple of tweaks.
Firstly, Thursday Workouts. Can I do the run before the bike or would you prefer the run post bike as in workout notes? Reason being, on Thursday nights I'm usually not home from 7am-10ish pm due to a class after work. So, I can do my ride on the trainer, but realistically, I don't really want to be out running alone that late at night. I can do the run in the morning, or if push comes to shove can probably do the bike before leaving for work and get the run in between work and my evening class. Just curious what preference would be...
Second question! I have a 5 mile cross country race on Saturday with my running club here in Cheltenham. Looking for input on how to adjust weekend workouts to suit this.
As for the 5M race (fun!), with a warm up and cool down that's a pretty good replacement for your Sunday run. So ride your Sat ride on Sun but note you might only be able to do 95% vs 100% due to some residual fatigue. Please take / share some pictures!
Trying to think ahead a bit. As you probably twigged seeing my Post to the OSC, I'm making a trip back home for a bit! I head back to Ottawa on the 4 December, then I go to London from the 7-10, then back to Ottawa until the evening of the 15. So, whirlwind tour but I'm going to *TRY* to keep up with the plan as much as possible. I was going to try and hack the plan as best as possible on my own but then realized i'm a bit out of my depth (short course I could totally wing it but I am stressed [in a good way] about doing this HIM training properly!)
I've secured a bike in London (aka, I'm borrowing my sister's bike and parent's trainer) so I can get in a ride whilst in London. In Ottawa, I've also managed to borrow a bike and trainer from a friend. So, I think I'm set for bike kit which is a relief!
I'm wondering if I should go a bit more bike heavy before my trip, or if i should just stick with the plan and take Thursday off (travel day). I was thinking of doing a Z2 run for about an hour on Friday to shake the legs out.
Would it be wise to take Sunday as a rest day due to travel to London and do the long run on Monday? It is feasible for me to do the Wednesday set before heading back to Ottawa.
Also, I flipped ahead in the plan a bit and I get back on the test week which will be a bit tough. How should I adjust the plan that week to accommodate the tests?
I think that's it. Just want to get the ball rolling so I can throw all the workouts in my calendar so have the w/o time planned in so I have no excuses for missing it
Thanks! Rachel
ps. had fun out in the mud on Saturday! Posted a pic in the NOS run thread.
I think you stick with the plan, Thurs off, Friday easy run yes. As for the 7th headed back, I'd try to bump Sat to Fri and Sun to Sat...so Sun is your "fake" monday off...and you can then hit that week. (That syncs well as your Friday would be on Thurs, now a rest day as you head back).
As for the test week...I suggest you come back and do Week 7 "again", then Week 8...and then we jump you to Week 10 (skipping week 9). But we can check in when we get there!
Just wanted to check in and get your opinion... So OS has been going great, and I'm actually pretty excited for test week next week.
One of the girls I run with is looking to unload an entry to a 12 mile trail race on 8 Feb (she has a stress fracture). I was thinking about taking her up on her offer to transfer it to me, as it's supposed to be a really fun race. Lots of hills, TOUGH hills but everyone I know that's done it thought it was great. Presently registered for a road half marathon on 1 March as well. I'm not too concerned about the timeframe between the Dursley Dozen and Bath Half, but I'm not sure if this is a "smart" decision, if you know what I mean. Just curious what your two cents would be.
I think both races are fine, IF:
(1) you don't get injured running on crazy trails, so play it safe please!
(2) you don't really train for it that week other than perhaps an easy 30' run. It's swim camp / recover from OS week so I want to see lots of sleeping in and swimming!
(3) you recover properly afterwards with 1-3 days off as needed as you will be recovering from the race AND the OS you just did...
Run test... did not go well today. Well, it did, but I had some issues with the hills and my lungs feeling like they were going to come rocketing out of my chest. Legs were ok though. So, even with GAP it was lower than my current test.
I ran a 44:22/10k on NYE and 35:14 for a 5 miler last weekend.
Should I just leave my vDot as it currently is, and then possibly adjust after the half marathon on 1 March?
I ended up deciding not to do the 12 miler because I have cross country races with my run club on the Saturdays of swim camp. I decided I'd rather do these (and will still honour the conditions above!
So, the 1/2 is on a PB Friendly course, so from a race-specific guidance perspective it should be useful. We'll need to tweak my plan that week.
I had a place in a pancake flat 10k on 22 Feb but transferred my entry to someone as I am spending the previous night in London for a concert, and now I wish I was running it!
It was very hard to resist the urge to go for a longer run last night.
Looking/thinking ahead to the HIM Plan which starts for me... really soon (as a week of swim camp will fly by I'm sure!).
Until I think early March, I have french at the University on Thursday nights after work. So, for the first few weeks I'll be a in a pretty tough spot to get the Thursday long run in. Once it's over, I'll be fine to complete the long run. Just wondering what you'd recommend to modify the plan for those few weeks? I'm trying to figure out if I can tweak my hours a bit at work to get the big run in over lunchtime and then work a bit later given that I have class on campus, which might work the best? I don't know if realistically I'll be able to pull myself out of bed at 4:45am to do a run, but stranger things have happened! I guess if I know I have to do it in order to get the training in I will make it happen. So, i guess if there's a way to mix up the workouts a bit so I can do something else on Thursday (ie: trainer ride as I am happy to do those late in the evening) for the first few weeks that would probably be good!
Next thing, thinking ahead, is the 2nd week of the HIM plan (or, I guess actually week 10 but week 2 for me) I've got the Bath Half Marathon on 1st of March. Any suggestions on tweaking the week to suit this? I'd like to race it to see where the fitness is at at the half marathon distance, and (ideally) try and PB, but equally i know that it is a minor race in the big picture of the big goal, which is the HIM. Thoughts?
As for the half we generally recommend you use rear as your long run for the week, doing an ABP ride on Thurs instead. Sat ride is for time, not intensity, and no run on Sat. Be sure to read the wiki on run pacing etc.
Yeah that sounds good! I'll give it a go with the split run next week, and see how it goes - got some input from some coworkers on routes!
Hey Coach P,
Getting back in to things and wondering what the best way to tweak my weekly schedule. On Wednesday nights until the end of February I have a spin class (1 hour, high intensity interval workout). Just wondering how I should tweak the schedule to make this work. I was planning on doing the durability run once I get home from spin, so I am guessing it will replace tuesday or thursday's ride but I'm not sure which.
Pretty excited to be back to training! I'll be even more excited when I finally get over the jetlag from Adam and my trip to Helsinki for the World Juniors (nice bronze, btw! USA sure dominated Sweden!).
Yes to that Spin class, and I would plan on it replacing the Thursday ride...I'd like some Thursday downtime as that's a late Wed PM....deal?
Hey Coach P,
I'm mulling the idea of doing a marathon this fall. This would be my first marathon. I am contemplating entering the Chicago Lottery, and failing that, will look for another race around that timeframe (probably Toronto Waterfront).
I'm racing my 70.3 at the end of June (Mt. Tremblant), and am wondering if that's enough time to get the volume build, etc. in given the recovery required after the 70.3. At this point I'm soliciting advice and thoughts on this and haven't made a decision either way really (but know I need to decide soon if I'm going to enter the Chicago Lottery). My running, in general, has been going well, and it's a distance I haven't completed before which also carries some appeal, even when it means a lot of running in the hot Ottawa Summer. Acknowledging that my current zones suggest if I put the work in I'll be in BQ territory (need to go under 3:35), I'm also inclined to see if I could do it (hence, looking at faster courses).
appreciate your two cents, and any points I should consider
thanks! Rachel
So on (A) it's a function of how quickly we'd need to ramp up to the longer runs (you'll already be pretty fit)...but you can split them as need be to get the mileage up quickly and safely.
(B) On your schedule, usually triathletes find that without bike and swim training there's a lot of time in your life! Some of that needs to be dedicated to recovery, for sure, but in general you should be good. For example you can do a longer run mid-week as well as on the weekends...that can help the running get up there pretty quickly.
Pick some race options and drop them in there with dates and we can go from there in terms of planning!
I am 100% Flexible on Schedule - want to make this work. Have put way more thought/consideration in to this than I did when I decided to do my first half ironman...
So I say STWM, ASAP....OK? (I still remember my dumb joke!)
You have plenty of time, and time to do quality running after you come through a good half set up...so things are good here. Very good. Now, back to your regular training!!!
Hey Coach P!
I've got a commitment on Saturday from 10-1, then another commitment at 5 ... which breaks up my day in a really awkward way! I was looking at potentially doing the run and part of the bike (IM*Half Wk12) before my late morning thing, then the balance when I'm done and back home, before dinner plans. I was going to do it on the dreaded trainer, which is a lot of butt in saddle time. I was thinking about doing MS1 and MS2 as one, and then a movie ride (aka the Z2/Z3 bit) after.
Due to some drinking social plans on Saturday night, I don't want to swap Saturday and Sunday as I'd like to maintain the quality of the Saturday workout as much as possible (and let Sunday be a huge sufferfest lol).
I just wanted to check if my thoughts around how to tackle the workouts on Saturday makes sense, or if you have any suggestions!
I like the idea of a split bike day...get the quality done in the AM, then bonus for any PM riding...I love it. Earn your Saturday night out..just make sure you are fully hydrated before you start the party!
Sunday, just be careful with the effort...I know you'll be smart based off of your "effort" on Sat PM!
Hi Coach P,
I've got the Ottawa Race Weekend Half Marathon Next Sunday (May 29) and I'd like to actually make a go of it (ie: not have dead legs from a 3.5 hour ride the day before). Can you please recommend some adjustments to the plan for me next week to facilitate this? I'll be on OS Wk16.
I can probably insert a long ride on Thursday and/or Friday.
I like to put that long ride on Thursday...or as long as you can. So the weeks would be:
Mon - As planned.
Tues - (Move Wed bike + Run here)
Wed - (Move Tuesday Run Swim here)
Thu - Long Ride
Fri - Swim only
Sat - Easy Spin of 40 to 60 minutes.
Sun - Race
Ps for the record you are in the HALF plan...when you said OS I had a mini heart attack!