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Adding races during training....

Hi, Coach Patrick.  Quick question: if we are adding races (5k, 10k, and up) during our training, should we notify you or Coach Rich and have our plan altered or just add it in and use common sense.  For example, I have a 25k coming up Jan. 3 and did not know about it when I did my season training map questionnaire.  I'm also planning a half marathon in each Jan, Feb, and Mar.  The shorter distances have been easy to add so far, but the longer is what I'm wondering about.  What's your suggestion?  Thanks - and Merry Christmas.


  • Alison - I think anything of the half marathon distance a longer should be on our radar. Coach which may not necessarily alter your plan but it's good to have there on the roadmap so I can see it as well. I can help you here incrementally, you just have to tell me the plan you are in and the week and I can go from there.

    Most importantly, take a moment to head over to the run section of the wiki (under resources) and review our race execution guidance for the half marathon close enough approximation for how we want you to pace it. Hope that helps!
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