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Team Update: Referral Drive, Uniform Sale, and Ruster Sports Discount



Your TeamEN Weekly Update!     

Referral Drive Countdown: only 11 days remaining!

As you know, after February 15th we will raise the price to new members from $109 to $129 per month, our first price increase since 2011. Only 11 days remain for you to refer your friends to the Team so they can take advantage of this pricing change. Remember:

  • Have your friends email us at friend@endurancenation.us. We'll send them a secret signup link that they'll use to:
  • Create a FREE 30-day vs 7-day trial, a $109 value. Then, if they decide to join...
  • They'll pay $109 vs the street price of $129, and...

There is no limit to how many people you can refer or FREE months of membership you can receive!

Uniform Sale: Get your TeamEN Kits at the Best Prices of the Year

The sale ends on Monday, February 9th. Order now to guarantee you'll receive your triathlon racing kit in time for the new season. And don't forget to order your WTC World Champs t-shirt also! Complete details here.

January Volume Camp

The 2016 January Volume Camp is open for Early Registration! Save $100 if you sign up before March 1st. This will be our Second Annual Camp, and it will be just as awesome as the first. How do I know this? Every single one of our campers is coming back...literally! As a result we only have limited slots; please be sure to make your deposit soon! Learn more about the JVC Camp here.

WANTED: Case Studies

Please help EN spread the good word -- Complete the EN Case Study form so we can tell your teammates, and the tri-world about you! Please don't be shy! Deadline is this Friday! 

From the Race Director

Now that many of you are exiting the OutSeason® Training Plan, it’s time to start thinking about the rest of the year -- and we are recruiting Race Captains for the remainder of the year. If possible, we’d like you to commit by 2/28! Become a Race Captain in 2015 for Team EN by learning more here!

Team Challenges:

Your February Team challenge is the Presidents Day Weekend Bike Challenge which starts on February 14. Sign up here. For anyone who took part in the January Swim Challenge, please enter your results here, so that Brenda, your Race Director can tally the results and announce the winner!

Wiki Updates:

Run Re-Entry Protocol How - to get back up to running, EN-style, after an injury or lay off, via the wiki page here

Blog Updates:

The Four Keys of Triathlon Training -- Key #3: The Box, by Coach Rich
Patience & Discipline: How To Set Expectations for Performance as a Self-Coached Triathlete [Part 3 of 4], by Coach Patrick
The Four Keys of Triathlon Training: Key #2: Return on Investment, by Coach Rich

Coach Chats:

Twitter Chat:

#ENTriChat every 1st and 3rd Monday proves to be the place to learn more about our sponsors, connect with new athletes and have some fun along the way. This week's topic "How to Safely Add Run Volume to Triathlon Training" with one of our newest sponsors Inside Tracker was a big hit! Read the recap here.

Podcast/Video Updates:

The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training, with Coach Rich. 
Patience & Discipline -- The Art of Season Planning Part 3 of 4 

Sponsor Update: 

Ruster Sports: 20% Discount for a Limited Time Only!

Ruster Sports is our newest sponsor and is offering an amazing 20% discount on their Armored Bike Case. This tremendous discount will only be available February-April so be sure and jump on the opportunity! Visit Ruster Sports and use code EN2015 to save!

New sponsors continue to roll in -- thank you for your feedback in the Forums on the sponsors you want us to find. Please keep it coming and please continue to tell your friends and training partners of all the amazing deals we have!!

Thanks again for choosing Endurance Nation!

Rich and Patrick

Your Endurance Nation Coaches

PS - Remember, we're here to help you 24/7 via our
support email service. Don't be shy!

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