Become a Race Captain in 2015!
Become a Race Captain in 2015 for Team EN!
Now that many of you are exiting the OutSeason® Training Plan, it’s time to start thinking about the rest of the year -- and we are recruiting Race Captains for the remainder of the year. If possible, we’d like you to commit by 2/28!
Race Captains are a huge part of the TeamEN experience, helping to bring the Team to life across the many weeks that exist between the end of your OS and actual race day. You don’t need on-the-course experience or a massive race resume -- we are looking for folks who can lead online, have a sense of humor and can help “direct” members of the group to do the right things at the right time. This could be pointing out when to contact the coaches to asking them to post a photo online to reminding them to complete their Team Bio!
We have made some subtle changes to the program to make it much easier for you to be an awesome Race Captain, leaving you to really inspire and motivate your fellow teammates on route to race week.
You will also get a FREE month of Endurance Nation membership as our thanks, plus a few other things, TBD!
You can view the full details of the Race Captain Position online here:
You can apply to be a Race Captain online here:
Thanks again for your support!!!
Brenda and the EN Team