Stomach discomfort while running
Went out too hard in my week 8 VDOT test. Legs and heart rate recovered nicely, but by 3k I just wanted to throw up. It feels like it's a result of my heavier breathing during these max efforts. rather than muscular/core fatigue or anything, but I could be wrong. Anyone experienced this, and/or have any suggestions?
Yep, this is one of my...benchmarks(?)...for when my fitness isn't that great -- I get this nauseous feeling in my stomach/core during hard efforts and it's something I just can't push through. I've found that doing a core routine really helps it go away.
Thanks for the input guys. I did my VDOT test 5am on Boxing Day. I think I was still carrying a little food from Xmas. Might be more careful with my scheduling in future.
Though this wasn't the first time it happened, so maybe this is the kick in the pants I need to commit to the core workouts. They always seem to be the easiest workout of the week to blow off
Definitely worth giving that a go long term to try and fix this problem. Thanks coach Rich!!!!