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marathon march 38

I have a marathon 3/28/10, however since it is not my A race, but my B race iw 1 month after, i am only training my run to 18-20 miles and walking the rest-my A race is IM Nov 7.  So, how to i achieve a solid half but training my run longer one month before?

Patrick said we could figure out a hack to my plan to allow for this.



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    Mary -

    Help me get this straight. A race is IMFlorida, but you have a marathon on 3/28. You have a B Half Iron about 4 weeks after your Marathon too, right?

    And you want to train to run about 18-20 on race day, taking care of your body by walking the last 6-8 miles, and resting a bit in anticipation of the work to come.

    Is this correct??

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    Hey Patrick

    My race is IM B2B Nov 7 is A race

    I will race a half IM in May which I want to be solid and I am doing a marathon 3.28 however since my B race is the half, I only care about training my run to 18 miles-20 miles.  I have just run my first 7 miles last week.  I run with the galloway method and have made a 2 week build cycle working back from a 2 week recovery cycle before the race, since i'm not training long.   I don't know exactly how to add in these long runs with building power and trashing my thighs.  in the past i have put my runs 48 hrs from my long bikes, but we aren't doing really long bikes right now.  So, how to have me ready for a good solid 20 miles 3.28 and solid half by second week of May on a windy flat course that is usually VERY hot?

    thanks for your input.




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    see reply in discussion, basically yes.  but i do run the galloway method which works well for me.  i do 2/1 and 3/1 intervals.



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    Mary -

    Sorry for dropping the ball on this...stuck in the holidays it would seem! I think you stay with OS as you are now and we can transition you from OS-->Marathon (should be easy transition in winding down) and then bouncing back for the half. Yes, there will be some friction on that back side of the marathon, but I really can't answer anything about that as we are talking 16-20 weeks away!

    In terms of now, I suggest you put the long runs on Sunday until they get longer than 12 miles, at which point you should do on Saturday after friday OFF. You'll suffer a bit on Sunday's bike, but you need to get quality runs in. That's how I would insert the Galloway runs! Your goal would be to have your last long run about 21 days out (about 20 miles), and start tapering down from there. Probably want to have 2 x 18 milers too, so space those out working backwards from the 20 miler. I usually recommend that non-hard core runner folks go, in BACKWARDS ORDER!!!!, 3 weeks of race+taper, then 20 (on the 7th of march), 12, 18, 12, 18, 16, 14, 10, 14, 12, 10, 8, 12, 10, 8.

    And that 8 would be your "7" that you ran this weekend! 

    Hope that helps...


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    Thanks.  Since i'm just looking at this as an easy race, and only going to 18 miles, would you just consider a 2 week taper rather than the usual 3week?  that is what i was thinking.  i agree with the sat/sun run transition

    thanks for your input


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    I think a two week taper would be fine, HOWEVER last long run is 3 weeks out (at end of 4 weeks to go, you get me)...you can still go hard in that third week after the long run, but not Long. image We can also crack this nut when we get closer...

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