@Chris - I don't really use it anymore, but I have the type that opens up and my ipod shuffle is placed inside and then closed. I can look to see what brand it is since I've never had issues, but the way to go now is really to buy a shuffle from a company that has waterproofed the unit for you. My wife has one and although it looks like a typical shuffle (no case), it is coated and waterproofed and then used with special headphones. This is less bulky and can also by used for running in bad weather. I'm not in the market for one, but if I were, this is the way I'd go. Here is a website for one company, but I think there are several if you google "waterproof ipod shuffle":
The Finis Neptune works well and gets good reviews. I love mine.
It actually is not a pair of headphones, but an mp3 player where the music is transmitted through vibration in the water and then through your cheek bones.
It actually is not a pair of headphones, but an mp3 player where the music is transmitted through vibration in the water and then through your cheek bones.