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When To Get on Tri Bike Outdoors

Multi- part question: I currently have my tri bike on the trainer. I also have a road bike that I'll use when I can get outside once the snow melts (in July at this rate). Anyway, I just got a power meter on my road bike so I'm wondering if I should keep the tri bike on the trainer for an indoor ride option as long as possible? And if so, when would be ideal to get on the tri bike in the "real world" for a June 7 race? (Quassy Oly)

All of that being said, since Quassy is stoopid hilly and just an Oly, would I consider just riding the road bike for Quassy? I know usually a tri bike is faster on any course, but keeping the tri bike indoors for as long as possible might note be a bad thing....

And finally, if the answer is to ride the road bike for Quassy, back to question 1 (when to start riding the tri bike outdoors) but for IMChoo...

Mo' bikes, mo' problems I guess. image


  • Kim, it's been very nice weather here in the PNW this winter so I've had my tri-bike out on the road several times already. Since my road bike is a 14 year old aluminum bike I tend to ride my tri-bike a lot. I do have fenders on my road bike so that if it's wet but otherwise nice outside I can ride it. I also take it out some if the tri-bike is on the trainer or I just want a roadie experience. My wife also does triathlons so we're always switching bikes on the trainer, so for me it's more of a decision of which bike do I want to ride that day.
    I don't know the Quassy course so I don't have an opinion.
  • I try and get on my Tri bike 8-10 weeks before an IM. Shorter, less important races I cut it a bit closer. 4 weeks will usually provide enough time to get comfortable in that riding position and reset my numbers/ expectations.
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