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Medical -- Chris Davis' Son Diagnosed with Menengitis, in Austin hospital...

Chris was at the Texas camp with us this weekend, completing his first century ride and doing great on day two with more biking and the running.

They resident of the Woodlands, he returned home on Saturday night to find out that his son was suffering from a high fever and was unresponsive to fluids. They have moved his son to a hospital in Austin and are obviously 110% focused on his health and well-being.

I wanted to put this to the team as so many of you are not only awesome, caring people… But many are medical professionals and some of you live in Austin as well.

Please feel free to post here and I will make sure Chris sees your input and support. Thanks!



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    pulling for him.

    will keep everyone in my prayers.
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    Praying for Chris's son and their family.
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    Praying right now!

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    My thoughts are with you Chris! I live in Austin if there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to let me know! Best of luck!


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    Definitely praying that he pulls through this quickly.
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    Praying for y'all Chris.

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    My families prayers and support are being air mailed to you and your son! 


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    @Chris - hang tough...sending thoughts and prayers your way...
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    Chris, sorry to hear about your son. Prayers for you and your family.
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    Update from Chris on 03/23/2015 at 11:15am:

    "He's starting to rally a bit. And they've got his mess dialed in, so it's just a matter of time till he's up and running. He'll be on IV antibiotics for a couple weeks, so that may keep him in the hospital."
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    Thanks guys. Like I told Coach P, he's (Archer is his name BTW) rallying today a bit, but still a long way from well. Christina, my wife and also an EN member, and I are very grateful for your thoughts and prayers for our family, and especially for Archer.
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    Thoughts and prays with you Chris - your EN family is here
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    Glad to hear he's doing well. If and when he is medically stable, the IV antibiotics may be given as an outptient.
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    I hope each day he continues to get better!
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    Great news that Archer's improving.  I'll keep sending the healing vibes.


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    Thoughts and healing MOJO !
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    Thanks for the update, great to hear!
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    Lots of prayers and healing thoughts for Archer and you and your family. EN HUGS to all!
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    Sending Archer MOJO from Minnesota for continued improvements. You'll all be in my prayers.
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    Great to hear that he's coming around a little. Hoping to hear more progress in the days to come.
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    Good vibes being sent to all of you from Wisconsin!
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    Thoughts and healing being sent your way!!!
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    Sending you the best from Miami!!!!
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    Thanks for that update Coach P, praying for the family and sending good vibes from OBX
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    Thinking of you and your family---hope Archer gets well soon!!!

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    prayers for Archer coming from Tahiti
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    Hope Archer is getting better and better. Each day is a gift!
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    Man, we are so blessed. Thank you all for the outpouring of support. Archer is a trooper, and if you want to talk about mental toughness, this little guy has it in droves. So I'm finally back at a computer, and can give a bit of a break-down. Archer got a bacteria called neisseria meningitidis into his system (10% of us all have it on our skin or in our nose, so it's not uncommon really). Somehow, that bug crawled into his spinal column or brain. when it did that, it started the meningitis. Christina Davis (wife and EN member) took Archer to an ER in Burnet TX when he had a high temp (105°F), and was very much out of it. A very sharp ER doctor (name to be determined, and very much praise coming his way when I find out who he is) picked up on the fact that it was meningitis and not some other random virus, and got him started on the right treatment quick. That was Saturday. After a few days of IV antibiotics, an excellent children's hospital in central Texas (Dell Children's Hospital), and lots of prayers, Archer is on the road to recovery. He's still got some things to overcome, but the doctors say he has a good chance of a full recovery. On behalf of Archer, I'd like to say thank you all for the prayers. I knew EN was a great community of athletes, and this whole thing has proved to me that EN is a great community of people too. Thank you guys.
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    Chris and Christina-so glad to hear Archer has turned the corner. My prayers for speedy and complete healing.
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    Chris, so glad all is well. I had Neisseria about 18 years ago while I was a med student and 12 weeks pregnant. Went from waking up with a headache to fever of 105 in about a two hour time span. Within another hour, I was in the ICU on antibiotics and three different blood pressure meds. Crazy wicked bacteria. I made a full recovery and that kid in my belly is headed to college next year. Best of everything to Archer.
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