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Phil Mills' Micro Thread

I am having a difficult time extending my run volume on Sunday's.  Can I extend Wednesday's run with additional Z2 time, so long as it does not impact Thursday's bike?


  • Phil, that's a great alternative...see how it goes. How much run time are you getting in on Sundays?
  • Today I was able to get in 70 minutes. I am usually only able ti get in the MS with a warm up, so 50-55 minutes. I want to ensure I am getting the volume in for when I move into the HIM plan.
  • Coach Patrick,

    I have been having pain in the ball of my right foot and have not been able to run since last Wednesday. I will get an x-ray today and see my doc tomorrow to see what's going on.

    I can still bike and swim, which I am continuing to do. I am in week 12 of the beg HIM plan. I would like to start pool running wko's to keep up my run fitness. What schedule and frequency do you recommend?

    To keep up the cardio fitness, I was also going to add another bike wko and a swim one time permitting. Coach Rich said to keep the bike wko's to 4.

    Thanks, and have a great race this weekend.
  • Phil, yikes! Be sure to check your running shoes (like newtons) as they can exacerbate such issues. You should head to the Run Section of the wiki for water running info and a basic plan you can follow: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Running+Master

    If you are in run jail, we recommend you do Tues/Thurs bike intervals and keep the Sat / Sun bikes as planned. That info is in the wiki under Run Jail here: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Run+Jail+--+How+To+Modify+Your+Plan+To+Stay+on+Tra

    Good luck!
  • I am one month out from an SI joint sprain, which I accomplished from installing a dishwasher. Go figure. I wanted to get your recommendation on where to set my Vdot while working to gain back some of the speed I have lost. I have been working on volume over intensity and ended last week with 32.5 miles. My SI sprain has not been affected during the last 3 weeks of running. The rest of my body, getting back up to speed/volume, has been the limiting factor.

    Based on pre-injury runs, on very fatigued legs, my end of NOS run would have been 54, up from 52 at week 8. My thought was to drop it to 49 or 50, but don't want to make it too easy.

    My PT cleared me to ride my tribike, which I did yesterday. 60' where I probably pushed harder than I should have. In your experience, how much bike fitness is lost in a month's time. I am looking for a starting place to resume my training intensity.

  • Phil, I have done my fair share of random crap; that's the stuff that always injures you. I don't really care about your vDOT. I want 6 weeks of just running (30-40 mile range) before we start thinking about it...this will give you time to work in the bike as well to make sure your whole system can handle it. So keep it steady / TRP right now.

    The bike fitness should drop by about 10%...but you'll get it back before you know it. I'd rather you ride just by PE right now...the watts will come. Would rather you finish an interval / workout surprised vs pushing to a number at the outset.

    Pushing is okay when you are healthy...we need to prove that first.

  • Deal. Glad I asked, instead of doing something even more stupid than I already have. Intervals aren't in the cards. Volume I can do. Thanks for saving me from myself here.
  • That's what you pay me for!!! So happy to help...
  • I had a hamstring strain that occurred on 12/30. For the past 3 weeks, I've been working with a PT on strengthening exercises so I can reduce the chances of re-injury.  I was cleared to begin running up to 3 miles per day, on back to back days only if soreness isn't an issue.  This will be my second week back on the bike with no restrictions.

    What guidance do you have to come back after 3-4 weeks off from steady running?  My plan is to ramp up to a steady base mileage of 25-30 miles per week before dropping back into an OS group to incorporate speed work.   Between the holidays and this injury, I've carved a big hole into this year's OS, which is my favorite training cycle.  

    Race season is dependent upon how my run ability comes back.  June 3rd would be my first race, however if run durability and speed aren't there, I will drop it for a later race.
  • Phil, I like being cautious here, and your proposed approach is great. We also have a Run ReEntry Protocal that can help you out (wiki here). 

    Note that we go walk run there, and I'd encourage you to do the same. If you want to do 25 miles a week, then do the math on that total running time. 

    So 25 miles at 9:00 pace is 225 minutes. If you divide that up into 5 sessions, that's 45 minutes. So 5 x 45 minutes but is 5' walk/ 5' run in Week 1. Then a bit more run in Week 2, etc. 

    IOW, the total TIME is there, we are adding run to that time. Does that make sense? 

    ~ Coach P
  • Yes it does.  I'll start with it today. Thank you.
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