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Tish Collier Micro

I've noticed that although all my 1/2 mile repeats on my run workouts are hitting their marks ( approx. 5 seconds faster than Zone 4 pace), my mile repeats are suffering. I tire SO easily on those, and have had to stop and walk a bit in between. I know that I haven't been drinking as much water as I normally do ( work as a school nurse and have been SO BUSY the whole day at school lately), so I know that can cause low energy.

Should I just do as I can? Will be changing OS plan to IM plan on 2/23/2015.


  • Tish- you need to fuel as in sports drink and actual food. image plse tell me you plan your workout food and pack it and use it!!! That said, working btw repeats is ok, just nut DURING them. We all have different levels of work we can sustain and it will take you a bit of time to adjust to the TP runs. Keep it up and promise you get to fueling! image
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