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IM TX Training weekend wrapup

Just spend last weekend (Thursday-Saturday) training on the IM TX course -- Had a great 3 days.  Thursday I rode 112 and ran 4.5 mi or so.  Friday I did a group ride w a local training group -- 80 miles and capped it off with a 16 mile run on Saturday --

Some notes/debrief about the weekend and the course -- 

The course for the most part is good -- road surfaces are good except in a few spots -- The wind could be a significant factor -- It was blowing 14-17 out of the South with gusts over 20 which made it fast out the Richards and slower on the way back.  The is a lot of good info on the course in the Wiki and on previous race reports -- highly recommend everyone read them.  My own thoughts are that hydration, staying cool, and STAYING AERO will be key.  As well as utilizing any opportunity to gain speed i.e short downhills and when the trees/course or wind shifts giving you a break.  Mile 65-80 or so is the Worst part of the course -- Bad road surface, unsheltered and will likely be into a headwind -- But after turning on Jackson Rd, the road surface is good and somewhat sheltered -- Speed seemed to pick up --

My own numbers -- 111 miles in 5:27 -- 20.4 avg -- NP 194, Avg Power 192 -- VI 1.01 IF .75 TSS 306.  I drank 8 tall bottles, for roughly 34 oz an hr -- Wasn't enough.  Was thirsty at the end of the ride and out of water.  This shouldn't be a problem to fix on race day.  Salt intake was 1 Salt Stick cap every 30 min -- I believe I got in the ball park of 300 cal per hr -- Need to get 375 or so; will work on this going forward to race day and nail the final race rehearsal.  TSS was a little higher than I'd like to see, but I suspect that the admin in and out of town, stop signs, traffic light etc. cost at least 5 minutes.  This ride was also with no aero gear, wheels, helmet etc. and I was loaded down like a pack animal trying to carry all the fluids and nutrition I needed.  I suspect with a clean course and aero gear, 194 watts will get me close to 5:10 and off the bike with a decent TSS score.  Run was ok -- I was a little slower than EP target but it was clear I was a little dehydrated and feeling the 300 TSS in the legs.

Friday I rode with a group led by Outrival racing -- While this may have not been the best training, it was mentally much easier than another day out on the course in the wind completely by myself. I got in 80 miles of decent riding,

Long run on Saturday went really well -- My legs felt really good, probably because I took it easy on the Friday ride.  I got in 2 Modified loops of the run course for 16 miles at about a low 7:40 avg. 

It was really good to see the course and get in some solid training.  Feeling really good about the Thursday ride, especially since there is still 4 weeks left to sharpen the race fitness. 


  • Mark, great recap here...thanks for sharing!!! I think your estimates for the course are about right...going to be epic!
  • Love your post!  Thanks so much for taking the time to write this!  I went to the Camp this year so I did get to ride all 112 image  I agree, course is not too bad and roads are pretty good.  I think the HEAT and the WIND will be our toughest competitor race day!  image
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