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Eating on bike - calories

 I know EN says eat between 200 and 300 cals/hour while on the bike.  I'm just curious what most folks do.  I'm 6'0" 178 (should be 168 ) and I've been going for between 250 and 275 for HIMs.  I saw Rich tweeted out that maybe we should try and go lower...say 200.  What do most of the folks on here actually take in?  200...250...300...what?  With all my cramping and what not, I'm really trying to nail this nutrition.  I think I'm gonna go for 200/hour and see how that works out.  Would be good to hear from folks around my size.


  • I'm a little lighter than you, and I go 250 calories/hour. Are you wondering HOW to get the calories or just how many.
  • Whatever you do, try it in training. At the end of the day bike nutrition is setting you up for the run. So if your runs are sub par of your have spectacular issues at the end of your day, chances are they are related to your bike eating habits. But going between 250-275 cals isn't that big of a delta...dropping to 200 should be interesting. What TYPES of calories (per bill) are you eathing and when is also critical.

  • And when you say cramping issues are we talking about exercising muscles (i.e. leg) cramping or digestive (stomach/abdominal) cramping?  What's your sodium/potassium intake like amongst those calories that you're taking in?

  • My Infinit formula is 273/cals for 2 scoops (1 serving). For all my recent workouts (including the second half of last year), I've only been using 1 scoop per bottle/per hour, that's only ~136 cals - and I've not had any problems. No solids, no gels, nothing else - just this Infinit.
    For my training, I take an extra ziploc with more powder to add with water.
    For races, I make a more concentrated concoction, and dilute with water from the profile aero bottle.

    I'm 6'1" and about 200lbs, guess the body will tell me if I need more - or it'll take it from my fat reserves.
  • As far as cramping, mine are muscle cramps in my inner quads.

    @ Patrick - I get all of my nutrition from my Infinit...nothing else. I don't take any other forms of electrolyte supplements either. The only electrolytes that i get are from my infinit.
  • On REAL hot days, I'll take some pickle juice too! Tastes like arse (especially when it's warm or - gawd forbid - HOT), but it works wonders!

    I just saw this article today, which reminded me...
  •  A buddy of mine switched to First Endurance's liquid shot and EFS drink.  He says he eliminated all of the electrolyte pills, etc. and has had no issues with cramping since switching.  I'm gonna give it a shot.  Honestly, I think its an "everyone's different" type of thing.

  • Hi , I am doing my "A" race in about a month (70.3 Kona, June 5). I am going all over the place in my mind with preloading salt, not preloading, but I know this is mostly an "eating" forum. I am 100 lbs. 56 years old and a month ago in Kona I got heat stroke , not full blown but bad enough. I want a "standard" for my bike, it was too windy so I have to wear a camel back, I could not take one hand off the handles because of the wind, so therefore the Camel will have to be wear I put my calories. I did not finish it all when I did the bike a month ago. But will also bring a few gels just in case. Does anyone my size have a "rule of thumb" for the heat and humidity of Kona? I have gone through various dilutions and types of nutrition and just can't seem to nail anything. Know this is kind of a round about way of asking, but I don't want to bonk.

    For the run I am going to drink or gel OFTEN, if anyone has 13.1 miles of running nutrition ideas that is great too, during the run will be the heat of the day and of course I will be the most tired of my life. again no bonking allowed, thanks, Linda

  • Linda: Have you seen a doctor to ask about the safety of doing this race? Once you've had heat stroke, you are much more sensitive to heat. My hubby had a bout of heat stress a few years ago and is now much more sensitive to heat than he used to be. He has to be very careful when out in the heat/humidity of Texas summers.

    We need lots more information to help:
    Have you done a sweat trial to see how much fluid you need?
    Are you a salty sweater (crusty/white rings on clothing when you finish)?
    What exactly were you eating/drinking and how much last time?
    What is "often" on the run?

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