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Running heart rate range

My heart rate when running at a zone one pace is only about 30 beats per minute slower than my maximum heart rate and about 40 beats per minute above the target zone one heart rate computed using the EN calculator.  

Seams the range of heart rates I have running easy to hard  is substantially smaller than those indicated by your calculator.  

Is this a concern or should I just stick with the pace based zones and ignore?

My calculations were done using a 23:08 5k and a 165 average heart rate for this effort.


  • Ken, sounds like we have some friction here! I would suggest you go with the pace based zones for now; curious how your HR could be so much higher than the zones -- are you running indoors but you tested outside? Has your HR been consistent over time or have you noticed a trend/change? Thanks!
  • Testing and running has been indoors on treadmill set at 1%.

    You think it could be this off season speed work has me exhausted to point where can not run at a low pace with a low heart rate and rest is needed? 

    Appreciate and believe in the value of this work but have never done it before and sure feel it

  • Ken, exhaustion is usually expressed as a SUPPRESSED HR, not an elevated one. Elevated HR is a symptom of temperature, dehydration, poor running form, or incline. But if you are indoors where you tested, the temp should be controlled as well as the incline.

    Please tell me:

    1) How you measure HR (Strap or on treadmill itself)?

    2) What is your HR for the intervals vs a Zone 1 run.

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