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The Annual "Come to Jesus" Workout

Every year I have some watershed workout, the one that's just the hardest thing I can remember doing...like ever. It's the workout that reminds me that what we choose to do isn't easy, at all.

It's the workout that is so hard that doing an Ironman itself just seems impossible.

It's the workout that reminds me that, no matter how badass I thought I was, or how fit I felt, that I have a long way to go to get to where I want to be.

It's the workout that reminds me why I love our sport. There's no coasting. No easy street. Nothing is free.

This isn't "a" specific workout. Often it's the one that hits you when you least expect it.

For 2015, my CTJ WKO was a plain old three-hour trainer ride. Some intervals early on, followed by steady state.

Seems simple enough...but man did I ever try to find a million ways to stop. As it was, it still took me 3:45 to ride the 3 hours...the battle of wills, of voices in my head was THAT epic.

This experience -- for me -- is the line between training to train and getting ready to race. The numbers aren't that different, but the experience says otherwise.

When was your last such session?


  • About 30' from now.

    I'll get back to ya.

  • Not sure this qualifies as epic but I had a difficult 90' bike this weekend.  My plan going in to the Saturday rides is to start getting the 90' in with as much .85 work as possible.  Recently I've been having some difficulty holding the longer FTP intervals so after fighting through 2X15 with 5' breaks I plunged in to some zn3 work.

    First though was 2X15 @.85 but I stopped at 1X10 then headed up stairs for some chamois butt'r that I forgot to bring down.  My wife was eating chili and I just wanted to shut it down and eat.  I headed down quickly so that I would not lose the battle with myself. 

    As I started the second interval, thoughts were of 3X10 now instead of 2X15'.  At the end of the second 10' I realized if I take a 3' break now I might shut it down so 10' became, 12, then 15 to 18 and eventually 20'.  At each segment I needed to coax the legs to keep turning over, just 2 more minutes, just 3' more.  Once I got to 18 it was tough. 

    So I go in my 30' of .85 woke and won a mental battle.  The last 5' was hard but the biggest hurdle was walking back down stairs and then getting over the 10' barrier in that second .85 interval.


  • What kind of time warp were you in that a 3 hour wko took 3:45?
  • Both my rides this weekend. Big week of training -- 1st in build to TX -- cold weather outside, windy -- knew I needed to get the work in. Had some family stuff going on that made just getting the time in difficult. Had no Mojo at all to do either of them but managed 3 hrs yesterday and another 2.5 today. Just felt dead and lifeless on the bike when I had been feeling pretty fit.
    Not ready to jump of the ledge or anything, plenty of time yet to go -- but its just a reminder that despite a good build into the 12 weeks -- Lots of work to do. Time to refocus efforts and make sure next week is better.
  • Stop looking at my Strava account... You've written how I felt today on MY 3 hour ride...I didn't even think I could start...
  • I'm not building up to a race yet but my last workout where I felt similar to what you're describing was on a Thursday in the 2nd half of the OS. My least favorite workout of all, the dreaded 5X5'(3') @ 110%. I thought I was awesome because 2 days before I absolutely smoked the Tuesday ride and of course going into the Thursday ride I was going to own it. I got through the 1st 5' interval and 110% felt like 150%. I think I quit 30 seconds into the 2nd 5' interval, soft pedaled for 5 or 6 minutes and just shut it down. It was completely demoralizing in that very moment and I wasn't super-stoked uploading that ride to Strava but I called it what it was made myself forget about it and came back Saturday and nailed that workout.

    I'm quite sure that later on this summer I will try to ride 5 hours between .85 - .90, (because again, for some reason I will think that I can do anything i want) make it to 2.5 hours and limp 5 or 10 miles back to the car. I will start asking myself all the questions, why am I doing this, it would be so much easier to be at home watching a game on tv or hanging at a beach drinking a beer firing up the grill. Then a few days later i'll be over it and fired up for the weekend to come so I can prove to myself that I can do it.

    Just remember that indescribable feeling of crossing the finish line. That makes it all worth it to me.
  • My San Juan 70.3 race rehearsal today. It came at the end of a big week (which I will not confess here) on a warm, windy, humid day (81 degrees, 93 real feel). I biked 60 going through 56 in 2:43 -- not too far off from what I expect to ride. But I was pushing hard into the wind both ways (common occurrence when the land heats up and the sea breeze forms and shifts wind directions). So I was somewhat toasted after the ride. Started on the 6 mile run and was on pace and feeling OK at 1 mile, then a friend saw me and ran the next 2 miles with me, but at 30 secs per mile below my target pace. I did not recover from that and pulled the plug before 4 miles.
  • Today's run: 15F windy,snowy hilly 18 miles. The "snow chain" on my left shoe broke at mile 17 but got my goal distance done. Felt like I was running on sand most of the time- all done so I'll be ready to run Big Sur with my youngest daughter in April. Really tough session...I guess you'd call it a "labor of love".

  • Right now, it's the last video of every Saturday workout in prep for a KoS attempt. Saturday was SUF Blender and Angels at 100%, There is No Try at 95% and 1/2 of Fight Club at 90%. Couldn't get fight club done - tried everything in my mental arsenal but pulled the plug. I expect this to continue with the ongoing build until April 11 (attempt day) and keep telling myself that the work is not only preparing me physically but mentally as well.
  • I had plenty of those rides during the NOS. They are not fun. Today was a different story in some regards. It was a 2X15 FTP, 7X1.5 Vo2, and then Z3. Last week the Vo2 intervals were inconsistent and sagged towards the end. I decided to try to change today. I started out conservatively on the first one and built from there. I hit them at 1.21, then 1.22 and finished at 1.23 so it was a solid build across all 7, but it was tough to muster. I did a 4 minute rest after that MS and had some food and drink while recovering then hit the Z3. Last week I did 25 minutes of Z3 and felt pretty toasted. I wanted to beat that this week, in fact I wanted to double it. The first 30 minutes were OK and then the demons started telling me that I'd done more than last week so why not slow down to Z1-2 and cruise home. I kept bargaining with myself, just 5 more minutes or the next land mark. I finally thought that maybe I would shut down the Z3 at 45 minutes, but then I got there and decided that I was so close to 50 minutes that I could make it. The last 5 minutes weren't as bad as the preceding 15 but my legs were barking at me as well as my brain. I finished the 50 minutes 2 watts higher than last week. Overall the ride was 2:23 at IF 0.85 which is great, but it was a mental game the whole time.
  • Last Saturday was one of these.
    It is my first long ride for my IM build. I have just completed a 12 week HIM build and race, and am in great bike shape.
    I got a bit carried away on the 5 hour Race Pace Plus ride — the first 4 hours were an IF of 0.763 for TSS of 230.
    But after that, I was really suffering. I had a 10 mins lying under a tree, then rode for 30 mins and had another 10 mins lying under an overpass. Then staggered home with the last hour had an IF of 0.51 and TSS of only 26.
    I really wanted to ring my wife and come and save me, and the voices in my head were screaming at me to stop.
    But I thought at the minimum, I would get some additional positional fitness from the last hour, if nothing else. Afterwards, I was happy that I HTFU. The APB ride the next day had an IF of only 0.73, and I cut it short at 2 hours.
    If my memory serves me, an IM is easier than that!
  • 2.5 hour run, with the last 2-3 miles @ HMP. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is how I always feel when that one comes up - more often than not, the former, not the latter.

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