Eva's Micro All hands on deck!!
Hi Patrick!! Awesome meeting via phone and chatting today! Before I forget I wanted to send you the note about potentially adding the outseason plan in at the start of the New Year... I just started the Run focus beginner plan this week - see below for the overall roadmap... Looking forward to working with you and EXCITED to get going!!!
Eva, here is what I am thinking for you in regards to your plan to incorporate the OS. It's not set in stone, but I think it's a great build across your year that is sustainable and keeps you making progress. Let me know what you think!
THANK YOU!!! This week I had already I'll adjust my plan now and start the Run durability for the weekend and into the remaining weeks... I had loaded the Run Focus on Monday so at least I have my zones established from the testing in that!!! I'll keep you posted on how things go!!
I'm moving on to the HIM plan and my main question is related to the long run... My long runs have only been 1 hour max so to jump straight into a 2 hour run isn't the best for me I think... Also - with the long run being scheduled on a weekday I may not always be able to do the full 2 hours in 1 session... So can I split my long run into 2 sessions - ie morning/lunch or morning/evening and do 1 hour each? And if I can split is there a preference to do morning/lunch or morning/evening?/ Hope you're surviving this weather - almost above 0 celsius today thank heavens!!!
I prefer morning and evening...the lunch option is a nice window to have should you (A) sleep in or (B) want to go out in the evening.
There is some guidance on this in the Run Section of the Wiki under split runs!
THANKS!!! Enjoy the rest of the weekend -above 0 here finally!!!!
It was a few weeks if I recall....so let's plan on the action plan being:
(1) Eat healthy / clean right now as you rest a lot, sleep, and crush it at work.
(2) Walk as you are able now. Bonus if you can do light stretching / yoga.
(3) Start swimming and cycling, when cleared, with no intensity...after 2 weeks of that (4 weeks post surg) we can talk about adding in running, although you can add some water jogging to your swim workouts as you see fit.
Once you get through week 4 we can re-submit!
Ok Patrick - proof I may be crazy... Here I am 2 full weeks post surgery and feel amazing...
I've been out on my bike - no problems.. I'm going to the pool tonight to see how the swim feels, and tomorrow morning I'm going to the surgeon for my follow up... I'm going to ask him as well - but.... I haven't sent my refund request in to IM yet... I know I know but... I'm now thinking maybe I can still do Galveston but take it easy and not "race".... Swim like a training session, take it easy on the bike, and walk as much of the run as I need to??
I'm just really struggling mentally wtih a) the amount of suffering I endured on the dreadmill this winter... b) all the sweat under my bike/trainer.... And the fact i feel fine so..... Why not do it but take it easy? Just wanted your thoughts/wisdom.... I can update after I see the surgeon - obviously if he tells me I'm nuts and will do more damage then I'm no longer going to question it...
Thanks Patrick!!!
My surgeon says I'm good to go - I can "race" Galveston on the 26th!! It won't be anywhere near a personal best but I'll get the tshirt!!!
I'm going to head out for a run in a bit, and then take my bike out tomorrow for a final spin - say 2:30 or 3 hours?? Any thoughts on next week and what I should incorporate into my week as we're also travelling down there? Yup - certifiably crazy!!!!
Thanks Patrick!! I was grinning from ear to ear on Friday morning as I skipped out of the surgeon's office... I think he blushed a little when I told him I loved him...
I am totally planning on going out, having fun, laughing, and crossing the finish line no matter what the time is.. I'm even thinking just for kicks to not wear my Garmin - HEAVEN FORBID... Then just see on the swim/bike how I feel compared to my times... I'm not even going to worry about the "run"..... 2 weeks of nothing but walking is a bit of a loooongggg taper.. HAHA!
I'll be sure to let you know how it goes and then we can talk about next races/plans... Thanks for all the support and advice!!!
Well that was certainly one long slow day in Galveston... Flatting on the bike did not help but... At the end of it all I was out there to have fun and I did. .. now onto the rest of the season... I'm all registered for Tempe 70.3 in October and could do Muskoka on July 5th if it makes sense... My swim is what it is - a constant progression.. Bike is fine but - the run is where I really need to focus and work... It has always been my achilles and I'd rather take some time now to make it a priority vs. worrying about racing... So - should I resubmit my season outline to come up with a new strategy?? Should I jump into a Run Focus plan? Before the gall bladder attack I was getting my run time down but I'm still looking at a 13 min mile.... Help???? I'm off to Calgary on a business trip for the rest of this week so will take my running shoes but am hoping to have a fresh plan to start on Monday May 11th...
A good friend is convincing me to do a half marathon on June 20th - in Niagara on the Lake so nice and flat and is a good goal I think??? Hope all is well - looks like you're having fun with the camps!!
I agree, working on your run really removes Muskoka (and your event with your friend keeps you motivated and on track), but improving your run is a function of both hard work, recovery, technique and body composition. All help move that needle.
Before I go crazy here, what is your "normal" weekly run volume in miles? I know mine is about 30...I can get to 40 or even 45 but that's really pushing it. Also, what's your 5k test time?
As for the running, I say we put you in the Balanced Half Marathon plan through when you are running with your friend so you get in a good amount of running...why don't you load that up and let me know what you think!