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Kim Eagle Micro Thread to shift days

Hey Patrick.  Can you help me figure out how to adjust my days. I just input my IM Intermediate program to start tomorrow (WOO HOO)!

 I'm able to swim on Mon/Wed afternoons (lap pool) and do a Masters on Thursday afternoons.  I think I can leave the Monday and Thurs swim.

 But I teach a cycle class on Tuesdays that I will likely need to count for one of my rides each week. I do a lot of interval trainings.

 I can run Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun

I can RIDE on the trainer ANY days....but ONLY outside on Thursdays/Fridays.  

So how should I adjust my weekly plan? Could I do:

Mon: Run with Swim

Tues: Bike (class) 

Wed: Run: LONGER RUN (I'm training for Half Marathon For Jan. 25th)

Thurs: Masters Swim

Fri: Outdoor or Trainer ride bike with the 20 min brick?

SAT: Bike Trainer

Sun: weights/cross train or day off


  • Ill hit this on Friday AM!
  • I know you are super busy and it was the holiday. So I'll try to make my questions for my schedule as easy as I can. I'm really trying to nail my schedule down as I head into week 2. One big question I have: are all these bike rides done on my trainer?  When do we ride outside? Also, I notice you always have us run before our rides.  Would it be okay to do my 2 Long Rides in a row with my long run the day after (Plan B below)?

    What is most important in my week?  I have a couple options on how I can rearrange:

    My Plan A:

    Mon: Swim/run

    Tues: I take a bike class on a trainer 1 hour (only for 6 weeks) and teach a cycle class 1 hour (but I can barely work out on my teaching)

    Wed: Run

    Thurs: I take a bike class on a trainer 1 hour and will do Masters Swim class

    Fri: RUN LONG

    Sat: Bike (trainer)

    Sun: Bike (Trainer)


    Plan B:

    Mon: Swim/ Run

    Tues: Bike Trainer Class and Teach cycle

    Wed: RUN

    Thurs: Swim and Bike Trainer class




     Which plan is better?  Once we need to ride outside, I will need my long ride outside to be on Thursdays or Fridays (BETTER ON FRIDAYS).

  • Kim, thanks for understanding! Here goes...

    1) I pick your second option. I like the Long run on the Sunday and the Monday being swim, with a short run (not too hard) in fact, you might want to bump the run to after your Tuesday "easy class" so you get more Monday recovery...Wed can be your FTP / Interval run. Sat is on Trainer, etc.

    2) You don't need to ride outside until mid-February, as in Week "IM09" in your Triathlon Season RoadMap™. But if you can b/c the weather is good, let's do it.

    3) You will need to bump to 3 swims a week by "IM09" as well, so maybe think about where that would fit.

    Also when your 6 week trainer class is over, will you continue to ride intervals on those days?

    Thanks again and have a great week!
  • Thanks for the call yesterday!  One other quick question about my schedule.  Since I am doing this great Bike Trainer Class on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5 more weeks...could I add one hour after the trainer class (but like an hour later) and make that one of my 120 min. days on the bike?  Or is it better to ride the 120 min. all together?  I ask because I will be riding 4x/week due to this class and don't want to overdo it.  I could still do 120 min. ride the next day.  Let me know your thoughts on that one when you have a chance image
  • I think adding the time on one of those days is a great call, I'd suggest doing it on the Thursday ride before your Friday off unless your schedule dictates otherwise.
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