EB micro OS hack
Completely get why I can't hit 3X1 right now in my run considering this is my first week back to speed work... but it still pisses me off. Is it best for me to hack the adv OS plan breaking my miles into 800s or maybe just starting back with the OS beg/int plan?
Not hitting a session based off of your functional numbers isn't a failure...it means you aren't rested enough for that session. Can you give me some ideas of how we can improve the pre-3x1 prep?
Ps obstinacy can be a super power!
Everything was going great until Spring Break hit. Ended up hanging with kiddo uno instead of getting my prescribed wko in Tues/Wed. But if we're being honest, my 10 mile run on Sunday had be pretty stiff. Monday swim helped a bit, but still didn't feel like myself yesterday.
Need your thoughts on a few things.
1. Finishing out this week strong, knowing that I have a mountain ride on Saturday (60 miles, 4400 vertical climb)
2. I've got my first post injury 13.1 April 11th. I got about 21 miles in last week and was cooked. I did prescribed 400's + Z2/3 miles today and felt awesome.
Should I plan a long run (90 min) for next week and do an ABP shake out ride on Sunday afternoon? Maybe plan a brick run after Saturday ride?
I'm in wk 11 of OS I think.
In terms of your week pre HIM, I'd like to see you run 2 x 90' -- both on the upcoming sundays...then the week of the Half there's minimal running. Like 2 x 30' minimal.
No ABP shake out please...do your OS week as planned, only modify the long run as required. Mondays and Fridays NO WORKOUTS PLEASE UNTIL THE OS ends.
Remember...annual project.
I only had time for 60' run today. Did the 3x800 at z4 though. I'll plan to add on time to W run and continue to power through last weeks of OS.
Is it bad I've yet to switch to TT bike? I've still got my PM on road for indoor/mountain rides.
I can find another half marathon, I can race a 5k this weekend, or just keep going with training and not worry about finding a race?
I have been asked to do ride in a relay team at Charleston 70.3 April 18th which I think I can swing with family stuff. Thoughts?
Hurt my knee at mile 11 in my run because I had to stop abruptly to avoid a car. Patella tendon is very angry with me for doing that. Rest, ice, and recovery is the name of the game now unfortunately. Since this is an annual project, I'd rather take a few days off than an entire season, right?
Yes, hoping I remember how to ride aero. Guess that is one way to get used to it again.
Finally couldn't take it anymore and went to ortho urgent care. Good news is confirmed MCL sprain with no meniscus damage. He recommended a shot of cortisone to knock out the rest of the inflammation. My PT is giving me grief about doing that and says it was stoopid but I went with the MD advice. I'm supposed to load HIM plan tomorrow. PT tomorrow, swimming the rest of he week. Cool? Probably going to bail on the relay Saturday just so I can keep healing and be closer to participating 100% for BR camp.... Thanks for being my sounding board this week.
Might be worthwhile to check out....at least it can't hurt!
Give you didn't have lateral trauma like a football player does, this is probably a repetitive stress issue...are you addressing any other bigger picture issues with your hips?
I'm a bit concerned about my build to Raleigh which just hit me, is in 3 weeks?! Swim I can get up to par, but my run concerns me. I'll head out for a run after preschool drop off this morning to see how I feel. My plan is to run 4/5 Z1/2 miles, and add 30 minutes each run day with some pick ups? If I get through this week, then I'll attempt some mile repeats next week with a long run, kinda diving back into the plan.
Do you think I can get there to actually race? Or should I just focus on dialing my training back in, and maybe use the race as a big training day?
While you were busy racing, I was busy finally feeling back to my old self again. RR on Sat went great. Open water RR on Sunday evening went ok. I got through it. FINALLY got a long run in today, and in 90 degree heat as well. Although a bit conservative, I nailed my pacing and nutrition with no real issues. Felt like I could have kept going. I even put together a race plan for Raleigh thinking I might actually be able to do this thing...
Should I attempt to fall back into the plan for the week? Or make shift until at least Friday? Here is what I had planned:
Tues: Swim
Wed: 60' FTP work session, 30' easy run
Thursday: Swim
Friday: RR bike, followed by 6 mile run
Sat: ABP?
Sun: Rest (I'll be at the lake so I'd love to do another open water attempt if I can)
Thank you SO much for helping me get through the last two months!! Again, huge congrats on such an epic day in Texas.
Off to get the kiddos ready for bed - Talk soon EB
Your week looks good...I'd keep the SAT ABP ride to like 2 hours, where the first 30' is just cruising around to get loose...then have some fun. Sunday swim only please unless you are tired..if you are / grumpy / etc just take the day. You'll thank me at mile 8 on run of race day...
Monday: Swim, plus a 2 mile at Z2.
Tuesday: Bike Test or wait?
Wednesday: Swim?
Thursday: 4 miles Z2/Z3?
Friday: 2 mile run easy?
Sat: BSG 100
Sun: Rest