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IMTX Week 15: Race Rehersal Plans. Lets See 'em

I know it's late in the week, and several of us are starting camp/race rehearsal tomorrow (Thursday).  But despite that, if you've got a race rehearsal plan, post it here.  And if you don't have a race rehearsal plan, post your "afterthoughts," so that on the next RR you have a good basis to work from.

I'm hoping to have mine worked up and posted tomorrow afternoon...


  • Working on my RR plan today. I am starting Saturday because of weather and I plan on finishing Monday with long run. I'll post back later today and I feel like just when I was going to rough rough draft this plan, your thread comes up which in turn reminds me what EE said in Texas on the final day. He asked what my nutrition strategy was for the run, and I responded "I don't really have one." Time to get to work.
  • I am a bit out of the loop as i am doing my own plan, mostly.

    I write fairly detailed race plans.

    But why the anxiety about a plan for race rehersals? Just need to work out logistics and make sure nutrition/ hydration is available.

    Nothing to be stressed about as everyone has done plenty of volume already. Main point being to Relax. Nothing scary going on there. Just more of the same. Bringing mental stress to sleep and training can be harmful. Have fun.
  • @Robin: You're probably right, I tend to over-analyze things a bit. I guess for me, it actually helps to write this stuff down. It tends to take some of the anxiety away. Plus it helps me (as a first timer) capture some of the stuff that you guys who have done this before learned in actual races.
  • @Robin Not much anxiety here, it just needs to get done. I can see where the thread would tell you other wise, but to second CD's point I am also a first timer so it's these best practices that will help when it's time to go LIVE. I read your report from last year and a sub 10!!! Burning it up you animal. Look forward to meeting you in what should be another hot & humid weekend of Ironman TX.
  • I'm not sure if I'm going to swim tonight (thursday) or in the morning just before the RR to better simulate race fatigue on the bike. I usually do a 34 mile loop and come home to refuel... this time I'm driving to a park along the way and using that as my pick up point. That should keep me from having a big HR drop. I'll do the 112 and then transition to the run at home.

    Pre WO... When I wake up... 2 cups apple sauce... banana... Protein shake... honey stinger waffle

    If swim... PB gel and gatorade endurance before...

    Bike nutrition... 2 bottles of Gatorade Endurance... one PB Gel... 2 salt stick tabs/ hour. I'll work in a PB wafer cookie every other hour..

    Run... 8 oz gatorade endurance every mile and a gel every 3 miles

    Bike effort... 200 watts (.72)... Run... first 3 at 9:20...last 3 at 8:50

    Good luck all
  • Want to wish all of you great skill, safety and execution for this upcoming RR!  Been watching you guys and must say that it is very inspirational the way the team looks out for each other.  HUGE reflection of strength, character and upcoming success!

    Always, no matter what, KMF!



  • Thanks Shaughn... and yes... you are responsible for the move from .70 to .72!
  • Thursday night:
    Fill 1 bottle of Endurance to drink with Breakfast. Set out salt pill to eat with breakfast.

    Swim prep: Set out goggles and swim cap with tri-shorts and EN Tri Jersey (if it came in the mail today). No nutrition on swim.

    Bike Prep: Pour 9 bottles (24 oz each bottle) of Gatorade Endurance for Bike. Set in Cooler. Pour 18 honey Stingers into Gel Flasks, put 2 into bento box on bike, and 1 next to bike to store in pocket. Fill Salt pill carrier with 10 pills. Set out glasses and helmet next to bike. Set Auto-lap on 510 to lap every 5 miles.

    Run Prep: Fill 20 Oz hand bottle with Gatorade endurance. Fill baggie for a second 20 oz bottle of endurance. Set out 2 Honey stingers. Set shoes with socks out. Set out visor. Set out 2 gallon of water to keep in cooler. Set out canister of perform to keep in cooler in car.

    (total bottles to fill with Endurance is 10 x 24 oz, 1 x 20 oz, 1 ziploc baggie)

    Wake at 6:00 (or earlier)
    Breakfast: Peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread. 24 oz of Gatorade Endurance with breakfast and on way to pool. Salt tab prior to swim (toe cramps during swim have been bad).
    Have all equipment packed in car prior to going to pool.
    Drive to Pool to start swim by 6:30.
    Swim: 4400 yards total @ t-pace average should take me about 1:40 total. First 400 to be slightly above T-pace. No nutrition during swim.
    Bike: Steady bike. 125 w NP for first hour. 131 w NP goal watts. 137 w max on long hills, 144 w max power. One full bottle of endurance every 40 minutes. One stinger gel every 30 minutes.
    Run: 60’ at 12:18 pace. Sit on it, learn it and love it. It feels and is slow, but it’s where I need to be for the first hour of the run. 20 oz bottle of endurance every half hour. 1 honeystinger at 30 minutes.
    Finish by 4:00

    Step 4 (to be determined)

    Step 5: World Domination!!
  • Race Rehearsal #1

    Date Saturday April 11, 2015
    Location Prairie Grass Trail (London, OH) 30 mile trail
    Weather @ 8:00 AM (42 degrees) - 14:00 (56 degrees) Sunny & light wind at 8mph NW


    Swim only.

    Load car with all essentials. Nutrition packed and ready to go. Clif Bars / Gels / PB&J / Endurance Powder and preloaded bottles / Salt Tabs. Bike GPS and Watch charged up.
    Spaghetti dinner, hydration, attitude in check. One last stretch and work on my left knee. Rock Tape applied and knee is ready. Say a prayer to the Orthopaedic Gods.

    Saturday AM

    Fish Oil and NSAIDS (400mg) first thing upon waking
    12 oz Endurance / Water to sip leading up to start. Wheat toast with PB, Banana / Vanilla J+ Smoothie an hour prior to race
    Drive to S. Charleston leaving house at 6:45. Arrive at 7:45 parking in the middle of course, light stretch gear up and ready by 8:00 - Aero Bottle in front / Bottle Down Tube / 2 Bottles of the back / 2 in my jersey so I am ready to go for 3 hours - gels and Clif in the jersey / bento box.


    Race against yourself. No kidding it’s only going to be me out there Saturday but mentally prepare to race only against yourself. Race inside “the box”.
    Expecting to finish in the 6:00 - 6:15 range so goal IF is 69-70% targeting 286 TSS (180 Watts as Baseline may be conservative but need to dig deeper on what number I should be using)
    Easy uphills and rip it going down them.
    Nutritionally 48oz of Gatorade Endurance / hour 8oz / 10 min with timer set on watch.
    Gel on the 15’ every hour and 1/2 Clif with 2 Salt Tabs


    Pace at 10:30 for 6 miles.
    4oz / 10 min on the run
    Gel on the 45’ every hour
    2 Salt Tabs

    Might not be enough for the long haul but honestly have not given much consideration to run nutrition.

  • 10 Apr 2015 02:44 PM


    It's supposed to rain all weekend, so we shall see!

    Was supposed to swim tonight, but was thundering some, so our pool closes when there is thunder 50 miles away . The plan was to swim outside in a lake, but weather was too dangerous with having possibly more lightening. I'm going to have to get that done on Sunday.

    So, in case of race rehearsal that will go as it should:

    Been drinking water and gatorade this week to keep electrolytes and stay hydrated. It has started to get more humid here in South Mississippi. I am really excited about that, as the heat will help me get more " ready " for the race.

    Awake at 5:30 AM for breakfast of 1 cup of applesauce, 1/2 bagel, and 1 tbsp peanut butter--that is about 310 calories.

    Biking starting at 0730:

    Saltsticks--2 tablets every hour starting at 15 minutes into bike ride

    1/4 powerbar at 15 min and 30 minutes =120 calories

    1.5 bottles of Gatorade Endurance=240 calories

    This adds up to 360 calories an hour.

    HR will need to stay within Zone 2---while understanding that on hills, I will be working a bit harder, but try to keep cadence the same and not power up the hills. I am on HRM, not power. Smooth pedaling.

    Plan is to get off bike for quick minute every 2 hours to stretch back out--been having some trouble with left lower lumbar spine.

    2 Tylenol at 6:30am , and 10:30am

    During this race rehearsal, I will do 28 mile loops to be able to fuel up easier at parked car.. Plus, in case weather starts to get bad, I can bail before someone hits a puddle and hydroplanes into me! Then, if needed, I'll finish on the trainer.

    When there are 20 minutes left in the bike, I will take a GU, and sips of Gatorade from 15 minutes left on the bike---so as not too make belly too sloshy coming off bike. Take salt pill a few minutes before getting back to "T2"

    Run plan is to again, take 2 salt pills every hour. Gel every 30 minutes (will carry small 8 ounce handheld bottle of water with me). Gatorade Endurance every other aide station ( so at Miles 2, 4, 6, etc.) Remain calm, and stay within Zone 1 +30 as instructed.

    Get home, shower and scream from chafing.

    Sorry about the spacing in this---I can't figure out how to fix it.
  • Race rehearsal went well for the most part.

    Swim... That's another story... wanted to do 4200 straight, but had to stop after 3000 for a minute and then the rest was broken. I did WAY too much breast stroke and just felt bad during most of it. I'll be increasing to 4 swims a week until race day. I'll drop a shorter run to accomodate.

    Bike... was able to pace great for the first 75ish miles. Stayed on track with my nutrition plan. Then I mistakenly pushed the end button while I was riding... so the file is broken into two parts. All told I held 199 watts/18.5 mph for the 111 miles. Thats 73% FTP. I'll be riding race day at 70% and with a good taper should be in good shape. When I started the ride the winds were rough... but I noticed they decreased a bit as the day went on.

    Run... Was tough to keep the pace down and I think I averaged 9:00/. I had wanted 9:20 for the first 3, but even with a few walk breaks at miles 1, 2, and 3 was unable to get there. I mean what can you say... running after a big day is tough... I did question how the heck I could add another 20 miles... but again... tapered... race excitment... I'll just do it.
  • some strong work going on.   congrats all.  

    just finished a 9 day Big Week.     went well.    I think my biggest week ever hours wise.      back to work tomorrow unfortunately.

    thanks for the comments to my comments.    yes written plans are very useful.       my anxiety is primarily around the Kona qualification thing.      this is my third Texas and this will be my 12th ironman.         I need to remember to focus on the process and let the outcome be what it will be. 

    texas last year was not very hot.      actually looking forward to a hot one this year.

    have a good week start all.    


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