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Just hanging out in the bike

Hey Boomers. Question for you. Frequently I just hang out on my bike while reading or watching a movie. Not a workout - this is post workout during the evening. For example - right now I'm watching a movie - spinning 10 mph just to burn a few calories - maybe an hour or so. Is there any reason i should not do this during OS? I know once I'm training for IM I should not do this. Any thoughts or experience on just hanging around on your bike?? As a boomer, keeping my matabolism going is good.


  • I'm not a boomer, so I can't speak to that end of things, but I'd say it depends on how you are recovering. If you can still hit all workouts as prescribed and are feeling like you are recovering between workouts, it is ok. Might even be some good active recovery. If you find you are dragging, definitely cut it out. Regardless, might be better to instead of just "hanging out" for an hour where the calories burned won't be great, add some Z3 work to bike workouts (15-20 min) and Z2 work to runs. That will give that time more purpose, and you'll get more out of it training-wise and probably caloriewise. Also, keep in mind the mental aspect. The low volume now is key to being ok spending 4+ hours on your bike come IM training time. You don't want to overdo the time on the bike now and be burnt out by doing stuff that isn't netting you anything in a training sense.
  • I think it's fine for active recovery. Zone 2 might give you a little more training benefit without hurting your key workouts...but no higher than Z2!
  • I would through this question to the coaches if I were you , in your micro thread.
  • Between the ages of 48 and 61, I routinely bike commuted 20 miles round trip 2-3 times a week. It was not done as a workout - traffic, weather saw to that. But I firmly believe it made me a faster racer than if I had not been doing it. I see your "active TV watching" in the same category. It won't hurt you, and it will probably help. As long as your IF during that time is below 60%, it will not interfere with your ability to hit your numbers during the OS workouts, IMO

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