Peter's 2015 Micro Thread
Hi Coach,
I figure I would start a new micro thread for 2015. Anyway, I have a question about returning to cycling after a marathon break. I tried to do an FTP test and I got frustrated during the 20' section and gave up I have spent the last week kind of doing my own thing with some extra cycling in preparation for starting get faster next week. I am having trouble figuring out what FTP to go off of. I feel like a test isn't so accurate because I will have quick gains I hope. I am also noticing some weird things. This morning I did a total of 20' at my last known FTP and my heart rate was low, but my legs felt like death. At 170bmp my legs feel like they are burning and giving out, yet I averaged 170bmp in the marathon I just did. Should I just go as hard as I think I can for the FTP work and try to increase it each week? My VO2 max from the botched test was 298, and my all time PR was 309, can I just carry this ratio over for FTP?
Next week will be week 4 of the Advanced Get Faster plan for me and I will be travelling Fri-Mon. I will actually be in Kona of all places! I am going to miss the Saturday bike because of this. Should I do a different workout on Thursday to make up for it? Also, any tips on where I should open water swim? Is it safe to try to swim the actual Ironman course? I will also need to do a 90 minute run while I am there. Any tips on that as well?
Yes, I believe the swim course is buoyed for most of the calendar year. We just had someone swim there two weeks ago on the course, Ron Slack. You can see here:
As for the run, I would run up and down Alii drive, assuming you are close to it. It's flatter than most areas and traffic is slower there too. From King Kamehameha hotel out 5 miles and back (10 total) is the first part of the race run. You could go out on the Queen K but that's just wicked busy. If you are going to be doing the resort thing, maybe find Lance Armstrong on Strava and see where he ran a few weeks ago...
As for the FTP question here is where I am at. My last season FTP peak was 253. I am now 4 weeks into heavy cycling. Last week I was able to finally do a 2x20' that felt good with a strong finish, the intervals were 241 watts followed by 242. This past Saturday I did an outdoor ride that included 30' at 256 watts, and the last 20' was at 262 (which would yield an FTP of 249). The 2 hour 20 minute ride had an average power of 214 with a NP of 234 which is 0.92 IF based upon that 253. Do you think I can now assume I am at least back at where I was? Should I test half way through Get Faster?
I am in week 6 of the Get Faster plan and I am racing a half marathon this Sunday (Not Ideal I know... but I am also racing again in 2 weeks, but a 5K)
Yesterday for the long run I had to bail early and only did 8 miles, but it was some really solid work with a lot of Z4 and Z3. I ran an easy 3 today which was not part of the plan. So....
1) My initial plan is to just leave everything the same, except maybe just do an ABP ride on Saturday instead of the scheduled ride. What do you think about this?
2) What pace should I target? I did a 10 miler at 6:11 back in September, and I feel more fit now than when I did that race. However, I haven't run more than 11.6 miles in a while. My thought is to do the first couple at 6:30 and then settle into a 6:20 pace and see what happens? I really just want to average faster than 6:26 and come in around 1:24, do you think this is doable? I did the 3x1 mile @ Goal 5K pace recently and averaged about 5:40 for each mile.
In light of the VO2 failure and the fact I am racing the Half Marathon on Sunday I now know I need to dial things back. Here is my plan:
As of today my TSB is -26
Wednesday (Today) - Just the swim I did this morning (I was going to run at lunch but now scrapping that)
Thursday - 45 minute easy spin on bike. 45 TSS points
Friday - Swim and easy 30 minute run
Saturday - Off completely
Sunday - Race
If I do this then my TSB will be exactly 0 on Sunday.
Quick vdot training number question. I nailed that race! I finished in 1:22:52 which validates a 56 vdot at the 13.1 distance! My question is what vdot do I train at? I have now tested twice in the last 6 months with a 5k TT and both times it was 17:56, also a 56 vdot. I feel like I can't get too much faster in a 5k, but instead I am able to hold that 56 for longer and longer distances.
However, I have actually been training for the last 6 weeks as if I have a 57 vdot, and the intervals are doable. My Z4 has even drifted faster all the way down to just below a 6:00 pace (instead of 6:09).
The question is, how should I train? I feel like I will be stuck at 56 forever, but I want to keep improving. Do I keep everything at 56? Or do a fudge it a bit and give myself a vdot boost because I can handle the intervals?
Most folks in your situation need some bike love time....
My HIM run PR is 1:34 at Oceanside and my IM run PR is 3:32 at IMCDA. I want to be Sub < 1:30 for the HIM (I think I might already be there), and I really want to be around 3:15 in the IM, not quite sure how far off I am from that.
So you think I should sort of put the run in maintenance mode and stick with the 56 and instead put my energy in the bike? How far off of a 3:15 IM do you think I am?
As an update I did race a 5k (Officially 16:53 but wayyyy short, was on pace for 17:43 so I am going with that) and bumped myself up to a 57 vdot. I think I will train using the new paces, but will race St. George aiming for the 56 Zone 2, because my half marathon vdot is 56.
Here is the question: I am on week 10 of the HIM Advanced plan. Next week I am travelling to Europe (Sunday - Saturday). I will not be able to ride, swimming is uncertain, so running is all I have.
Looking ahead, week 11 is a Big Training Day week, and the following week is a test week. I just did a test week so testing seems like a pointless idea so my plan is to do the the run workouts for week 11 in Europe, and then repeat week 11 the following week instead of testing. Does this sound reasonable?
Also, how should I fit in some extra running to make up for the missed biking and swimming? (Want to make sure I am still burning calories because I will be in the land of pretzels, sausage and beer)
I suggest you plan on a daily 30-40 run that's just steady, no flash. If you can, combine with some core stuff (Swim cords for bonus points)....that will fill your non-run-workout-days. Then do the run workouts as planned. Don't feel like you have to run...if you have the chance to do some kind of walking tour or hike, do it and count it.
Check in when you are back (after posting the obligatory "me with a stein full of beer" selfie)!
I am looking forward to week 18 in the Adv HIM Plan and it has both 3x15' @ FTP on the bike, and (2-3)x1 mile @ Z4 on Tuesday. The bike has almost always been on Wednesday up until this point. Is it really the intention to have both of those workouts on Tuesday?
Also, the following week (Week 19) I will be travelling Tuesday - Thursday. I can easily run on Tuesday and Thursday so the only workouts in question are a swim, and the bike on Wednesday. Should I try and shuffle stuff around to try and get the bike in? If so, what should I do? I might be able to find a pool on the trip to do that swim.
Anyhoo. Thanks! Also, I am sorry I missed that podcast, but I am still up for doing it!
As for the bike, I'd like you to have that done before you let's plan on it for Monday before you cut that sunday ride a bit shorter to accommodate it...then run as you can on the road, swim Friday and regular weekend to close out Wk 19.
If you can re do the podcast I'd love to have you for it!!!! Just text me to set it up...
As you know I broke my collarbone 4 weeks ago. I have been cleared to resume swimming, biking and running. I have been biking regularly since the accident on the trainer, but sort of just doing my own thing. I have been doing about 4 hours a week with a mix of intensities, mostly Z2 & Z3. I have the Tour of California next week where the plan is just to survive and have fun.
After next week I need to figure out what returning to running and swimming looks like. My A+++ race is Wisconsin and I figure I need to be back to full on training mode by the end of June so that gives me about 1.5 months to rebuild.
For running I am thinking starting with 3-4 30 minute runs per week without much intensity and work my way back up to up to 30-40 miles a week. Or do you think I can start with more?
Swimming is what scares me the most. I feel like pulling will be ok, its the reach and the catch that I think will give me the most trouble. How do I approach this?
1) you don't need to hit July 1 at 100% in all three. I'd say August 1 for the swim, July 1 for the bike and somewhere in between for the run.
2) the biggest thing we DON'T WANT to do is use old numbers as a whip to get you running / swimming out of your comfort zone with your shoulder.
3) your PT should have you doing a bunch of exercises related to reaching / grabbing, those will build strength / competency. You can get them to add in some basic rotator cuff strengthening as that will help prepare your muscles without putting you in the dynamic position that is the swim catch.
I say plan on keeping the riding up...if you could get in two longer rides on the weekend (or during the week) b/c your swim and run are minimal, I'd take them. It all goes in the bank.
The run is about durability..I'd be looking at 4-6 weeks of short runs where you get comfortable with the art of running vs numbers. Something like 5 x 20 minute runs in week 1, 5 x 25' in week 2, 5 x 30 in week 3...ideally by the end of June you are running about 4 hours a week, with two of those in the hour range.
The swim has to be much more dynamic and again, is really directed by your PT, etc. I can't recall how long I took off from my swim, but I remember quite a few 20 minute swim sessions. In fact, I did some kicking with fins just practicing getting into a streamlined position, etc, as that was harder for me than "catching"...I also swam with fingers open to reduce the load on my shoulder, etc.
Please keep me posted and feel free to draw up a more detailed plan based on your schedule...for now, ride that TOC baby!!!
Congrats on the KQ! Awesome race!
I survived the tour. The first 2 days sucked, I felt way out of shape and my back and shoulder were killing me. By day 3 I got my mojo back and finished the rest of it with the 'A' group. I made everyone proud as you may have heard
My question is how to train the bike. Should I follow one of the plans? Should I try your 2x12' and 4'x4' workouts in addition to some longer rides? Or should I keep doing my own thing? I am feeling pretty good about the bike right now, during the tour my 5 hour power was approaching 200 NP which is my goal for Wisconsin.
I like the idea of a basic week for like 6 weeks...that will keep life easy and by the end you should be on track. Happy to map it out for you, but please let me know what your life / real world constraints are before I dive in...thanks.
PS way to bring the pain at TOC...but allow yourself some recovery this week...80% for you right now is really 95% for your are just so fit you can fake it until you make it...
I am definitely feeling the effects of the TOC! I have been running 20-25 minutes at a time this week at an easy pace and I feel like a fish out of water, legs very heavy. I can't tell if this is just because my legs are thrashed from cycling or if my running has really been this set back
The biggest constraint I have is that my wife is 37 weeks pregnant! We are having a baby! Long rides and swimming are going to be the hardest thing to do because of all the admin time. Jumping on the trainer or ducking out for a quick run should be pretty doable. Would it be possible to have a quick phone call to talk through this a bit?
* home workout options
* job hours / commute hours
* your family support options (parents / in-laws around?)
Looking forward to it!
I will shoot you a text to figure out a time. To answer your questions:
1) I have a bike trainer at home and can I run around my neighborhood
2) I work 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and my commute is 30-45 minutes. I work a few miles from the Rose Bowl in Pasadena which is where my pool is as well as good running options. Historically I do most of my training here. I leave my house at 5:00 AM and get to the bowl in 15-20 minutes (beating the traffic). This approach leads to the least amount of friction because my wife and son sleep in until about 7:30 so I would rarely see them in the morning anyway.
3) My parents are reliable and live 1 mile from us.
I also have the option to do small amounts of training during my 1 hour lunch break. If I swim I can do about 30 minutes. I can run up to about 45 minutes.
I am going to take 2 weeks off of work when the new baby arrives.
Thanks again for helping me out with a plan. I really like it. I sent a reply with some feedback and follow up questions to the direct message.
In case you didn't get the direct message, here are my questions about the plan you set up for me. Again, thanks so much for thanks so much for doing this. I really like this plan a lot.
1) With the 2x12 and 4x4, I assume the idea is to try to increase the watts each week? I have now done two of the 2x12 sessions, the first at 245,245, and the second at 247, 252. The second time I felt much better and my heart rate was lower.
2) With the run totals, it seems like the idea is to do lots of 3 mile runs and then the one long run. Is this what you were thinking? One week in particular targets 30 miles in 5 runs but has a long run of 20 miles. How do you see the remaining 10 being broken down?
I am thinking this kind of layout works best for my schedule in the basic week (modeled off of Get Faster):
Monday: Swim
Tuesday: FTP Bike, Run
Wednesday: Swim, Run
Thursday: VO2 Bike
Friday: Swim (Potentially run as well)
Saturday: Longer bike or FTP #2, (potentially run this day as well)
Sunday: Long Run
For weeks with more runs I would first add a run to Friday, and then Saturday before bike.
Once that big weekend of 2x5' rides hits, I would switch the long run to Thursday and ride back to back on the weekend. This will work well, I will only have to completely take over the weekend for 5 weeks.
3) I also like the idea of the big bike week. I will see if I can take some time off of work to do this. If I took Thursday/Friday off I could ride 4 big days in a row. With this, I could move the long run early that week, Tuesday? Or would it be better to do the long run on Sunday after 3 big days?
I think this plan will set me up for a great race. I feel that I am a chronic "early peaker" so I really like build to heavy volume so close to the race.
Physical therapy is going well. The session starts with a 6 minute warmup on this hand-cycle type thing. Switching direction every minute. They then massage and work on loosening up the whole shoulder. My main problem right now is range of motion reaching straight up. It almost feels like it "catches". After the massage this problem temporarily goes away for the session. I am just really tight I guess. They are having me do lots of different exercises, lifting a stick backwards while laying down, doing some work with 3lb weights, lots of stuff with pulleys and bands. I then get ice for 10 minutes.
1) YEs, increasing FTP until it just won't go up any more...but that in and of itself is a nice place to be...roll that plus it makes like so much easier.
2) I messed that week up. For a 20mi long run week, do 4 runs with the other 3 being 2x3mile, 1x4 mile. Sorry! And I love the plan layout and how well it works for you. That attention to detail is what is going to make the biggest difference in your IMWI performance, I promise.
3) BBW good..and Thu to Sun is good...but that week your run volume should be 50% the prior weeks...I would run short Mon, 10 on Tues, short on Wed (Swim Mon/Wed) then you are a roadie. Doesn't have to be super hard / technical riding..just lots of good steady. Road bike totally fine here.
4) Thanks for the PT update. Keep up that "finger crawling" exercise, but I'd get them to pay attention to your scapula as well. Basically the scapula rotates as your arm goes overhead...adhesions around the scapula can prevent that. Not even from the accident; could have been a pre-existing issue or just exacerbated by sling time.
One of the best PT sessions I had post shoulder was when my PT pretented my Scapula was a dinner plate stuck in super think mud and tried to get it out by digging all round it, some graston technique etc. Seriously worth a shot. Let me know what they say!!
I have a few more questions. I have done the following swim workouts so far (workouts designed by myself)
1) 200 WU, 4x100, 4x50, 200 CD = 1000yd
2) 200 WU, 6x100, 6x50, 100 CD = 1200yd
3) 400 WU, 10x100, 10x50, 100 CD = 2000yd
4) 200 WU, 8x150, 2x100, 6x50, 100 CD = 2000yd
Basically I am just trying to work up to longer sets. Before the accident my threshold was 1:35. Right now I am doing the intervals at 1:43-1:45. I am basically doing the longer intervals until my pace falls off and then drop down to something shorter, this happened with my attempt at doing 150s. My plan is to build up to being able to do 6x400 @ 1:45 or better and then switch over to Mike's 9 step program, coin visualization and all. I ordered a wetronome. What do you think?
Also, I am a bit ahead in terms of Run mileage from the plan you outlined. Last week I did 18 miles, ahead of the 12. Should I just hold at 18 until I line up with the plan?
I don't want you swimming longer than 100s right now. I personally like 100s in sets of 4 as Steady / Steady / Mod-Hard / Easy, where Mod Hard = close to threshold. Just cycle through. Keep it at 2k until there's no drop off for you at the end...then move up.
IOW, the "goal" is a better 2k of swimming to move up, not more volume in and of itself...your swim will go exponential this year, your final 8 weeks will be solid, you just need some time (maybe rejigger mike plan to an 8 week vs 12 week focus).
More run mileage is fine..just increase it with the "spirit" of the need to "hold".
Nice work!