2015 St. George Week 10
I finished up the Get Faster plan yesterday and today is officially my first day training for St. George. I imagine that others are now jumping into the plan as well? Lets get some training mojo going and crush this race!
I finished up the Get Faster plan yesterday and today is officially my first day training for St. George. I imagine that others are now jumping into the plan as well? Lets get some training mojo going and crush this race!
Currently on GF week 7 will finalize GF plan with an OLY March 1st and junp into HIM race prep week 12 on March 2nd.
Looking forward to see/meet all in St.George!!!!
I am focusing on my nutrition plan (pre, during,post). Last week I did a long run and felt great the first 40 minutes. Then all of the sudden I was extremely fatigued and my heart rate went very high for the pace I was running. I ended up walking 3 miles home. I was extremely disappointed in my lack of performance and I could not figure out what went wrong. Then it hit me,I got so busy at work that day I only consumed 400 calories at 7 am and consumed nothing else until after my run which was at 4 pm. I believe this is what caused my melt down. Tomorrow is a long run day and with proper nutrition I hope my performance vastly improves over the last time. (Finger crossed). If not I will be reaching out to the coaches.
Looking forward to meeting everyone soon.