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Runner Needed for American Odyssey Relay (May 1-2 in Mid-Atlantic area)...

From a local runner friend...thought I'd pass it along. If they can get a female runner they'd qualify for the "Open Mixed Category" (?) but at this point will take anyone willing to make the journey and log the miles!

If you are interested, please email Mark directly here: mark.schneider@amindsolutions.com

Hi Patrick,

I am running the American Odyssey Relay (http://www.americanodysseyrelay.com/) on May 1-2 this year. It is like a Ragnar event with 200 mi, 2 vans and 12 person teams. We had a few people drop out so we have some open spots. It would be great fun if you can join us, and/or if you know some people that might be interested.


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