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IMTX 15 Week 10

Switch was flipped last week.  Is everyone on to the IM plan now?



  • I did the swim workout last night and was only able to fit in MS1 in an hour. This really was a head scratcher for me, as I can usually get in both sets in the hour before the pool closes. Then I looked at today's swim and figured out I was throwing in an extra repeat on MS1, which was MORE than enough to compensate for missing MS2. Here's to paying attention to detail.

    It's probably all good in the end though. I can definitely use the extra swim work.
  • I'm on the beginner IM program. Mine was switched from OS to IM last week

    My swims are a little over an hour for the full workout. I get tired, but still feel like aI can complete the workout. I didn't start the " optional " sets yet

  • CD,
    I switched from swim transition last week to beginner IM plan starting on week 9. I am currently on week 10. At the end of week 12 we'll have some serious leg burn from camp! Need to figure out how to adjust plan to factor in camp weekend. Almost there.
  • Eric, I think you, Latisha and I are all on the same plan, so we can start swapping horror stories. Haahaa.

    And I'm with you on week 12. It's gonna be fun and tiring at camp. But dont overlook week 11. We have a "BIG DAY" at the end of week 11, and then a rest day on that Sunday.
  • And I just looked closer at week 12. It's a test week, as well as camp week.
  • Okay,so yesterday's run was a little tough for me!! I'd like to think it was from those two "long" bikes ( I know I know, we have SO MUCH more to go LOL!). I kept the pace up for my 1/2 mile repeats but fizzled out for the mile. It was a little humid yesterday for the first time in a long time, so maybe that had a bit to do with it. Since I fizzled, I didn't completely give up---I remember reading on an EN instruction from one of the coaches---When in doubt, just run. So I did----Just tried to keep a bit of speed in there but finish the interval. Can't quit!!


  • Hey Latisha, Way to keep going!! Great mental toughness.

    Make sure not to over-do it. We're almost at that point where we have to look at how THIS workout effects the next workout, and every other workout for the week.

    How was your nutrition after the weekend rides, and then leading up to yesterday's run? Did you get the swim in on Monday or Tuesday?
  • @latisha.. Great job... Way to push though. Chris is dead on with his advice... The rest of the way we're each going to dealing with ever increasing level of fatigue. That's what it's all about... tear yourself up with the work... Rebuild with the sleep/nutrition... Then repeat... over and over again. Make sure you're fueling the workouts before/during/after... And make sure you do some stretching/foam rolling to get those legs ready to go again the next day. Way to go... Keep it up!
  • My legs feel trashed today after my workout yesterday. It's supposed to be long run day though. And its 20 mph winds outside.
    Gonna end up at the gym on a treadmill I supposed. BOOOORRRRINGGGGGG.

    I guess the other thing is that I've been standing up since 0800 this morning teaching sex ed. I am a school nurse. So now, I'm in my office with legs propped up. I am in a high school, so I'll just have to make the kids get stuff for me if needed image

    Wish I had worn compression socks today.
  • Run and Bike done for the day. Run was good, but I HATE riding in the cold, and I decided to bite the bullet and do it anyways. My fingers froze up after the first 20 minutes and were absolutely useless by the end of the ride. I couldn't even use my thumbs to shift. I guess it's time to invest in a pair of riding gloves.

    How'd everyone else do today?

    @Latisha, how have your legs been the last couple days? Did the day in the pool yesterday help at all?
  • Hey yall!
    They felt better after I wore my compression socks 2 nights in a row! I had a ROCKIN swim last night. Everything felt good. I hit all my paces!
    I got in 3.5 hours today on the bike, chilly start, warmed up some. Dressed in base, short sleeve jersey, and jacket. Gloves, shorts and tights over them. Neck gator, and headband for my ears.
    This is South Mississippi, I shouldn't have to be doing this image
    Been having some trouble with my lower left back muscle at my lumbar spine. I think pushing against the wind exacerbates it. Planning on a massage soon.
    I chose to do my run tomorrow. I wanted to have two good bikes.
    Oh, and my long run I did outside. The temps were good, the wind was brutal. Found out the next day I ran by a house where a murder-suicide happened either that night or the next morning. Scary stuff!

    How is everyone?
  • Rough ride today... Two hours in I came across another cyclist who had just went down. He washed out on some gravel and smashed his head hard enough to put two big cracks in his helmet. Waited with him for a half hour until his wife showed up. Took a while to finally get into it again and when I did... my PM started acting up. Kept dropping over the last 30 miles... Data's all jacked up.. Guess every ride can't be perfect.
  •  @CD Get some gloves!!  It seems so obvious to a guy from the Midwest but I know that living in Houston it's probably no where on your radar.  Hopefully I'll bring some warm weather South, the 10 day up here may allow a ride or 2 outside so that's promising.  Way to tough it out. 

     @LC  Like you, the low back pain monster came out early this week. It resolved with a stretching routine from athletes training athletes  (EN affiliated).  Those issues have lingered for years with me, I finally saw a chiropractor and pelvic tilt bc of a muscular imbalance was diagnosed.  I did not like the idea of going to see a chiropractor, but I must admit I am very pleased.  This most recent bout was without a doubt a lack of stretching bc of time crunches and it finally stuck me.  Get better soon and check out athletes training athletes site.

    @EE Tough day is an understatement!  When I was reading your post, I saw two cracks and immediately thought skull!!  Thank God it was only his helmet, but sounds like a tough fall none the less.  Very cool you stayed behind to make sure things were good until the hand off to his wife.

    What kind of PM do you ride with?  Hopefully just a low battery or an easy fix along those lines.  Good luck and get it ready to go for camp!  From last year's IMTX forum I ran across a link to the Woodlands weather from the NOAA.  Very detailed weather tool to use leading up to race, camp...if this link isn't live in the reply I will try again.

    Woodlands Weather NOAA

    I missed Friday's swim due to work but made up for it yesterday before the run and bike.  Very casual in the water, no stress and felt clean in and out of a modified swim routine.  Hopped on the treadmill for 4 and then drove back home to get 3.5 in on the trainer.  Post workout breakdown, I finally fell within a decent IF range .694 and my TSS was 164.  I am still not positive about TSS over 3.5 hour ride but I am hoping that's within range if not slightly under where I should be for this type of ride.

     Hope everyone is staying healthy and staying on track.  Keep up the great work and stay out of the gravel!

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