IMAT Questions
Good afternoon Coach: Thanks for the office hour today and answering my questions.
Wanted to ask you a few questions about IMAT: 1) How far in advance of the race would you recommend arriving to help with Jetlag? I'll be flying from California. 2) Since the bike course is fast and the roads are mostly good, what tire pressure would you recommend. I road IMAZ last year at 110 and that felt fine. On race day I plan to be around 160-165 lbs and will ride with 808s. 3) Did you do any sight-seeing that you'd recommend? Christi and I are going without the kids. 4) This will be my first international race, so besides learning to convert kilometers in to miles, any other recommendations?
Thanks again, Bob
1) I'd want to be there about 4 days in advance. Arrive some time tues for a Sat race, for example.
2) 110 psi totally fine, nothing special there.
3) we really hung out in Klagenfurt and went to France afterwards.
4) nutrition -- figure out what they'll have, where and see if you can use it. Also identify a few safe things you can eat so when you get there you know what to order.
Hope that helps!!