B-Freck's small world (AKA Bec's Micro)
This biking newbie is having troubles sticking a Z4 for 8 minutes. Earlier this week I made it 5.5 on the first interval, then about 3. On the fly, I altered it to 1' on, 1' easy for the remainder of that particular workout.
Today I rolled with 2' Z4, with 1' Z1 between. Trying to get the same "exposure time" at Z4 pace.
Just wanting to make sure I'm taking this in the right direction. I am going with HR training; also having a hard time getting all the way up to Z4 the first... 75% of reps or so. (Still was true on the 5' and 3.5' attempts.) I'm writing that off to my being a bike newbie... my legs are still wondering about this foreign land I'm trying to lead them through.
Am I altering this in the correct way? Thanks!
If you need to rest during the interval, try to keep breaks shorter like 30 seconds, or 20 seconds. Then back on it....we don't want too much of a break!
Here's the link to the videocast from Riiiahtch:
And I'll test my pic kung-fu while I'm at it:
I just recieved my annual email that I'm a Gold Member at Starbuck's for another year - raising my mug to you, cheers!
(1) Do SC now thru XMAS - let's not rock the boat and the rhythm you are on.
(2) Play in Holiday Run Challenge vs Real Training Thread - run and have fun, low stress.
(3) OS 1/5 thru 4/6 - Join the JAN OS and get some serious work done, get fit, make friends, have fun. Consider working in a 1x weekly swim to keep you fresh for indoor tri season.
(4) Swim Camp 2 Weeks thru 4/20 - Rest Two weeks with a swim focus.
(5) Short Course Plan 4/27 to 7/12 - Short Course plan (for realz!) to get you on track for the first half of your race season.
(6) TWO week Transition - We'll have to figure something out, but I want a break before you turn into the HIM stuff as that's a long build and solid work!
(7) Load HIM plan to end on 11/8 - Just as planned.
FYI, I did submit the Run Test HR Language change...thanks!!
Some thoughts:
+ Run and fun are good things
+ I think my head will be square-er after holidays and hubby's work travel are done and we're back to "normal" (if there is such a thing
+ I'm excited for swim camp! I'm oblivious to the pain I'm excited for, but I'm excited!
It'll be a good change-up, methinks. In running, I've had a hard time maintaining focus more then 10-12... ok, probably 8 weeks. (LOOK, something shiny! Time for speedwork toward that!) Partially due to me overthinking the self-coaching aspect... which is part of why I'm here. I think having 3 disciplines will help too.
+ I was kind of looking at the one week transition and wondering if it was enough, but it was far enough out I wasn't going to flag it. Glad to know there's flex.
I'd like to run a New Year's Day 5k as my run test. Can I flip-flop Wed and Thurs that week or does there need to be more to it?
That's fine...I suggest Tuesday as planned, Wed is a 45-60 minute steady state ride in Zone 2. Then test, Friday recover, weekend back on the horse!!
Thanks for the chat today! Looking forward to getting the REAL party started.