Half Marathon test - Skip
Hi Patrick. My training program has me testing this week for bike and run. I am running a half marathon on April 18th and will use that for my test. I am presently redoing week 13 of OS and Rich has me scheduled to switch over to swim camp at the end of this week. Any suggestions on how I should train, when to do bike test and also be ready for half marathon. Do I need to communicate with Rich?

While in Swim Camp week, this is your chance to recharge your body after the OS session. I would make sure you have 3 to 4 easy days. Then you can run 2 x 45' @ Z2 / Steady with some Strides. Over the weekend you can run a nice 8 miler as 3 miles easy / warm up, then alternate 1 mile at Goal Race Pace each with a mile of easy running between...that will get you to 8 miles (with 3 quality) and you stop there. Then final week is following swim camp plan with 3 x 40 minute runs with the strides / pick ups at the end!
Let me know if you have any further questions!