Team Ultra - Week 16 of 24
Rest week in terms of total hours and run mileage this week. Going for something in the range of 35-40 miles while making sure I get some intensity in there as I monitor the total weekly TSS build during this week.
I hope to run Saturday on trails to complete my total weekly mileage and take Sunday off completely but, we'll see how the week unfolds given we have New Year's Eve in the middle of the week!
My legs were tired and my ankles sore from 3 weeks of good running and the added stress of negotiating trails, roots, mud, rail road tracks, leaves and little boys running along with me. Good stuff! My eleven year old asked me Saturday if we could do this everyday! Wonder which direction he is headed down this road of life??
Have a safe, resting week and enjoy basking in all that 2014 was and all the 2015 has to bring!
Sounds like the kid is a chip off the ole block LOL !
Great week TC! Watched you rack up the hours each day! ......needed a nap after that.
26 miles of running this week for me, but 10 of those at Z4 Tues - Thurs and 1st place on the run EN challenge.....had to cool the legs off from running the rest of the week and I am lucky I did not injure myself doing that. 5+ hours of biking in there and 2 swims.......857 TSS vs. 1,019 prior week - so a lower load overall.
Next week is a new cycle ramping up more time outside, on trails and less time on Z4 work. 22 degrees here this morning before the wind, so praying that changes damn soon!
Saturday is a training day at Bandera - 25K trail run on rocks, roots, dirt, hills, raccoons, lizards, leaves, sticks, rabbits, coyotes and other competitors............should be stupid slow but hopefully fun.