D Sutherland Macro
Family demanded a ski vacation a week from now. So we are going to Whistler for a few days. This is also the first week of HIM training. I can run on treadmill and bike on stationary, there is a pool but it is short. All that said, skiing is a serious leg burning endeavor for me. Do you advise I scratch tri training for the week and start on week 10? Or is there value in fitting in workouts during the week?
Also, I am running a 15k March 1. Does this alter my season roadmap? I assume it takes the place of my long run that week.
Hey Doug,
Yeah, don't even bother running, etc on your trip. I've brought running shoes on snowboarding trips with the intention of running on the treadmill in the AM. Didn't even come close to happening
. Just pick up Wk10 when you come back. No changes needed to your TSR for that race. That will just be your long run.